#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ Manage VASL build files. """ import os import zipfile import itertools from lxml import etree import click # --------------------------------------------------------------------- class BuildFile: """Wrapper around a VASL module's buildFile.""" def __init__( self, build_file ): self.doc_root = etree.fromstring( build_file ) #pylint: disable=c-extension-no-member self.attribs = self.doc_root.attrib def dump( self, line_nos=False, images=False ): """Dump the BuildFile.""" # dump the module header click.echo( "Name: {}".format( self.attribs.get( "name" ) ) ) click.echo( "Description: {}".format( self.attribs.get( "description" ) ) ) click.echo( "Version: {}".format( self.attribs.get( "version" ) ) ) click.echo( "VASSAL: {}".format( self.attribs.get( "VassalVersion" ) ) ) click.echo( "Next slot ID: {}".format( self.attribs.get( "nextPieceSlotId" ) ) ) click.echo() # initialize opts = { "extract_images": images } def dump_node( node, depth=0 ): """Dump an XML node and its children.""" # dump each child node for child in node: # get the attributes we want to dump attribs = get_attrib_vals( child, opts ) if depth == 0: # this is a top-level node, show it with a header header = click.style( "===", fg="green" ) val = click.style( child.tag, fg="green" ) if line_nos: val += ":{}".format( click.style( str(child.sourceline), fg="cyan" ) ) click.echo( "{} {} {}".format( header, val, header ) ) click.echo() # dump any attributes if attribs: for key,val in attribs: click.echo( "{} = {}".format( key, val ) ) click.echo() else: # this a lower-level node, show it normally val = click.style( child.tag, fg="yellow" ) tab = " " * (depth-1) click.echo( tab+val, nl=False ) if line_nos: click.echo( ":{}".format( click.style( str(child.sourceline), fg="cyan" ) ), nl=False ) if attribs: attribs = [ "{}={}".format( k, v ) for k,v in attribs ] click.echo( ": {}".format( " ; ".join( attribs ) ) ) else: click.echo() # dump child nodes dump_node( child, depth+1 ) if depth == 1 and len(list(node.getchildren())) > 0: #pylint: disable=len-as-condition click.echo() # dump the XML document dump_node( self.doc_root ) # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - def _get_node_cdata( node, opts ): #pylint: disable=unused-argument """Get the CDATA for a node.""" return "cdata", node.text def _get_pieceslot_images( node, opts ): """Get any image paths in a PieceSlot.""" # check if we need to do this if not opts["extract_images"]: return None, None # IMPORTANT! The data in the build file looks like a serialized object, so we use # a bunch of heuristics to try to identify the fields we want :-/ This means that # we might sometimes return the wrong results :-( # split the data into fields val = node.text.replace( "\\/", "/" ) fields = val.split( ";" ) # fields seem to be semicolon-separated fields = [ f.split(",") for f in fields ] # fields can have comma-separated sub-fields fields = [ f.strip() for f in itertools.chain(*fields) ] fields = [ f for f in fields if f ] # identify fields that look like an image path valid_prefixes = ( "ru/", "ge/", "am/", "br/", "it/", "ja/", "ch/", "sh/", "fr/", "al/", "ax/", "hu/", "fi/", "po/", "ss/", # nb: for BFP ) def is_image_path( val ): """Check if a value looks like an image path.""" if val.endswith( (".gif",".png") ): return True if val.startswith( valid_prefixes ): return True return False fields = [ f for f in fields if is_image_path(f) ] # return the final results return "images", ";".join(fields) if fields else None # which attributes to dump for each type of XML node in the build file NODE_ATTRIBS_TO_DUMP = { "VASL.build.module.ASLMap":[ "mapName" ], "VASSAL.build.module.ChartWindow": [ "name" ], "VASSAL.build.module.Map": [ "mapName"], "VASSAL.build.module.PieceWindow": [ "name" ], "VASSAL.build.widget.TabWidget": [ "entryName?" ], "VASSAL.build.widget.ListWidget": [ "entryName?" ], "VASSAL.build.widget.Chart": [ "chartName", "fileName" ], "VASSAL.build.widget.PanelWidget": [ "entryName?", "nColumns" ], "VASSAL.build.widget.BoxWidget": [ "entryName" ], "VASSAL.build.widget.PieceSlot": [ "gpid", "entryName", _get_pieceslot_images ], "VASSAL.build.module.PrototypeDefinition": [ "name" ], "VASSAL.build.module.documentation.HelpFile": [ "title", "fileName" ], "VASSAL.build.module.documentation.AboutScreen": [ "title", "fileName" ], "VASSAL.build.module.documentation.BrowserHelpFile": [ "title", "fileName" ], "option": [ "name" ], # nb: these appear under VASSAL.build.module.GlobalOptions "entry": [ "name", _get_node_cdata ], # nb: these appear under VASL.build.module.map.MassRemover } def get_attrib_vals( node, opts ): """Get the attribute values we're interested in from an XML node.""" # figure out which attributes we're interested in attribs = NODE_ATTRIBS_TO_DUMP.get( node.tag, [] ) if attribs == "*": attribs = node.attrib.keys() # get the attribute values def get_attr_val( attr ): """Get the value for the specified attribute.""" if callable( attr ): return attr( node , opts ) if attr.endswith( "?" ): # nb: this is an optional attribute (we don't show it if not present) attr = attr[:-1] return attr, node.attrib.get( attr ) else: # nb: we expect this attribute to be present, return a "missing" marker if it's not return attr, node.attrib.get( attr, "???" ) vals = [ get_attr_val(a) for a in attribs ] # return the final results return [ (k,v) for k,v in vals if v is not None ] # --------------------------------------------------------------------- @click.command() @click.argument( "input-file", type=click.File("rb") ) @click.option( "-l","--line-nos", is_flag=True, help="Include line numbers for each XML node." ) @click.option( "-i","--images", is_flag=True, help="Show images paths for each PieceSlot." ) def main( input_file, line_nos, images ): """Dump a VASL build file.""" # check if we've been given a .vmod file if os.path.splitext( input_file.name )[1] == ".vmod": # yup - extract the build file zip_file = zipfile.ZipFile( input_file.name, "r" ) build_file = zip_file.read( "buildFile" ) else: # nope - read the build file from the specified file build_file = input_file.read() # load and dump the build file build_file = BuildFile( build_file ) build_file.dump( line_nos=line_nos, images=images ) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- if __name__ == "__main__": main() #pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter