""" Main application window. """ import os import re import json import io import logging from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QWidget, QVBoxLayout, QMenuBar, QAction, QLabel, QMessageBox from PyQt5.QtWebEngineWidgets import QWebEngineView, QWebEngineProfile, QWebEnginePage from PyQt5.QtWebChannel import QWebChannel from PyQt5.QtGui import QDesktopServices, QIcon from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt, QUrl, pyqtSlot from vasl_templates.webapp.config.constants import APP_NAME from vasl_templates.main import app_settings from vasl_templates.web_channel import WebChannelHandler from vasl_templates.utils import log_exceptions _CONSOLE_SOURCE_REGEX = re.compile( r"^http://.+?/static/(.*)$" ) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- class AppWebPage( QWebEnginePage ): """Application web page.""" def acceptNavigationRequest( self, url, nav_type, is_mainframe ): #pylint: disable=no-self-use,unused-argument """Called when a link is clicked.""" if url.host() in ("localhost",""): return True QDesktopServices.openUrl( url ) return False def javaScriptConsoleMessage( self, level, msg, line_no, source_id ): #pylint: disable=unused-argument,no-self-use """Log a Javascript console message.""" mo = _CONSOLE_SOURCE_REGEX.search( source_id ) source = mo.group(1) if mo else source_id logger = logging.getLogger( "javascript" ) logger.info( "%s:%d - %s", source, line_no, msg ) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- class MainWindow( QWidget ): """Main application window.""" instance = None def __init__( self, url, disable_browser ): # initialize super().__init__() self._view = None self._is_closing = False # initialize the main window self.setWindowTitle( APP_NAME ) self.setWindowIcon( QIcon( os.path.join( os.path.split(__file__)[0], "webapp/static/images/app.ico" ) ) ) # create the menu menu_bar = QMenuBar( self ) file_menu = menu_bar.addMenu( "&File" ) def add_action( caption, handler ): """Add a menu action.""" action = QAction( caption, self ) action.triggered.connect( handler ) file_menu.addAction( action ) add_action( "&Settings", self.on_settings ) add_action( "E&xit", self.on_exit ) # set the window geometry if disable_browser: self.setFixedSize( 300, 100 ) else: # restore it from the previous session val = app_settings.value( "MainWindow/geometry" ) if val : self.restoreGeometry( val ) else : self.resize( 1000, 600 ) self.setMinimumSize( 800, 500 ) # initialize the layout layout = QVBoxLayout( self ) layout.addWidget( menu_bar ) # FUDGE! We offer the option to disable the QWebEngineView since getting it to run # under Windows (especially older versions) is unreliable (since it uses OpenGL). # By disabling it, the program will at least start (in particular, the webapp server), # and non-technical users can then open an external browser and connect to the webapp # that way. Sigh... if not disable_browser: # initialize the web view self._view = QWebEngineView() layout.addWidget( self._view ) # initialize the web page # nb: we create an off-the-record profile to stop the view from using cached JS files :-/ profile = QWebEngineProfile( None, self._view ) page = AppWebPage( profile, self._view ) self._view.setPage( page ) # create a web channel to communicate with the front-end web_channel = QWebChannel( page ) # FUDGE! We would like to register a WebChannelHandler instance as the handler, but this crashes PyQt :-/ # Instead, we register ourself as the handler, and delegate processing to a WebChannelHandler. # The downside is that PyQt emits lots of warnings about our member variables not being properties, # but we filter them out in qtMessageHandler() :-/ self._web_channel_handler = WebChannelHandler( self ) web_channel.registerObject( "handler", self ) page.setWebChannel( web_channel ) # load the webapp url += "?pyqt=1" self._view.load( QUrl(url) ) else: # show a minimal UI label = QLabel() label.setTextFormat( Qt.RichText ) label.setText( "Running the {} application.
