""" Miscellaneous utilities. """ import os import io import tempfile import pathlib from collections import defaultdict from flask import request, Response, send_file from PIL import Image # --------------------------------------------------------------------- class MsgStore: """Store different types of messages.""" def __init__( self ): self._msgs = None self.reset() def reset( self ): """Reset the MsgStore.""" self._msgs = defaultdict( list ) def info( self, msg, *args, **kwargs ): """Add an informational message.""" self._add_msg( "info", msg, *args, **kwargs ) def warning( self, msg, *args, **kwargs ): """Add a warning message.""" self._add_msg( "warning", msg, *args, **kwargs ) def error( self, msg, *args, **kwargs ): """Add an error message.""" self._add_msg( "error", msg, *args, **kwargs ) def get_msgs( self, msg_type ): """Get stored messages.""" return self._msgs[ msg_type ] def _add_msg( self, msg_type, msg, *args, **kwargs ): """Add a message to the store.""" logger = kwargs.pop( "logger", None ) msg = msg.format( *args, **kwargs ) self._msgs[ msg_type ].append( msg ) if logger: func = getattr( logger, "warn" if msg_type == "warning" else msg_type ) func( msg ) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- class TempFile: """Manage a temp file that can be closed while it's still being used.""" def __init__( self, mode="wb", extn=None, encoding=None ): self.mode = mode self.extn = extn self.encoding = encoding self.temp_file = None self.name = None def __enter__( self ): """Allocate a temp file.""" if self.encoding: encoding = self.encoding else: encoding = "utf-8" if "b" not in self.mode else None self.temp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( mode = self.mode, encoding = encoding, suffix = self.extn, delete = False ) self.name = self.temp_file.name return self def __exit__( self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb ): """Clean up the temp file.""" self.close() os.unlink( self.temp_file.name ) def write( self, data ): """Write data to the temp file.""" self.temp_file.write( data ) def close( self ): """Close the temp file.""" self.temp_file.close() # --------------------------------------------------------------------- def resize_image_response( resp, default_width=None, default_height=None, default_scaling=None ): """Resize an image that will be returned as a Flask response.""" assert isinstance( resp, Response ) def get_image(): """Get the the image from the Flask response that was passed in.""" resp.direct_passthrough = False buf = io.BytesIO() buf.write( resp.get_data() ) buf.seek( 0 ) return Image.open( buf ) # check if the caller specified a width and/or height width = request.args.get( "width", default_width ) height = request.args.get( "height", default_height ) if width and height: # width and height were specified, just use them as-is img = get_image() width = int( width ) height = int( height ) elif width and not height: # width only, calculate the height img = get_image() aspect_ratio = float(img.size[0]) / float(img.size[1]) height = int(width) / aspect_ratio elif not width and height: # height only, calculate the width img = get_image() aspect_ratio = float(img.size[0]) / float(img.size[1]) width = int(height) * aspect_ratio elif not width and not height: # check if the caller specified a scaling factor scaling = request.args.get( "scaling", default_scaling ) if scaling and scaling != 100: img = get_image() width = img.size[0] * float(scaling)/100 height = img.size[1] * float(scaling)/100 # check if we need to resize the image if width or height: assert width and height # yup - make it so img = img.resize( (int(width),int(height)), Image.ANTIALIAS ) buf = io.BytesIO() img.save( buf, format="PNG" ) buf.seek( 0 ) return send_file( buf, mimetype="image/png" ) else: # nope - return the image as-is return resp # --------------------------------------------------------------------- def change_extn( fname, extn ): """Change a filename's extension.""" return pathlib.Path( fname ).with_suffix( extn ) def is_image_file( fname ): """Check if a file is an image.""" if fname.startswith( "." ): extn = fname else: extn = os.path.splitext( fname )[1] return extn.lower() in (".png",".jpg",".jpeg",".gif") def is_empty_file( fname ): """Check if a file is empty.""" return os.stat( fname ).st_size == 0 # --------------------------------------------------------------------- class SimpleError( Exception ): """Represents a simple error that doesn't require a stack trace (e.g. bad configuration).""" pass