SCENARIO_IMAGES_SOURCE_THIS_PROGRAM = 1 ; SCENARIO_IMAGES_SOURCE_INTERNET = 2 ; DEFAULT_USER_SETTINGS = { "scenario-images-source": SCENARIO_IMAGES_SOURCE_INTERNET, "include-vasl-images-in-snippets": true, "include-flags-in-snippets": true, "custom-list-bullets": true, } ; gUserSettings = Cookies.getJSON( "user-settings" ) || DEFAULT_USER_SETTINGS ; USER_SETTINGS = { "vasl-username": { type: "text" }, "snippet-font-family": { type: "text", for_update_vsav: true }, "snippet-font-size": { type: "text", for_update_vsav: true }, "date-format": { type: "droplist" }, "scenario-images-source": { type: "droplist", for_update_vsav: true }, "hide-unavailable-ma-notes": { type: "checkbox", for_update_vsav: true }, "confirm-update-vsav-settings": { type: "checkbox", for_update_vsav: true }, "include-vasl-images-in-snippets": { type: "checkbox", for_update_vsav: true }, "include-flags-in-snippets": { type: "checkbox", for_update_vsav: true }, "custom-list-bullets": { type: "checkbox", for_update_vsav: true }, "vo-notes-as-images": { type: "checkbox", for_update_vsav: true }, } ; // -------------------------------------------------------------------- function user_settings( on_ok, caption ) { function load_settings() { // load each user setting for ( var name in USER_SETTINGS ) { var $elem = $( ".ui-dialog.user-settings [name='" + name + "']" ) ; var func = handlers[ "load_" + USER_SETTINGS[name].type ] ; func( $elem, gUserSettings[name] ) ; // update the control (and associated label) for its active/inactive state var $label = $( ".ui-dialog.user-settings label[for='" + name + "']" ) ; if ( USER_SETTINGS[name].type == "droplist" ) $elem = $label.siblings( ".select2" ) ; if ( on_ok && ! USER_SETTINGS[name].for_update_vsav ) { // NOTE: It would be nice to also update the droplist items for select2's, // but these are created dynamically and it's more trouble than it's worth :-/ $elem.addClass( "inactive" ) ; $label.addClass( "inactive" ) ; } else { $elem.removeClass( "inactive" ) ; $label.removeClass( "inactive" ) ; } } update_ui() ; } function unload_settings() { // unload each user setting var settings = {} ; for ( var name in USER_SETTINGS ) { var $elem = $( ".ui-dialog.user-settings [name='" + name + "']" ) ; func = handlers[ "unload_" + USER_SETTINGS[name].type ] ; gUserSettings[name] = func( $elem ) ; } return settings ; } function update_ui() { // update the UI var images_source = $( ".ui-dialog.user-settings select[name='scenario-images-source']" ).val() ; $( ".ui-dialog.user-settings img.need-localhost.sometimes" ).css( "display", (images_source == SCENARIO_IMAGES_SOURCE_THIS_PROGRAM) ? "inline-block" : "none" ) ; // update the UI var rc = false ; $( ".ui-dialog.user-settings input.need-localhost:checked" ).each( function() { if ( $(this).hasClass( "sometimes" ) ) { if ( images_source == SCENARIO_IMAGES_SOURCE_THIS_PROGRAM ) rc = true ; } else rc = true ; } ) ; $( ".ui-dialog.user-settings div.need-localhost" ).css( "display", rc ? "block" : "none" ) ; } var handlers = { load_checkbox: function( $elem, val ) { $elem.prop( "checked", val?true:false ) ; }, unload_checkbox: function( $elem ) { return $elem.prop( "checked" ) ; }, load_droplist: function( $elem, val ) { if ( val ) { $elem.select2( "trigger", "select", { data: { id: val } } ) ; } }, unload_droplist: function( $elem ) { return $elem.children(":selected").val() ; }, load_text: function( $elem, val ) { $elem.val( val ? val.trim() : "" ) ; }, unload_text: function( $elem ) { return $elem.val().trim() ; }, } ; // show the "user settings" dialog $( "#user-settings" ).dialog( { title: caption || "User settings", dialogClass: "user-settings", modal: true, width: 460, resizable: false, create: function() { init_dialog( $(this), "OK", true ) ; // initialize the "this program must be running" warnings $( "input.need-localhost" ).each( function() { var $img = $( "" ) ; if ( $(this).hasClass( "sometimes" ) ) $img.addClass( "sometimes" ) ; $img.attr( "title", "If you turn this option on, this program must be running before you load scenarios into VASSAL." ) ; $(this).next().before( $img ) ; } ) ; var $btn_pane = $(".ui-dialog.user-settings .ui-dialog-buttonpane") ; $btn_pane.prepend( $( "
" + "This program must be running before
you load scenarios into VASSAL.
" ) ) ; // install handlers to keep the UI updated for ( var name in USER_SETTINGS ) { var $elem = $( ".ui-dialog.user-settings [name='" + name + "']" ) ; if ( USER_SETTINGS[name].type === "checkbox" ) $ update_ui ) ; else if ( USER_SETTINGS[name].type === "droplist" ) $elem.change( update_ui ) ; } }, open: function() { on_dialog_open( $(this), $(this).find("input[name='vasl-username']") ) ; // FUDGE! Doing this in the "open" handler breaks loading the scenario-images-source droplist :shrug: // FIXME! Using select2 breaks Ctrl-Enter handling :-( $(this).find( "select" ).select2( { minimumResultsForSearch: -1 } ) ; // load the current user settings load_settings( $(this) ) ; }, buttons: { OK: function() { // unload and install the new user settings unload_settings() ; save_user_settings() ; apply_user_settings() ; $(this).dialog( "close" ) ; if ( on_ok ) setTimeout( on_ok, 50 ) ; // nb: work-around a timing issue in the PyQt app }, Cancel: function() { $(this).dialog( "close" ) ; }, }, } ) ; } // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - function save_user_settings() { // save the user settings Cookies.set( "user-settings", gUserSettings, { SameSite: "strict", expires: 999 } ) ; if ( gWebChannelHandler ) gWebChannelHandler.on_user_settings_change( JSON.stringify( gUserSettings ) ) ; } // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - function apply_user_settings() { // set the date format var date_format = gUserSettings["date-format"] || "mm/dd/yy" ; var $scenario_date = $( "input[name='SCENARIO_DATE']" ) ; var curr_date = $scenario_date.datepicker( "getDate" ) ; $scenario_date.datepicker( "option", "dateFormat", date_format ) ; $scenario_date.datepicker( "option", "defaultDate", $.datepicker.formatDate( date_format, new Date(1940,0,1) ) ) ; $scenario_date.datepicker( "option", "yearRange", "c-10:c+15" ) ; if ( curr_date ) { $scenario_date.val( $.datepicker.formatDate( date_format, curr_date ) ).trigger( "change" ) ; } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- function install_user_settings( user_settings ) // nb: this is called by the PyQT desktop application { gUserSettings = JSON.parse( user_settings ) ; if ( Object.keys( gUserSettings ).length === 0 ) gUserSettings = DEFAULT_USER_SETTINGS ; apply_user_settings() ; }