/* jshint esnext: true */ ( function() { // nb: put the entire file into its own local namespace, global stuff gets added to window. // -------------------------------------------------------------------- var DEFAULT_PLAYER_COLORS = [ "#00ff00", // nb: this is for the "expected results" line graph "#479dd6", "#c48718", "#cf75c9", "#5fd760" ] ; var DR_VALS = { "DR": [ 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 ], "dr": [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ], } ; var DR_CLASS_IDS = { DR: ".d6x2", dr: ".d6x1" } ; var ROLL_TYPES = { "IFT": "IFT", "MC": "Morale Check", "Rally": "Rally", "TH": "To Hit", "TK": "To Kill", "CC": "Close Combat", "SA": "Sniper Activation", "TC": "Task Check", "RS": "Random Selection", "Other": "Other", } ; var MOVING_AVERAGE_WINDOW_SIZES = [ 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 ] ; var PREFERRED_WINDOW_SIZE = 10 ; var MAX_TIME_PLOT_SPACING = 40 ; // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - // NOTE: We store this information in globals so that ChartJS callbacks use the latest data (even if // it has been re-generated after the user has changed the roll type filter), not what was active // when the charts were first created (because it was captured by an enclosure). // data extracted from a log file var gRawResponseData, gLogFileAnalysis, gLfaStats, gTimePlotEvents ; var gPlayerColorIndex={} ; // these map ChartJS dataset index's to player ID's var gDistribDatasetPlayerIndex={}, gPieDatasetPlayerIndex={}, gTimePlotDatasetPlayerIndex, gHotnessPlayerIndex ; // ChartJS chart objects var gDistribCharts={}, gPieCharts={}, gTimePlotChart, gHotnessChart ; var $gDialog ; var $gBanner, $gHotness, $gSelectFilePopup, $gOptions, $gRollTypeDropList, $gStackBarGraphsCheckBox ; var $gPlayerColorsButton, $gPlayerColorsPopup ; var $gTimePlot, $gTimePlotChartWrapper ; var $gTimePlotOptions, $gMovingAverageDropList, $gTimePlotZoomInButton, $gTimePlotZoomOutButton ; var gEventHandlers, gIsInitialLoad ; var gHotnessBorderColor, gTimePlotValOffset, gTimePlotZoom ; var gShowTabularData ; // nb: for testing porpoises // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - // NOTE: Adding keyboard shortcuts was ridiculously complicated >:-/ The problem was that selectmenu's // were processing key-presses, even if the Alt key was down, and selecting any option that started // with that letter e.g. pressing Alr-R to activate the Roll Types droplist would also select "Rally". // Adding a keydown handler to the selectmenu to ignore these events worked, unless the droplist // already had focus. The only way I could get things to work properly was to change the selectmenu's // prototype (!) and ignore events there :wtf: SHORTCUT_HANDLERS = { 82: function () { // "R" $gOptions.css( "opacity", 1.0 ) ; $gRollTypeDropList.selectmenu("instance").button.focus() ; }, 71: function () { // "G" $gMovingAverageDropList.selectmenu("instance").button.focus() ; }, 88: function () { //"X" var $elem = $gBanner.find( ".select-file" ) ; if ( $elem.css( "display" ) != "none" ) $gBanner.find( ".select-file" ).click() ; }, } ; gPrevSelectMenuKeyDownHandler = $.ui.selectmenu.prototype._buttonEvents.keydown ; $.ui.selectmenu.prototype._buttonEvents.keydown = function( evt ) { if ( evt.altKey && SHORTCUT_HANDLERS[evt.keyCode] ) return ; gPrevSelectMenuKeyDownHandler.call( this, evt ) ; } ; const gOptionsNormalOpacity = 0.5 ; function restoreOptionsOpacity() { $gOptions.css( "opacity", gOptionsNormalOpacity ) ; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- window.show_lfa_dialog = function( resp ) { // save a copy of the raw response data gRawResponseData = resp ; function closeDialog() { $gDialog.dialog( "close" ) ; } function onKeyDown( evt ) { if ( evt.keyCode == $.ui.keyCode.ESCAPE ) { if ( evt.shiftKey ) { // NOTE: Since analyzing a log file is a lengthy process, we make it harder // to accidentally close the dialog (need to Shift-Escape). closeDialog() ; } else { // NOTE: However, we allow ESCAPE to close popups. closeAllPopupsAndDropLists() ; restoreOptionsOpacity() ; } } } function fixupDropListOptions( $dropList ) { // fixup styling for droplist items var id = $dropList.attr( "id" ) ; $( "#" + id + "-menu" ).find( ".ui-menu-item" ).each( function() { $(this).css( { "font-size": "80%" } ) ; } ) ; } // initialize user settings if ( ! gUserSettings.lfa ) gUserSettings.lfa = {} ; if ( ! gUserSettings.lfa[ "player-colors" ] ) gUserSettings.lfa[ "player-colors" ] = DEFAULT_PLAYER_COLORS.slice() ; // show the main window (implemented as a dialog) gEventHandlers = new jQueryHandlers() ; $( "#lfa" ).dialog( { dialogClass: "lfa", modal: true, resizable: false, closeOnEscape: false, create: function() { // initialize the splitter Split( [ "#lfa .top-pane", "#lfa .bottom-pane" ], { direction: "vertical", sizes: [ 60, 40 ], minSize: [ 350, 200 ], /* nb: this needs to be set in the CSS as well */ gutterSize: 3, onDrag: updateLayout, } ) ; var $gripper = $( "" ) ; $( "#lfa .gutter.gutter-vertical" ).append( $gripper ) ; // initialize other controls $(this).find( "select[name='roll-type']" ).selectmenu( { width: 70, open: function() { fixupDropListOptions( $(this) ) ; }, } ) ; $(this).find( "select[name='moving-average']" ).selectmenu( { width: 55, open: function() { fixupDropListOptions( $(this) ) ; }, } ) ; $(this).find( "button.download" ).button() ; $(this).find( "button.player-colors" ).button() ; $(this).find( "button.zoom-in" ).button() ; $(this).find( "button.zoom-out" ).button() ; }, open: function() { $gDialog = $(this) ; gEventHandlers.addHandler( $("#lfa .ui-dialog-titlebar-close"), "click", closeDialog ) ; gEventHandlers.addHandler( $(document), "keydown", onKeyDown ) ; loadDialog() ; }, close: function() { // clean up handlers gEventHandlers.cleanUp() ; // clean up charts for ( var key in gDistribCharts ) gDistribCharts[key].destroy() ; for ( key in gPieCharts ) gPieCharts[key].destroy() ; gTimePlotChart.destroy() ; gHotnessChart.destroy() ; }, } ) ; } ; // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - function loadDialog() { // initialize gShowTabularData = getUrlParam( "lfa_tables" ) ; gIsInitialLoad = true ; var i ; // initialize $gBanner = $( "#lfa .banner" ) ; $gHotness = $( "#lfa .hotness" ).hide() ; $gSelectFilePopup = $( "#lfa .select-file-popup" ) ; $gOptions = $( "#lfa .options" ) ; $gRollTypeDropList = $( "#lfa select[name='roll-type']" ) ; $gStackBarGraphsCheckBox = $( "#lfa input[name='stack-bar-graphs']" ).prop( "checked", gUserSettings.lfa["stack-bar-graphs"] ) ; $gPlayerColorsButton = $( "#lfa .options .player-colors" ) ; $gPlayerColorsPopup = $( "#lfa .player-colors-popup" ) ; $gDisableAnimationsCheckBox = $( "#lfa input[name='disable-animations']" ).prop( "checked", gUserSettings["disable-animations"] ) ; $gTimePlot = $( "#lfa .time-plot" ) ; $gTimePlotChartWrapper = $( "#lfa .time-plot .wrapper" ) ; $gTimePlotOptions = $( "#lfa .time-plot-options" ) ; $gMovingAverageDropList = $( "#lfa select[name='moving-average']" ) ; $gTimePlotZoomInButton = $( "#lfa .time-plot-options .zoom-in" ) ; $gTimePlotZoomOutButton = $( "#lfa .time-plot-options .zoom-out" ) ; // analyze the log files gLogFileAnalysis = new LogFileAnalysis( gRawResponseData, -1 ) ; var rollTypes = gLogFileAnalysis.getRollTypes() ; // initialize the player colors var prevColorsLen = gUserSettings.lfa[ "player-colors" ].length ; // nb: this includes the "expected results" color