""" Test the help page. """ from vasl_templates.webapp.tests.utils import \ init_webapp, select_menu_option, find_child, find_children, wait_for, wait_for_elem # --------------------------------------------------------------------- def test_help( webapp, webdriver ): """Test the help page.""" # initialize init_webapp( webapp, webdriver ) # make sure the HELP tab is not visible def get_tabs(): """Get the visible tabs.""" return [ c.get_attribute( "aria-controls" ) for c in find_children( "#tabs .ui-tabs-tab" ) if c.is_displayed() ] assert "tabs-help" not in get_tabs() # show the help select_menu_option( "show_help" ) # make sure that the HELP tab is now visible assert "tabs-help" in get_tabs() # check what's in the help iframe try: # switch to the frame webdriver.switch_to.frame( find_child( "#tabs-help iframe" ) ) # check that the content loaded OK assert "everyone's favorite scenario" in webdriver.page_source # check that the license loaded OK elem = wait_for_elem( 2, "a.ui-tabs-anchor[href='#helptabs-license']" ) assert elem.is_displayed() wait_for( 2, lambda: "GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE" in webdriver.page_source ) assert "Version 3" in webdriver.page_source finally: # switch back to the main window webdriver.switch_to.default_content()