" \ "Click here to connect." \ "

Close this window when you're done.".format( APP_NAME, url ) ) label.setOpenExternalLinks( True ) layout.addWidget( label ) # register the instance assert MainWindow.instance is None MainWindow.instance = self def closeEvent( self, evt ) : """Handle requests to close the window (i.e. exit the application).""" # check if we need to check for a dirty scenario if self._view is None or self._is_closing: return def close_window(): """Close the main window.""" if self._view: app_settings.setValue( "MainWindow/geometry", self.saveGeometry() ) self.close() # check if the scenario is dirty def callback( is_dirty ): """Callback for PyQt to return the result of running the Javascript.""" if not is_dirty: # nope - just close the window self._is_closing = True close_window() return # yup - ask the user to confirm the close rc = MainWindow.ask( "This scenario has been changed\n\nDo you want to close the program, and lose your changes?", QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No, QMessageBox.No ) if rc == QMessageBox.Yes: # confirmed - close the window self._is_closing = True close_window() self._view.page().runJavaScript( "is_scenario_dirty()", callback ) evt.ignore() # nb: we wait until the Javascript finishes to process the event @staticmethod def showInfoMsg( msg ): """Show an informational message.""" QMessageBox.information( MainWindow.instance, APP_NAME, msg ) @staticmethod def showErrorMsg( msg ): """Show an error message.""" QMessageBox.warning( MainWindow.instance, APP_NAME, msg ) @staticmethod def ask( msg, buttons, default ) : """Ask the user a question.""" return QMessageBox.question( MainWindow.instance, APP_NAME, msg, buttons, default ) def on_exit( self ): """Menu action handler.""" self.close() def on_settings( self ): """Menu action handler.""" from vasl_templates.server_settings import ServerSettingsDialog #pylint: disable=cyclic-import dlg = ServerSettingsDialog( self ) dlg.exec_() @pyqtSlot() @log_exceptions( caption="SLOT EXCEPTION" ) def on_app_loaded( self ): """Called when the application has finished loading. NOTE: This handler might be called multiple times. """ # load and install the user settings buf = io.StringIO() buf.write( "{" ) for key in app_settings.allKeys(): if key.startswith( "UserSettings/" ): val = app_settings.value(key) if val in ("true","false") or val.isdigit(): buf.write( '"{}": {},'.format( key[13:], val ) ) else: buf.write( '"{}": "{}",'.format( key[13:], val ) ) buf.write( '"_dummy_": null }' ) buf = buf.getvalue() user_settings = {} try: user_settings = json.loads( buf ) except Exception as ex: #pylint: disable=broad-except MainWindow.showErrorMsg( "Couldn't load the user settings:\n\n{}".format( ex ) ) logging.error( "Couldn't load the user settings: %s", ex ) logging.error( buf ) return del user_settings["_dummy_"] self._view.page().runJavaScript( "install_user_settings('{}')".format( json.dumps( user_settings ) ) ) @pyqtSlot() @log_exceptions( caption="SLOT EXCEPTION" ) def on_new_scenario( self ): """Called when the user wants to load a scenario.""" self._web_channel_handler.on_new_scenario() @pyqtSlot( result=str ) @log_exceptions( caption="SLOT EXCEPTION" ) def load_scenario( self ): """Called when the user wants to load a scenario.""" return self._web_channel_handler.load_scenario() @pyqtSlot( str, result=bool ) @log_exceptions( caption="SLOT EXCEPTION" ) def save_scenario( self, data ): """Called when the user wants to save a scenario.""" return self._web_channel_handler.save_scenario( data ) @pyqtSlot( str ) @log_exceptions( caption="SLOT EXCEPTION" ) def on_user_settings_change( self, user_settings ): #pylint: disable=no-self-use """Called when the user changes the user settings.""" # delete all existing keys for key in app_settings.allKeys(): if key.startswith( "UserSettings/" ): app_settings.remove( key ) # save the new user settings user_settings = json.loads( user_settings ) for key,val in user_settings.items(): app_settings.setValue( "UserSettings/{}".format(key), val ) @pyqtSlot( str ) @log_exceptions( caption="SLOT EXCEPTION" ) def on_scenario_name_change( self, val ): """Update the main window title to show the scenario name.""" self._web_channel_handler.on_scenario_name_change( val )