gLogFileAnalysis.forEachPlayer( function( playerId, playerNo ) { if ( playerNo >= prevColorsLen-1 ) { // NOTE: We have more players than colors - create a new player color based on what we have gUserSettings.lfa["player-colors"].push( gUserSettings.lfa["player-colors"][ 1 + (playerNo % (prevColorsLen-1)) ] ) ; } gPlayerColorIndex[ playerId ] = 1 + playerNo ; } ) ; if ( gUserSettings.lfa["player-colors"].length > prevColorsLen ) save_user_settings() ; // initialize the file selection popup initSelectFilePopup() ; if ( gLogFileAnalysis.logFiles.length > 1 ) $gBanner.find( ".select-file" ).show() ; else $gBanner.find( ".select-file" ).hide() ; // create the charts for ( var key in DR_CLASS_IDS ) { gDistribCharts[ key ] = createDistribChart( key, DR_CLASS_IDS[key] ) ; gPieCharts[ key ] = createPieChart( key, DR_CLASS_IDS[key] ) ; } gTimePlotChart = createTimePlotChart() ; gHotnessChart = createHotnessChart() ; gHotnessBorderColor = $gHotness.css( "border-top-color" ) ; // load the roll types var buf = [ "" ] ; function addRollType( rollType ) { buf.push( "" ) ; } for ( key in ROLL_TYPES ) addRollType( key ) ; rollTypes.forEach( function( rollType ) { if ( ! ROLL_TYPES[ rollType ] ) addRollType( rollType ) ; } ) ; $gRollTypeDropList.html( buf.join("") ).selectmenu( "refresh" ) ; gEventHandlers.addHandler( $gRollTypeDropList, "selectmenuchange", reloadAll ) ; // add a click handler for stacked bar graphs gEventHandlers.addHandler( $gStackBarGraphsCheckBox, "click", function() { // update the UI var isChecked = $(this).is( ":checked" ) ; for ( var key in DR_VALS ) { gDistribCharts[key].options.scales.xAxes[0].stacked = isChecked ; gDistribCharts[key].options.animation.duration = $gDisableAnimationsCheckBox.is( ":checked" ) ? 0 : 1000 ; gDistribCharts[key].update() ; } // save the new setting gUserSettings.lfa["stack-bar-graphs"] = isChecked ; save_user_settings() ; } ) ; // add a click handler for enabling/disabling animations gEventHandlers.addHandler( $gDisableAnimationsCheckBox, "click", function() { // save the new setting gUserSettings["disable-animations"] = $(this).is( ":checked" ) ; save_user_settings() ; } ); // add a handler for the moving average window size gEventHandlers.addHandler( $gMovingAverageDropList, "selectmenuchange", function() { updateTimePlotChart( null ) ; } ) ; // add handlers to zoom the time-plot chart in and out gEventHandlers.addHandler( $gTimePlotZoomInButton, "click", function( evt ) { zoomTimePlotChart( evt.ctrlKey ? null : +1 ) ; } ) ; gEventHandlers.addHandler( $gTimePlotZoomOutButton, "click", function( evt ) { zoomTimePlotChart( evt.ctrlKey ? null : -1 ) ; } ) ; // add a click handler to download the data gEventHandlers.addHandler( $("#lfa .options button.download"), "click", onDownloadData ) ; // initialize the color pickers initPlayerColorsConfig() ; // preload the die images [ "yellow", "white" ].forEach( function( color ) { for ( i=1 ; i <= 6 ; ++i ) $.get( makeDieImageUrl( i, color ) ) ; } ) ; // handle window resizing gEventHandlers.addHandler( $(window), "resize", function() { closeAllPopupsAndDropLists() ; updateLayout() ; } ) ; // add keyboard shortcut handlers gEventHandlers.addHandler( $(document), "keydown", function( evt ) { var handler = SHORTCUT_HANDLERS[ evt.keyCode ] ; if ( evt.altKey && handler ) { closeAllPopupsAndDropLists() ; handler( evt ) ; } } ) ; // NOTE: We used to get the options panel to fade in and out as the mouse moves over it via opacity CSS. // However, when we added keyboard shortcuts, we temporarily set the opacity to 1.0 if the Roll Type droplist // is requested, but we can't set it back since we can't set CSS pseudo-selectors (:hover) in Javascript :-/ // So, we dropped the :hover CSS and always do it via mouse enter/leave events. gEventHandlers.addHandler( $gOptions, "mouseenter", function() { $(this).css("opacity",1.0) ; } ) ; gEventHandlers.addHandler( $gOptions, "mouseleave", restoreOptionsOpacity ) ; // NOTE: We also need to restore opacity after the Roll Types droplist has been used/dismissed. gEventHandlers.addHandler( $gRollTypeDropList, "selectmenuclose", restoreOptionsOpacity ) ; gEventHandlers.addHandler( $gRollTypeDropList.selectmenu("instance").button, "focusout", restoreOptionsOpacity ) ; restoreOptionsOpacity() ; // load the charts with data Chart.defaults.global.defaultFontColor = "#444" ; reloadAll() ; // set initial focus $gRollTypeDropList.focus() ; } // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - function initSelectFilePopup() { // initialize the file selection popup var buf = [] ; function addRadioButton( val, caption ) { buf.push( "
", "", "", "
" ) ; } addRadioButton( -1, "All files" ) ; for ( i=0 ; i < gLogFileAnalysis.logFiles.length ; ++i ) addRadioButton( i, gLogFileAnalysis.logFiles[i] ) ; $gSelectFilePopup.html( buf.join("") ).hide() ; var $currSel = $gSelectFilePopup.find( "input[type='radio']" ).first() ; // handle a new log file being selected // FUDGE! Normally we would call this handler when the "change" event fires on a radio button, // but we have to hack around some problems with the "click outside the popup to dismiss it" feature, // and so we call it manually ourself elsewhere. function selectNewLogFile( $radio ) { $currSel = $radio ; gLogFileAnalysis = new LogFileAnalysis( gRawResponseData, $radio.val() ) ; $gSelectFilePopup.hide() ; reloadAll() ; } function onFileSelected( $radio, evt ) { if ( evt.clientX === 0 && evt.clientY === 0 ) return ; // nb: this selection was done via the keyboard selectNewLogFile( $radio ) ; } function selectFocusRadioButton() { // FUDGE! We can't rely on the timing of event processing, so we give the UI a bit of time // to catch up before checking which radio button has focus. setTimeout( function() { var $radio = $gSelectFilePopup.find( "input[type='radio']:focus" ) ; $radio.prop( "checked", true ) ; }, 10 ) ; } gEventHandlers.addHandler( $gSelectFilePopup, "keydown", function( evt ) { if ( evt.keyCode == 13 ) selectNewLogFile( $gSelectFilePopup.find( "input[type='radio']:focus" ) ) ; else if ( evt.keyCode == $.ui.keyCode.HOME ) { $gSelectFilePopup.find( "input[type='radio']" ).first().focus() ; selectFocusRadioButton() ; } else if ( evt.keyCode == $.ui.keyCode.END ) { $gSelectFilePopup.find( "input[type='radio']" ).last().focus() ; selectFocusRadioButton() ; } else if ( evt.keyCode == $.ui.keyCode.UP || evt.keyCode == $.ui.keyCode.DOWN || evt.keyCode == $.ui.keyCode.LEFT || evt.keyCode == $.ui.keyCode.RIGHT ) { // FUDGE! The browser will move the focus rectangle, but we want // the radio button to become actually selected. selectFocusRadioButton() ; } } ) ; // FUDGE! Make the labels clickable as well. $gSelectFilePopup.find( ".row" ).each( function( evt ) { gEventHandlers.addHandler( $(this).children( "label" ), "click", function( evt ) { onFileSelected( $(this).parent().children( "input[type='radio']" ), evt ) ; } ) ; } ) ; // add a click handler to open the file selection popup gEventHandlers.addHandler( $gBanner.find( ".select-file" ), "click", function( evt ) { // show the popup closeAllPopupsAndDropLists() ; $gSelectFilePopup.show().position( { my: "right top", at: "right+3 bottom+5", of: $(this), collision: "fit" } ) ; $currSel.prop( "checked", true ).focus() ; stopEvent( evt ) ; } ) ; // handle clicks outside the popup (to dismiss it) // NOTE: We do this by adding a click handler to the main dialog window, and a click handler // to the popup that prevents the event from bubbling up i.e. if the main dialog window receives // a click event, it must've been outside the popup window. // Unfortunately, this messes up the operation of radio buttons, so we have to manage them ourself :-/ gEventHandlers.addHandler( $gSelectFilePopup, "click", function() { return false ; } ) ; gEventHandlers.addHandler( $("#lfa"), "click", function() { $gSelectFilePopup.hide() ; } ) ; gEventHandlers.addHandler( $gSelectFilePopup.find( "input[type='radio']" ), "click", function( evt ) { // FUDGE! We have to handle clicks on the radio button ourself :-/ onFileSelected( $(this), evt ) ; return false ; } ) ; } // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - function initPlayerColorsConfig() { // NOTE: This works around a gnarly problem with how we interact with the Spectrum color pickers. // We want to auto-close the popup dialog when a color picker is closed (whether the changes // were accepted or cancelled), *unless* the user is opening another color picker. In this case, // Spectrum automatically closes the color picker and opens the new one, but we don't want to close // our popup. // In the normal case (user opens a color picker, does stuff, then closes it), we get these events: // BEFORE SHOW ; SHOW ; ... ; HIDE // If the user opens a color picker while another one is already on-screen, we get: // BEFORE SHOW ; HIDE ; SHOW ; ... var isBeforeShowActive = false ; // initialize the color pickers function initColorPicker( colorPickerNo, playerId, caption, style ) { var buf = [ "
", "", "", caption, "", "
" ] ; var $elem = $( buf.join("") ).attr( "data-playerId", playerId ) ; if ( style ) $elem.css( style ) ; $gPlayerColorsPopup.append( $elem ) ; $elem = $gPlayerColorsPopup.find( ".color-picker.player" + colorPickerNo ) ; $elem.spectrum( { color: playerId === ":expected:" ? gUserSettings.lfa["player-colors"][0] : gUserSettings.lfa["player-colors"][gPlayerColorIndex[playerId]], chooseText: "OK", cancelText: "Cancel", clickoutFiresChange: false, move: function( color ) { updateChartColors( playerId, color.toHexString() ) ; }, beforeShow: function() { isBeforeShowActive=true ; }, show: function() { $(this).attr( "data-prev-color", $(this).spectrum("get").toHexString() ) ; isBeforeShowActive = false ; }, hide: function( color ) { // NOTE: We get this event when the color-picker is closed, regardless of whether a new color // was picked or not. If it was accepted, we get the new color, if it was cancelled, we get the old one, // so either way, we want to update the chart colors and save the color. color = color.toHexString() ; updateChartColors( playerId, color ) ; var colorIndex = playerId === ":expected:" ? 0 : gPlayerColorIndex[playerId] ; gUserSettings.lfa["player-colors"][ colorIndex ] = color ; save_user_settings() ; if ( ! isBeforeShowActive ) $gPlayerColorsPopup.hide() ; $(this).attr( "data-prev-color", null ) ; }, } ) ; } $gPlayerColorsPopup.hide().empty() ; gLogFileAnalysis.forEachPlayer( function( playerId, playerNo ) { initColorPicker( 1+playerNo, playerId, gLogFileAnalysis.playerName(playerId)) ; } ) ; initColorPicker( 0, ":expected:", "expected results", {"border-top":"1px dotted #aaa","padding-top":"0.75em"} ) ; // add a click handler to open the player colors popup gEventHandlers.addHandler( $gPlayerColorsButton, "click", function( evt ) { // show the popup closeAllPopupsAndDropLists() ; $gPlayerColorsPopup.find( ".row" ).each( function() { // NOTE: Because the set of players can change over time (e.g. if multiple log files are analyzed // that have different players in them, and the user switches between them), we want to only show // color pickers for the players currently on-screen. If we re-create the color pickers each time // the popup opens, this could result in the color assigned to each player changing, so instead, // we create color pickers for *all* players once at startup, then show/hide them as necessary. var playerId = $(this).attr( "data-playerId" ) ; if ( gLogFileAnalysis.playerIds().indexOf( playerId ) !== -1 || playerId === ":expected:" ) $(this).show() ; else $(this).hide() ; } ) ; var leftPos = $gPlayerColorsButton.offset().left - 6 ; $gPlayerColorsPopup.css( { position: "absolute", left: Math.min( leftPos, $gDialog.innerWidth() - $gPlayerColorsPopup.outerWidth() ), top: $gPlayerColorsButton.offset().top + $gPlayerColorsButton.height() + 5, } ).show() ; stopEvent( evt ) ; } ) ; // handle clicks outside the popup (to dismiss it) // NOTE: We do this by adding a click handler to the main dialog window, and a click handler // to the popup that prevents the event from bubbling up i.e. if the main dialog window receives // a click event, it must've been outside the popup window. gEventHandlers.addHandler( $gPlayerColorsPopup, "click", function() { return false ; } ) ; gEventHandlers.addHandler( $("#lfa"), "click", function() { $gPlayerColorsPopup.hide() ; } ) ; } // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - function onInitialLoadCompleted() { // show the hotness chart if ( gAppConfig.DISABLE_LFA_HOTNESS_FADEIN ) $gHotness.show() ; else setTimeout( function() { $gHotness.fadeIn(1000) ; }, 1000 ) ; // update the UI after the initial load has completed $gOptions.show() ; $gTimePlotOptions.show() ; gIsInitialLoad = false ; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- function reloadAll() { // initialize var rollType = $gRollTypeDropList.val() ; // update the banner $gBanner.find( ".title" ).text( gLogFileAnalysis.title ) ; $gBanner.find( ".title2" ).text( gLogFileAnalysis.title2 ? "("+gLogFileAnalysis.title2+")" : "" ) ; var buf = [] ; if ( gLogFileAnalysis.logFileNo >= 0 && gRawResponseData.logFiles.length > 1 ) { buf.push( "", (1+parseInt(gLogFileAnalysis.logFileNo)) + "/" + gRawResponseData.logFiles.length, "" ) ; } buf.push( "", "" ) ; // nb: jQuery down arrow $gBanner.find( ".select-file" ).html( buf.join("") ) ; var val ; if ( ROLL_TYPES[ rollType ] ) val = ROLL_TYPES[ rollType ] ; else if ( rollType === "" ) val = "all" ; else val = "\"" + rollType + "\"" ; $gBanner.find( ".roll-type" ).text( "Showing " + val + " rolls." ) ; // update the distribution charts gLfaStats = gLogFileAnalysis.extractStats( function( evt ) { return rollType === "" || checkRollType( evt, rollType ) ; } ) ; var key, data ; for ( key in DR_VALS ) { data = getDistribData( key) ; var $parentElem = $( "#lfa .distrib" + DR_CLASS_IDS[key] ) ; if ( gShowTabularData ) { // show the data in tables (for testing porpoises) $parentElem.html( makeTabularDataHtml( DR_VALS[key], data.datasets ) ) ; } else { // load the charts gDistribCharts[key].data.datasets = data.datasets ; setChartAnimation( gDistribCharts[key].options ) ; updateChartForNoData( data.datasets.length === 0, gDistribCharts[key], $parentElem ) ; gDistribCharts[key].update() ; } } // update the pie charts for ( key in DR_VALS ) { data = getPieData( key ) ; if ( gShowTabularData ) { // show the data in tables (for testing porpoises) $( "#lfa .pie" + DR_CLASS_IDS[key] ).html( makeTabularDataHtml( data.labels, data.datasets ) ) ; } else { // load the charts gPieCharts[key].data.datasets = data.datasets ; gPieCharts[key].data.labels = data.labels ; setChartAnimation( gPieCharts[key].options ) ; updatePieChartForNoData( data.datasets.length === 0, gPieCharts[key] ) ; gPieCharts[key].update() ; } } // FUDGE! We try to show moving averages in the time-plot chart, since raw rolls are usually too spiky // to derive any insights. However, if the user switches to a roll type that has no (or very few) points, // the droplist of available window sizes only shows "1" (i.e. for the raw rolls), which persists if // the user then switches to a roll type that has lots of points (e.g. "All"), and so they have to // manually change the window size. This is annoying, so we attempt to remedy that with this. var windowSize = $gMovingAverageDropList.val() == 1 ? PREFERRED_WINDOW_SIZE : null ; // update the time-plot chart gTimePlotZoom = null ; // nb: force the chart to auto-fit updateTimePlotChart( windowSize ) ; // update the dice hotness chart data = getHotnessData() ; if ( gShowTabularData ) { // show the data in tables (for testing porpoises) $( "#lfa .hotness" ).html( makeTabularDataHtml( data.labels, data.datasets, 3 ) ).css( { border: "none" } ).show() ; } else { // load the chart var dataVals = data.datasets[0].data ; var maxVal=0, hasVal=false ; for ( var i=0 ; i < dataVals.length ; ++i ) { if ( dataVals[i] === null ) continue ; if ( Math.abs( dataVals[i] ) > maxVal ) maxVal = Math.abs( dataVals[i] ) ; hasVal = true ; } maxVal = Math.ceil( maxVal ) ; gHotnessChart.data.datasets = data.datasets ; gHotnessChart.data.labels = data.labels ; gHotnessChart.options.scales.xAxes[0].ticks.suggestedMin = - maxVal ; gHotnessChart.options.scales.xAxes[0].ticks.suggestedMax = maxVal ; setChartAnimation( gHotnessChart.options ) ; updateChartForNoData( !hasVal, gHotnessChart, $gHotness ) ; $gHotness.css( "border-color", hasVal ? gHotnessBorderColor : "#ccc" ) ; $gHotness.find( "img.dice" ).css( "display", hasVal ? "block" : "none" ) ; $gHotness.find( "canvas" ).css( "display", hasVal ? "block" : "none" ) ; gHotnessChart.update() ; } // update the layout updateLayout() ; } // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - function updateTimePlotChart( currWindowSize ) { // initialize var rollType = $gRollTypeDropList.val() ; if ( currWindowSize === null ) currWindowSize = $gMovingAverageDropList.val() || PREFERRED_WINDOW_SIZE ; // extract events from the log file analysis var isSingleDie, labels, nextLabel, logFileIndexes ; function extractEvents( windowSize ) { labels = [] ; isSingleDie = nextLabel = null ; logFileIndexes = [] ; return gLogFileAnalysis.extractEvents( windowSize, { onTurnTrackEvent: function( evt ) { // we have a Turn Track event - use the phase description as the next label nextLabel = evt.side + " " + evt.turnNo + " " + evt.phase ; }, onCustomLabelEvent: function( evt ) { // we have a custom label event - use the caption as the next label nextLabel = evt.caption ; }, onRollEvent: function( evt ) { // we have a DR/dr roll - check if we want to include it if ( rollType === "" ) { // NOTE: If we are showing "all" rolls, we only show DR's. if ( LogFileAnalysis.isSingleDie( evt.rollValue ) ) return false ; } else if ( rollType === "Other" ) { if ( ! checkRollType( evt, rollType ) ) return false ; // NOTE: If we are showing "other" rolls, we only show DR's. if ( LogFileAnalysis.isSingleDie( evt.rollValue ) ) return false ; } else if ( ! checkRollType( evt, rollType ) ) { // nope - we're not interested in this one return false ; } return true ; }, onLogFileEvent: function( evt ) { // we're starting a new log file logFileIndexes.push( labels.length ) ; }, _onAddEvent: function( evt ) { // remember if we are extracting DR's or dr's if ( isSingleDie === null ) isSingleDie = LogFileAnalysis.isSingleDie( evt.rollValue ) ; // add a label for the event if ( nextLabel ) { labels.push( nextLabel ) ; nextLabel = null ; } else labels.push( "" ) ; }, } ) ; } // figure out what moving average window sizes we should show var windowSizes = [ 1 ] ; var events = extractEvents( 1 ) ; // FIXME! We should really cache this. var maxNRolls = 0 ; for ( var playerId in events.nRolls ) { if ( events.nRolls[playerId] > maxNRolls ) maxNRolls = events.nRolls[ playerId ] ; } function isUseableWindowSize( windowSize ) { return maxNRolls >= windowSize+20 || maxNRolls >= 2*windowSize ; } MOVING_AVERAGE_WINDOW_SIZES.forEach( function( windowSize ) { if ( isUseableWindowSize( windowSize ) ) windowSizes.push( windowSize ) ; } ) ; // check if the current window size is too big if ( currWindowSize > windowSizes[ windowSizes.length-1 ] ) { // yup - set it to the largest value available currWindowSize = windowSizes[ windowSizes.length-1 ] ; } // update the droplist with the available window sizes var buf = [ "" ] ; MOVING_AVERAGE_WINDOW_SIZES.forEach( function( windowSize ) { if ( isUseableWindowSize( windowSize ) ) { buf.push( "" ) ; } } ) ; $gMovingAverageDropList.html( buf.join("") ).selectmenu( "refresh" ) ; // generate the chart data gTimePlotEvents = extractEvents( currWindowSize ) ; // NOTE: It would be nice to offset the single die values so that the X-axis appears // half-way up the Y-axis, but since it would appear at y=3.5, this causes the tick labels // to be non-integral :-/ var data = getTimePlotData( isSingleDie ? 0 : 7 ) ; // check if we want to show the data in a table (for testing porpoises) if ( gShowTabularData ) { // yup - make it so $gTimePlotChartWrapper.html( makeTabularDataHtml( labels, data.datasets ) ) ; return ; } // configure extra vertical lines to delineate each log file logFileIndexes.shift() ; // nb: ignore the first log file gTimePlotChart.data.verticalLines = logFileIndexes ; // update the controls // NOTE: We do this before updating the chart, since we may disable zoom buttons depending on the data. var hasData = data.datasets.length > 0 ; $gMovingAverageDropList.selectmenu( hasData ? "enable" : "disable" ) ; $gTimePlotOptions.find( "label" ).attr( "disabled", !hasData ) ; $gTimePlotZoomInButton.button( hasData ? "enable" : "disable" ) ; $gTimePlotZoomOutButton.button( hasData ? "enable" : "disable" ) ; // update the chart gTimePlotChart.data.datasets = data.datasets ; gTimePlotChart.data.labels = labels ; updateChartForNoData( data.datasets.length === 0, gTimePlotChart, $gTimePlotChartWrapper ) ; if ( currWindowSize == 1 ) { // we're showing raw rolls - show all possible values in the Y axis gTimePlotChart.options.scales.yAxes[0].ticks.suggestedMin = isSingleDie ? 1 : 2-7 ; gTimePlotChart.options.scales.yAxes[0].ticks.suggestedMax = isSingleDie ? 6 : 12-7 ; } else { // we're showing moving averages - let ChartJS zoom in as appropriate gTimePlotChart.options.scales.yAxes[0].ticks.suggestedMin = null ; gTimePlotChart.options.scales.yAxes[0].ticks.suggestedMax = null ; } setChartAnimation( gTimePlotChart.options ) ; gTimePlotChart.update() ; zoomTimePlotChart( 0 ) ; } // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - function zoomTimePlotChart( zoom ) { // initialize var datasets = gTimePlotChart.data.datasets ; var labels = gTimePlotChart.data.labels ; var availableWidth = $gTimePlot.width() ; var chartWidth ; if ( gTimePlotZoom === null || zoom === null ) { // set the initial zoom gTimePlotZoom = 1.0 ; $gTimePlotZoomInButton.button( "enable" ) ; $gTimePlotZoomOutButton.button( "enable" ) ; } else { const zoomDelta = 0.25 ; if ( zoom < 0 ) { // the user is zooming out if ( gTimePlotZoom <= zoomDelta ) return ; gTimePlotZoom -= zoomDelta ; $gTimePlotZoomInButton.button( "enable" ) ; } else if ( zoom > 0 ) { // the user is zooming in gTimePlotZoom += zoomDelta ; $gTimePlotZoomOutButton.button( "enable" ) ; // remove any blank points we may have added earlier removeTrailingBlankVals( labels, datasets ) ; gTimePlotChart.update() ; } } // figure out how much horizontal space there should be between points var nXVals = labels.length ; var spacing = availableWidth / nXVals ; // nb: things still work if we have 0 values :-) spacing *= gTimePlotZoom ; if ( spacing <= 2 ) { spacing = 2 ; } else if ( spacing >= MAX_TIME_PLOT_SPACING ) { spacing = MAX_TIME_PLOT_SPACING ; // we've hit the max spacing - zooming in any further won't have any effect $gTimePlotZoomInButton.button( "disable" ) ; } chartWidth = spacing * nXVals ; if ( chartWidth < availableWidth ) { // NOTE: We have an upper limit on how much space there can be between points, so if there aren't // many points, the graph will be narrower than the available width, and we will have unused space // on the right. This is ugly, so we add enough dummy points to make the grid lines go all the way // to the right edge. var nBlankVals = ( availableWidth - chartWidth - 1 ) / spacing ; for ( var i=0 ; i < nBlankVals ; ++i ) { labels.push( "" ) ; for ( var j=0 ; j < datasets.length ; ++j ) datasets[j].data.push( null ) ; } gTimePlotChart.update() ; chartWidth = availableWidth ; } if ( chartWidth <= availableWidth ) { // the user can see all the values - there's no point zooming out any further $gTimePlotZoomOutButton.button( "disable" ) ; } // NOTE: ChartJS charts don't really like being resized, so we place it inside a wrapper // and resize that, with the chart configured to be responsive. $gTimePlotChartWrapper.css( { width: chartWidth } ) ; gTimePlotChart.resize() ; } function removeTrailingBlankVals( labels, datasets ) { // count the number of trailing blank values in each dataset var minTrailingBlankVals=null, i, j ; for ( i=0 ; i < datasets.length ; ++i ) { var nTrailingBlankVals = 0 ; for ( j=datasets[i].data.length-1 ; j >= 0 ; --j ) { if ( datasets[i].data[j] === null ) ++ nTrailingBlankVals ; else break ; } if ( minTrailingBlankVals === null || nTrailingBlankVals < minTrailingBlankVals ) minTrailingBlankVals = nTrailingBlankVals ; } // remove trailing blank values from each dataset if ( minTrailingBlankVals > 0 ) { for ( i=0 ; i < minTrailingBlankVals ; ++i ) { labels.pop() ; for ( j=0 ; j < datasets.length ; ++j ) datasets[j].data.pop() ; } } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- function createDistribChart( key, classId ) { // initialize var playerId ; // chart callbacks function legend_label_filter( label ) { return label.text != "(expected)" ; } function yAxis_tick( val, index, vals ) { return val+"%" ; } function tooltip_title( tooltipItem, data ) { return key + " " + tooltipItem[0].label ; } function tooltip_label( tooltipItem, data ) { playerId = gDistribDatasetPlayerIndex[key][ tooltipItem.datasetIndex ] ; if ( ! playerId ) return " Expected: " + tooltipItem.value + "%" ; return " " + gLogFileAnalysis.playerName( playerId ) ; } function tooltip_footer( tooltipItem, data ) { playerId = gDistribDatasetPlayerIndex[key][ tooltipItem[0].datasetIndex ] ; if ( playerId ) { playerId = gDistribDatasetPlayerIndex[key][ tooltipItem[0].datasetIndex ] ; var nRolls = gLfaStats[playerId][key].nRolls ; var msg = gLfaStats[playerId][key].distrib[ tooltipItem[0].label ] + " of " + nRolls ; msg += " " + pluralString( nRolls, key, key+"'s" ) ; msg += " (" + tooltipItem[0].value + "%)" ; return " " + msg ; } } // create the chart var $canvas = $( "#lfa .distrib" + classId + " canvas" ) ; var chart = new Chart( $canvas, { type: "bar", data: { labels: DR_VALS[key], }, options: { responsive: true, maintainAspectRatio: false, legend: { labels: { filter: legend_label_filter }, }, tooltips: { footerFontStyle: "normal", callbacks: { title: tooltip_title, label: tooltip_label, footer: tooltip_footer }, }, scales: { xAxes: [ { stacked: $gStackBarGraphsCheckBox.is( ":checked" ), scaleLabel: { display: true, labelString: key === "dr" ? " ".repeat(8)+"dr distribution" : "DR distribution"+" ".repeat(70), fontSize: 16, }, } ], yAxes: [ { ticks: { display: false, beginAtZero: true, callback: yAxis_tick, // NOTE: Label auto-skip doesn't really work in the Y-axis, // so we ensure label spread by setting the padding. autoSkipPadding: 10, }, gridLines: { drawOnChartArea: false }, } ], }, plugins: { labels: false }, } } ) ; return chart ; } // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - function getDistribData( key ) { // initialize gDistribDatasetPlayerIndex[ key ] = {} ; var datasets = [] ; // generate the data for each player // NOTE: We don't need to generate labels since they will always be the same (1-6 or 2-12). gLogFileAnalysis.forEachPlayer( function( playerId ) { // check if the next player has any rolls if ( gLfaStats[playerId][key].nRolls === 0 ) return ; // get the player's rolls var dataVals = [] ; DR_VALS[key].forEach( function( drVal ) { if ( gLfaStats[playerId][key].distrib[ drVal ] === undefined ) { dataVals.push( null ) ; return ; } var val = 100 * gLfaStats[playerId][key].distrib[ drVal ] / gLfaStats[playerId][key].nRolls ; dataVals.push( Math.round( 10 * val ) / 10 ) ; } ) ; gDistribDatasetPlayerIndex[key][ datasets.length ] = playerId ; var label = gLogFileAnalysis.playerName( playerId ) ; if ( gLfaStats[playerId][key].rollAverage ) label += " (" + fpFmt( gLfaStats[playerId][key].rollAverage, 1 ) + ")" ; // add a dataset for the player's rolls datasets.push( { type: "bar", label: label, data: dataVals, borderColor: makeArray( getPlayerColor(playerId), 11 ), backgroundColor: makeArray( getPlayerColor2(playerId), 11 ), borderWidth: 1, } ) ; } ) ; // add a dataset to show the expected distribution if ( datasets.length > 0 ) { datasets.push( { type: "line", label: "(expected)", data: Object.values( LogFileAnalysis.EXPECTED_DISTRIB[ key ] ), borderColor: gUserSettings.lfa["player-colors"][0], backgroundColor: gUserSettings.lfa["player-colors"][0], borderDash: [5,5], borderWidth: 1, lineTension: 0, fill: false, order: 1, } ) ; } return { datasets: datasets } ; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- function createPieChart( key, classId ) { // chart callbacks function tooltip_label( tooltipItem, data ) { return " " + data.labels[ tooltipItem.index ] ; } function tooltip_footer( tooltipItem, data ) { var playerId = gPieDatasetPlayerIndex[ key ][ tooltipItem[0].index ] ; if ( ! playerId ) return null ; var nRolls = gLfaStats[playerId][key].nRolls ; var totalRolls = gLfaStats.totalRolls[ key ] ; if ( totalRolls === 0 ) return null ; var msg = gLfaStats[playerId][key].nRolls + " of " + totalRolls ; msg += " " + pluralString( totalRolls, key, key+"'s" ) ; return " " + msg ; } // create the chart var $canvas = $( "#lfa .pie" + classId + " canvas" ) ; var chart = new Chart( $canvas, { type: "pie", options: { responsive: true, maintainAspectRatio: false, legend: { display: false }, tooltips: { bodyFontSize: 12, footerFontStyle: "normal", footerFontSize: 12, callbacks: { label: tooltip_label, footer: tooltip_footer }, }, plugins: { labels: { fontSize: 12 }, }, } } ) ; return chart ; } // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - function getPieData( key ) { // initialize var datasets = [] ; gPieDatasetPlayerIndex[ key ] = {} ; var dataVals=[], labels=[], borderColors=[], bgdColors=[] ; // generate the data for each player // NOTE: We load the players in reverse order to get them to render // in the same left-right order as the bar graph labels. var playerIds = gLogFileAnalysis.playerIds() ; for ( var i=playerIds.length-1 ; i >= 0 ; --i ) { // check if the next player has any rolls var playerId = playerIds[ i ] ; var nRolls = gLfaStats[ playerId ][ key ].nRolls ; if ( nRolls === 0 ) continue ; // add an entry for the player's rolls gPieDatasetPlayerIndex[ key ][ dataVals.length ] = playerId ; dataVals.push( nRolls ) ; labels.push( gLogFileAnalysis.playerName( playerId ) ) ; borderColors.push( getPlayerColor(playerId) ) ; bgdColors.push( getPlayerColor2(playerId) ) ; } if ( dataVals.length > 0 ) { datasets.push( { data: dataVals, borderColor: borderColors, borderWidth: 1, backgroundColor: bgdColors, } ) ; } return { datasets: datasets, labels: labels } ; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- function createHotnessChart() { // chart callbacks function tooltip_title( tooltipItem, data ) { // NOTE: We disable full tooltips because we don't have a lot of on-screen space // and if we're shorter than 90px, tooltips sometimes get cropped :-/ return null ; } function tooltip_label( tooltipItem, data ) { var playerId = gHotnessPlayerIndex[ tooltipItem.index ] ; var playerName = gLogFileAnalysis.playerName( playerId ) ; return " " + playerName + ": " + signedVal(tooltipItem.value) ; } function signedVal( val ) { // return the value as a signed value val = parseFloat( val ) ; if ( val === 0 ) return "0" ; var val2 = gHotnessChart && gHotnessChart.options.scales.xAxes[0].ticks.suggestedMax < 10 || Math.abs(val) < 10 ? fpFmt(val,1) : fpFmt(val,0) ; return val < 0 ? val2 : "+"+val2 ; } // create the chart var $canvas = $gHotness.find( "canvas" ) ; var chart = new Chart( $canvas, { type: "horizontalBar", options: { responsive: true, maintainAspectRatio: false, legend: { display: false }, tooltips: { callbacks: { title: tooltip_title, label: tooltip_label }, }, scales: { xAxes: [ { position: "top", ticks: { display: true, callback: function( val ) { return signedVal( val ) ; }, fontSize: 10, fontStyle: "italic", }, gridLines: { drawTicks: false }, } ], yAxes: [ { gridLines: { drawTicks: false }, } ], }, } } ) ; return chart ; } // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - function getHotnessData() { // initialize gHotnessPlayerIndex = {} ; var dataVals=[], bgdColors=[], borderColors=[], labels=[] ; // generate the data var hotness = gLogFileAnalysis.calcHotness( gLfaStats ) ; gLogFileAnalysis.forEachPlayer( function( playerId ) { // add the next player gHotnessPlayerIndex[ dataVals.length ] = playerId ; var playerName = gLogFileAnalysis.playerName( playerId ) ; if ( playerName.length > 20 ) playerName = playerName.substring(0,20).trim() + "..." ; labels.push( playerName + " " ) ; // add the hotness score dataVals.push( hotness[ playerId ][0] ) ; var rollRatio = hotness[playerId][1] ; var alpha = fpFmt( Math.max( rollRatio, 0.5 ), 1 ) ; bgdColors.push( rollRatio >= 1 ? getPlayerColor2(playerId) : "rgba(224,224,224,"+alpha+")" ) ; borderColors.push( rollRatio >= 1 ? getPlayerColor(playerId) : "rgba(176,176,176,"+alpha+")" ) ; } ) ; return { datasets: [ { data: dataVals, borderColor: borderColors, backgroundColor: bgdColors, borderWidth: 1 } ], labels: labels, } ; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- function createTimePlotChart() { // chart callbacks function tooltip_title( tooltipItem, data ) { var evt = gTimePlotEvents.events[ tooltipItem[0].index ] ; var rollNo ; if ( gTimePlotEvents.windowSize == 1 ) rollNo = evt.rollNo ; else rollNo = (evt.rollNo - gTimePlotEvents.windowSize + 1) + "-" + evt.rollNo ; var msg = LogFileAnalysis.isSingleDie( evt.rollValue ) ? "dr": "DR" ; msg += " " + rollNo + " of " + gTimePlotEvents.nRolls[evt.playerId] ; return "" + msg + "" ; } function tooltip_label( tooltipItem, data ) { var playerId = gTimePlotDatasetPlayerIndex[ tooltipItem.datasetIndex ] ; return gLogFileAnalysis.playerName( playerId ) ; } function tooltip_footer( tooltipItem, data ) { var evt = gTimePlotEvents.events[ tooltipItem[0].index ] ; var msg ; if ( gTimePlotEvents.windowSize != 1 ) { var nFpDigits = $gMovingAverageDropList.val() < 50 ? 1 : 2 ; msg = fpFmt( evt.movingAverage, nFpDigits ) ; } else { // NOTE: We should return a string here, but since we implemented a custom tooltip function, // we return the actual values, so that we can select the appropriate die image. msg = [ evt.rollValue, evt.rollType ] ; } return msg ; } // create the chart var $canvas = $( "#lfa .time-plot canvas" ) ; var chart = new Chart( $canvas, { type: "line", options: { responsive: true, maintainAspectRatio: false, legend: { position: "top", align: "start", }, tooltips: { footerFontStyle: "normal", callbacks: { title: tooltip_title, label: tooltip_label, footer: tooltip_footer }, enabled: false, custom: customTimePlotTooltip, }, scales: { xAxes: [ { ticks: { minRotation: 0, maxRotation: 30, }, gridLines: { drawOnChartArea: false }, } ], yAxes: [ { ticks: { display: false, suggestedMin: 2, suggestedMax: 12, stepSize: 1, callback: function( val, index, vals ) { return gTimePlotValOffset+val ; }, }, } ], }, animation: { onComplete: function() { if ( gIsInitialLoad ) onInitialLoadCompleted() ; }, }, } } ) ; return chart ; } function customTimePlotTooltip( tooltipModel ) { // NOTE: This creates a tooltip completely from scratch (so we can include the die images). // Adapted from: // https://www.chartjs.org/docs/latest/configuration/tooltip.html?h=html#external-custom-tooltips // locate the tooltip element var tooltipElem = $( "#lfa .timePlot-tooltip" )[ 0 ] ; if ( tooltipModel.opacity === 0 ) { tooltipElem.style.opacity = 0 ; return ; } // set the caret position tooltipElem.classList.remove( "above", "below", "no-transform" ) ; if ( tooltipModel.yAlign ) tooltipElem.classList.add( tooltipModel.yAlign ) ; else tooltipElem.classList.add( "no-transform" ) ; function addDieImage( buf, dieVal, color ) { buf.push( "" ) ; } // generate the tooltip HTML if ( tooltipModel.body ) { // insert the title var buf = [ "" ] ; var titleLines = tooltipModel.title || [] ; titleLines.forEach( function( title ) { buf.push( " ", title ) ; } ) ; buf.push( "" ) ; // insert the body buf.push( "", "", "" ) ; tooltipModel.body.forEach( function( bodyItem ) { bodyItem.lines.forEach( function( bodyItemLine ) { buf.push( bodyItemLine, "
" ) ; } ) ; } ) ; // insert the footer if ( gTimePlotEvents.windowSize != 1 ) { // we are showing moving averages buf.push( "", tooltipModel.footer[0], "" ) ; } else { // we are showing the raw DR/dr's var dieVals = tooltipModel.footer[ 0 ] ; if ( LogFileAnalysis.isSingleDie( dieVals ) ) addDieImage( buf, dieVals, "yellow" ) ; else { addDieImage( buf, dieVals[0], "yellow" ) ; for ( var i=1 ; i < dieVals.length ; ++i ) addDieImage( buf, dieVals[i], "white" ) ; } buf.push( "
", tooltipModel.footer[1], "
" ) ; } buf.push( "" ) ; // update the tooltip var tableRoot = tooltipElem.querySelector( "table" ) ; tableRoot.innerHTML = buf.join( "" ) ; tableRoot.style.color = tooltipModel.bodyFontColor ; } // configure the tooltip var marginX=8, marginY=4 ; var position = this._chart.canvas.getBoundingClientRect() ; tooltipElem.style.opacity = 1 ; tooltipElem.style.position = "absolute" ; var newLeft = position.left + window.pageXOffset + tooltipModel.caretX + marginX ; if ( newLeft >= position.width - tooltipElem.offsetWidth - 20 ) newLeft = tooltipModel.caretX - tooltipElem.offsetWidth ; tooltipElem.style.left = newLeft + "px" ; tooltipElem.style.top = position.top + window.pageYOffset + tooltipModel.caretY - tooltipElem.offsetHeight - marginY + "px" ; tooltipElem.style.background = tooltipModel.backgroundColor ; tooltipElem.style.fontFamily = tooltipModel._bodyFontFamily ; tooltipElem.style.fontSize = tooltipModel.bodyFontSize + "px" ; tooltipElem.style.fontStyle = tooltipModel._bodyFontStyle ; tooltipElem.style.padding = tooltipModel.yPadding + "px " + tooltipModel.xPadding + "px" ; tooltipElem.style.pointerEvents = "none" ; } // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - function getTimePlotData( valOffset ) { // initialize gTimePlotDatasetPlayerIndex = {} ; gTimePlotValOffset = gShowTabularData ? 0 : valOffset ; var datasets = [] ; // generate the data for each player gLogFileAnalysis.forEachPlayer( function( playerId ) { // get the rolls for the next player var dataVals=[], nRealVals=0 ; gTimePlotEvents.events.forEach( function( evt ) { if ( evt === null ) { dataVals.push( null ) ; return ; } if ( evt.playerId == playerId ) { dataVals.push( evt.movingAverage - gTimePlotValOffset ) ; ++ nRealVals ; } else { dataVals.push( null ) ; } } ) ; if ( nRealVals === 0 ) return ; nRealVals += gTimePlotEvents.windowSize - 1 ; // add a dataset for the player's rolls gTimePlotDatasetPlayerIndex[ datasets.length ] = playerId ; datasets.push( { type: "line", label: gLogFileAnalysis.playerName( playerId ) + " (" + nRealVals + ")", data: dataVals, borderColor: getPlayerColor(playerId), borderWidth: 1, backgroundColor: getPlayerColor2(playerId), pointBackgroundColor: getPlayerColor(playerId), fill: false, lineTension: gTimePlotEvents.windowSize == 1 ? 0 : 0.4, spanGaps: true, } ) ; } ) ; return { datasets: datasets } ; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- function updateLayout() { // FUDGE! Charts really don't like being resized, and even the technique of making them responsive // and putting them inside a wrapper div, and resizing that, isn't completely reliable :-( // I eventually gave up and lay things out using Javascript :-/ // initialize const availableWidth = $( ".ui-dialog.lfa" ).width() - 25 ; const optionsWidth = $gOptions.outerWidth() ; const pieChartHeight = 90 ; function setDistribWidth() { // set the width of the DR distribution chart var newWidth = availableWidth * 0.7 ; var maxWidth = availableWidth - $distrib2.position().left ; newWidth = Math.min( newWidth, maxWidth ) ; newWidth = Math.max( newWidth, 1.5*optionsWidth ) ; $distrib2.width( newWidth ) ; } // resize the DR distribution chart var $distrib2 = $( "#lfa .distrib.d6x2" ) ; var availableHeight ; if ( ! gShowTabularData ) { setDistribWidth() ; availableHeight = $("#lfa .top-pane").height() - pieChartHeight ; $distrib2.height( availableHeight ) ; gDistribCharts.DR.resize() ; } // resize the dr distribution chart $distrib1 = $( "#lfa .distrib.d6x1" ) ; if ( ! gShowTabularData ) { newWidth = availableWidth * 0.3 ; $distrib1.width( Math.max( newWidth, optionsWidth ) ) ; var newBottom = $distrib2.position().top + $distrib2.height() + 6 ; $distrib1.height( newBottom - $distrib1.position().top ) ; gDistribCharts.dr.resize() ; } // FUDGE! If we restore a maximized window, the DR distribution chart is resized too narrow. // It seems to have something to do with adjusting the width of the dr distribution chart, // so we do it again here :-/ setDistribWidth() ; // resize the time-plot chart // NOTE: Resizing horizontally is more complicated (since it depends on whether or not we're showing // a scrollbar, which depends on how many points there are), which is done in zoomTimePlotChart(). if ( ! gShowTabularData ) { var $timePlot = $( "#lfa .time-plot .wrapper" ) ; availableHeight = $("#lfa .bottom-pane").height() - 20 ; // nb: leave some room for the h-scrollbar. $timePlot.height( availableHeight ) ; gTimePlotChart.resize() ; } // position the hotness chart var nPlayers = gLogFileAnalysis.playerIds().length ; var barHeight = Math.max( 12 - 2*nPlayers, 6 ) ; var newHeight = 50 + barHeight * nPlayers ; $gHotness.css( { height: newHeight } ) ; var newImageHeight = 48 - 3 * nPlayers ; $gHotness.find( "img.dice" ).css( { height: newImageHeight } ) ; // re-position any "no data" signs $gDialog.find( ".no-data" ).each( function() { positionNoData( $(this) ) ; } ) ; } // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - var gPrevChartColors = {} ; function updateChartForNoData( hasNoData, chart, $parentElem ) { // initialize var $noDataElem = $parentElem.children( ".no-data" ) ; if ( hasNoData ) { // flag that the chart has no data if ( $noDataElem.length === 0 ) { var $sign = $( "
No data
" ) ; $parentElem.append( $sign ) ; positionNoData( $sign ) ; } // grey out chart elements var color = "#ccc" ; chart.options.scales.xAxes[0].scaleLabel.fontColor = color ; chart.options.scales.xAxes[0].ticks.fontColor = color ; chart.options.scales.xAxes[0].gridLines.zeroLineColor = color ; chart.options.scales.yAxes[0].gridLines.zeroLineColor = color ; } else { // remove the "no data" marker $noDataElem.remove() ; // restore color to chart elements if ( ! gPrevChartColors[ chart ] ) { gPrevChartColors[ chart ] = { scaleLabel: chart.options.scales.xAxes[0].scaleLabel.fontColor, ticks: chart.options.scales.xAxes[0].ticks.fontColor, xZeroLineColor: chart.options.scales.xAxes[0].gridLines.zeroLineColor, yZeroLineColor: chart.options.scales.yAxes[0].gridLines.zeroLineColor, } ; } else { chart.options.scales.xAxes[0].scaleLabel.fontColor = gPrevChartColors[ chart ].scaleLabel ; chart.options.scales.xAxes[0].ticks.fontColor = gPrevChartColors[ chart ].ticks ; chart.options.scales.xAxes[0].gridLines.zeroLineColor = gPrevChartColors[ chart ].xZeroLineColor ; chart.options.scales.yAxes[0].gridLines.zeroLineColor = gPrevChartColors[ chart ].yZeroLineColor ; } } // hide axis ticks if the chart has no data chart.options.scales.yAxes[0].ticks.display = ! hasNoData ; } function positionNoData( $noData ) { // position the "no data" sign var $parent = $noData.parent() ; $noData.css( { position: "absolute", left: ($parent.width() - $noData.width()) / 2, bottom: ($parent.height() - $noData.height()) / 2, } ) ; } function updatePieChartForNoData( noData, chart ) { // FUDGE! Loading a pie chart with no data makes it disappear :-/ We show a disabled pie chart // by loading it with a single dummy data point and changing the color to grey. if ( noData ) { // flag that the chart has no data chart.data.datasets = [ { data: [-1], backgroundColor: "#f0f0f0" } ] ; chart.options.tooltips.enabled = false ; chart.options.hover.mode = null ; chart.options.plugins.labels = false ; } else { // flag that the chart has data chart.options.tooltips.enabled = true ; chart.options.hover.mode = "single" ; chart.options.plugins.labels = true ; } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- function updateChartColors( playerId, newColor ) { if ( ! playerId ) return ; // initialize var key, i ; // update the DR/dr distribution charts function isDatasetMatch( datasetNo ) { if ( playerId === ":expected:" ) return datasetNo == gDistribCharts[key].data.datasets.length - 1 ; // nb: "expected results" is the last dataset else return gDistribDatasetPlayerIndex[key][ datasetNo ] == playerId ; } for ( key in DR_CLASS_IDS ) { for ( i=0 ; i < gDistribCharts[key].data.datasets.length ; ++i ) { if ( isDatasetMatch( i ) ) { gDistribCharts[key].data.datasets[ i ].borderColor = playerId === ":expected:" ? newColor : makeArray( newColor, 11 ) ; gDistribCharts[key].data.datasets[ i ].backgroundColor = playerId === ":expected:" ? newColor : makeArray( makePlayerColor2( newColor ), 11 ) ; gDistribCharts[key].update() ; break ; } } } // update the DR/dr pie charts for ( key in DR_CLASS_IDS ) { if ( gPieCharts[key].data.datasets.length === 0 ) continue ; for ( i=0 ; i < gPieCharts[key].data.datasets[0].data.length ; ++i ) { if ( gPieDatasetPlayerIndex[ key ][i] == playerId ) { gPieCharts[key].data.datasets[0].borderColor[ i ] = newColor ; gPieCharts[key].data.datasets[0].backgroundColor[ i ] = makePlayerColor2( newColor ) ; gPieCharts[key].update() ; break ; } } } // update the time-plot chart for ( i=0 ; i < gTimePlotChart.data.datasets.length ; ++i ) { if ( gTimePlotDatasetPlayerIndex[ i ] == playerId ) { gTimePlotChart.data.datasets[ i ].borderColor = newColor ; gTimePlotChart.data.datasets[ i ].backgroundColor = makePlayerColor2( newColor ) ; gTimePlotChart.data.datasets[ i ].pointBackgroundColor = newColor ; gTimePlotChart.update() ; break ; } } // update the hotness chart var dataset = gHotnessChart.data.datasets[ 0 ] ; for ( i=0 ; i < dataset.data.length ; ++i ) { if ( gHotnessPlayerIndex[i] == playerId ) { dataset.borderColor[i] = newColor ; dataset.backgroundColor[i] = makePlayerColor2( newColor ) ; gHotnessChart.update() ; break ; } } } // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - function getPlayerColor( playerId ) { return gUserSettings.lfa["player-colors"][ gPlayerColorIndex[playerId] ] ; } function getPlayerColor2( playerId ) { return makePlayerColor2( gUserSettings.lfa["player-colors"][ gPlayerColorIndex[playerId] ] ) ; } function makePlayerColor2( color ) { color = tinycolor( color ) ; color.setAlpha( 0.2 ) ; return color.toRgbString() ; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- function onDownloadData() { // NOTE: Everything is handled as UTF-8, but as usual, dealing with Excel is problematic :-/ // We could insert a BOM, but there are known issues with Excel barfing on these. Without one, // the user may have to import the file via the Data menu (configuring the encoding and delimiter), // but at least it will work (and only needs to be done if there is non-ASCII content). // We could also set the charset in the Content-Type header, but that doesn't help // when the user saves the download in a file, then tries to open it in another application. // initialize var buf = [ '"Log file","Phase","Player","Type","Die 1","Die 2"\n' ] ; function safeVal( val ) { return '"' + strReplaceAll(val,'"','""') + '"' ; } // process each event var nextLogFilename=null, nextLabel=null ; gLogFileAnalysis.extractEvents( 1, { onLogFileEvent: function( evt ) { // save the log filename (it will be included in the next row of data) nextLogFilename = evt.filename ; }, onTurnTrackEvent: function( evt ) { // save the phase (it will be included in the next row of data) nextLabel = evt.side + " " + evt.turnNo + " " + evt.phase ; }, onCustomLabelEvent: function( evt ) { // save the custom label (it will be included in the next row of data) nextLabel = evt.caption ; }, onRollEvent: function( evt ) { // generate the next row of data if ( nextLogFilename ) { buf.push( safeVal( nextLogFilename ) ) ; nextLogFilename = null ; } buf.push( "," ) ; if ( nextLabel ) { buf.push( safeVal( nextLabel ) ) ; nextLabel = null ; } buf.push( "," ) ; buf.push( safeVal( gLogFileAnalysis.playerName( evt.playerId ) ) ) ; buf.push( "," ) ; buf.push( safeVal( evt.rollType ) ) ; buf.push( "," ) ; if ( LogFileAnalysis.isSingleDie( evt.rollValue ) ) buf.push( evt.rollValue, "," ) ; else buf.push( evt.rollValue[0], ",", evt.rollValue[1] ) ; buf.push( "\n" ) ; }, } ) ; // return the data to the user var data = buf.join( "" ).trim() ; if ( getUrlParam( "lfa_persistence" ) ) $( "#_lfa-download_"). val( data ) ; else { closeAllPopupsAndDropLists() ; if ( gWebChannelHandler ) gWebChannelHandler.save_log_file_analysis( data ) ; else download( data, "analysis.csv", "application/text" ) ; } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- gTabularDataSeqNo = 0 ; function makeTabularDataHtml( labels, datasets, nFpDigits ) { // NOTE: This is for testing porpoises only. It shows the chart data // in tables, so that the test suite can easily extract it. // figure out how many rows we have var nRows = labels.length ; var i, j ; datasets.forEach( function( dataset ) { if ( dataset.data.length > nRows ) nRows = dataset.data.length ; } ) ; var buf = [] ; function pushVal( vals, valNo ) { if ( valNo < vals.length ) { if ( typeof vals[valNo] === "number" && nFpDigits !== undefined ) buf.push( fpFmt( vals[valNo], nFpDigits ) ) ; else buf.push( vals[valNo] ) ; } else { buf.push( "???" ) ; // nb: should never get here! } } // generate the table HTML buf.push( "" ) ; if ( datasets.length > 0 ) { buf.push( "", "", "
" ) ; datasets.forEach( function( dataset ) { buf.push( "", dataset.label ) ; } ) ; for ( i=0 ; i < nRows ; ++i ) { buf.push( "
" ) ; pushVal( labels, i ) ; for ( j=0 ; j < datasets.length ; ++j ) { buf.push( "" ) ; pushVal( datasets[j].data, i ) ; } } } buf.push( "
" ) ; return buf.join( "" ) ; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- var gOriginalLineDraw = Chart.controllers.line.prototype.draw ; Chart.helpers.extend( Chart.controllers.line.prototype, { draw: function() { // NOTE: We install this function into the chart prototype, to draw extra vertical lines // in the time-plot chart that indicate the start of each new log file. // initialize gOriginalLineDraw.apply( this, arguments ) ; var chart = this.chart ; // figure out where we need to draw vertical lines var verticalLines = chart.config.data.verticalLines ; if ( ! verticalLines ) return ; // draw each vertical line var ctx = chart.chart.ctx ; verticalLines.forEach( function( index ) { var xAxis = chart.scales[ "x-axis-0" ] ; var yAxis = chart.scales[ "y-axis-0" ] ; ctx.save() ; ctx.beginPath() ; var xPos = xAxis.getPixelForValue( undefined, index ) ; ctx.moveTo( xPos, yAxis.top ) ; ctx.lineWidth = 1 ; ctx.setLineDash( [ 5, 3 ] ) ; ctx.strokeStyle = "#d0d0d0" ; ctx.lineTo( xPos, yAxis.bottom ) ; ctx.stroke() ; ctx.restore() ; } ) ; } } ) ; // -------------------------------------------------------------------- function closeAllPopupsAndDropLists() { // close all popups $gPlayerColorsPopup.hide() ; $gPlayerColorsPopup.find( ".color-picker" ).each( function() { var prevColor = $(this).attr( "data-prev-color" ) ; if ( prevColor ) $(this).spectrum( "set", prevColor ) ; $(this).spectrum( "hide") ; } ) ; $gSelectFilePopup.hide() ; // close all droplists $( "#lfa select" ).each( function() { $(this).selectmenu( "close" ) ; } ) ; } // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - function setChartAnimation( options ) { // The ChartJS docs claim that you can disable animations globally via Chart.defaults.global.animation, // but it doesn't seem to work :-/ We set it on each individual chart. if ( ! options.animation ) options.animation = {} ; options.animation.duration = $gDisableAnimationsCheckBox.is( ":checked" ) ? 0 : 1000 ; } function makeArray( val, count ) { // create an array consisting of a repeated value var arr = [] ; for ( var i=0 ; i < count ; ++i ) arr.push( val ) ; return arr ; } function checkRollType( evt, rollType ) { return evt.rollType === rollType ; } function makeDieImageUrl( dieVal, color ) { return gImagesBaseUrl + "/lfa/die/" + color + "/" + dieVal + ".png" ; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- } )() ; // end local namespace