""" Allow the test suite to control a remote webapp server. """ import json import base64 import grpc from google.protobuf.empty_pb2 import Empty #pylint: disable=no-name-in-module from vasl_templates.webapp.tests.proto.generated.control_tests_pb2_grpc import ControlTestsStub from vasl_templates.webapp.tests.proto.utils import enum_from_string from vasl_templates.webapp.tests.proto.generated.control_tests_pb2 import \ SetVassalVersionRequest, SetVaslVersionRequest, SetVaslExtnInfoDirRequest, SetGpidRemappingsRequest, \ SetDataDirRequest, SetDefaultScenarioRequest, SetDefaultTemplatePackRequest, \ SetVehOrdNotesDirRequest, SetUserFilesDirRequest, \ SetAsaScenarioIndexRequest, SetRoarScenarioIndexRequest, \ DumpVsavRequest, GetVaslPiecesRequest, \ SetAppConfigValRequest, DeleteAppConfigValRequest, \ SaveTempFileRequest # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # NOTE: The API for this class should be kept in sync with ControlTestsServicer. class ControlTests: #pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods """Control a remote webapp server.""" def __init__( self, addr ): # initialize channel = grpc.insecure_channel( addr ) self._stub = ControlTestsStub( channel ) self._caps = None def has_capability( self, cap ) : """Check if the remote webapp has the specified capability.""" return cap in self._caps def start_tests( self ): """Start a new test run.""" resp = self._stub.startTests( Empty() ) self._caps = set( resp.capabilities ) return self def end_tests( self ): """End a test run.""" self._stub.endTests( Empty() ) self._caps = None def get_vassal_versions( self ): """Get the available VASSAL versions.""" resp = self._stub.getVassalVersions( Empty() ) return resp.vassalVersions def set_vassal_version( self, vassal_version ): """Set the VASSAL version.""" self._stub.setVassalVersion( SetVassalVersionRequest( vassalVersion = vassal_version ) ) return self def get_vasl_versions( self ): """Get the available VASL versions.""" resp = self._stub.getVaslVersions( Empty() ) return resp.vaslVersions def set_vasl_version( self, vasl_mod, vasl_extns_type ): """Set the VASL version.""" vasl_extns_type = enum_from_string( SetVaslVersionRequest.VaslExtnsType, #pylint: disable=no-member vasl_extns_type or "{NONE}" ) self._stub.setVaslVersion( SetVaslVersionRequest( vaslVersion=vasl_mod, vaslExtnsType=vasl_extns_type ) ) return self def get_vasl_extns( self ): """Get the VASL extensions.""" resp = self._stub.getVaslExtns( Empty() ) return json.loads( resp.vaslExtnsJson ) def set_vasl_extn_info_dir( self, dname ): """Set the VASL extensions info directory.""" self._stub.setVaslExtnInfoDir( SetVaslExtnInfoDirRequest( dirName = dname ) ) return self def set_gpid_remappings( self, gpid_remappings ): """Set the GPID remappings.""" self._stub.setGpidRemappings( SetGpidRemappingsRequest( gpidRemappingsJson = json.dumps( gpid_remappings ) ) ) return self def get_vasl_mod_warnings( self ): """Get the vasl_mod warnings.""" resp = self._stub.getVaslModWarnings( Empty() ) return resp.warnings def set_data_dir( self, dtype ): """Set the data directory.""" dtype = enum_from_string( SetDataDirRequest.DirType, dtype ) #pylint: disable=no-member self._stub.setDataDir( SetDataDirRequest( dirType = dtype ) ) return self def set_default_scenario( self, fname ): """Set the default scenario.""" self._stub.setDefaultScenario( SetDefaultScenarioRequest( fileName = fname ) ) return self def set_default_template_pack( self, template_pack ): """Set the default template pack.""" if isinstance( template_pack, str ) and template_pack.startswith( "{" ) and template_pack.endswith( "}" ): val = enum_from_string( SetDefaultTemplatePackRequest.TemplatePackType, #pylint: disable=no-member template_pack ) req = SetDefaultTemplatePackRequest( templatePackType = val ) elif isinstance( template_pack, str ): req = SetDefaultTemplatePackRequest( dirName = template_pack ) elif isinstance( template_pack, bytes ): req = SetDefaultTemplatePackRequest( zipData = template_pack ) else: raise ValueError( "Can't identify template pack type: {}".format( type(template_pack).__name__ ) ) self._stub.setDefaultTemplatePack( req ) return self def set_vo_notes_dir( self, dtype ): """Set the vehicle/ordnance notes directory.""" dtype = enum_from_string( SetVehOrdNotesDirRequest.DirType, dtype or "{NONE}" ) #pylint: disable=no-member self._stub.setVehOrdNotesDir( SetVehOrdNotesDirRequest( dirType = dtype ) ) return self def set_user_files_dir( self, dname_or_url ): """Set the user files directory.""" self._stub.setUserFilesDir( SetUserFilesDirRequest( dirOrUrl = dname_or_url ) ) return self def set_asa_scenario_index( self, fname ): """Set the ASL Scenario Archive scenario index.""" self._stub.setAsaScenarioIndex( SetAsaScenarioIndexRequest( fileName = fname ) ) return self def set_roar_scenario_index( self, fname ): """Set the ROAR scenario index.""" self._stub.setRoarScenarioIndex( SetRoarScenarioIndexRequest( fileName = fname ) ) return self def get_last_snippet_image( self ): """Get the last snippet image.""" resp = self._stub.getLastSnippetImage( Empty() ) return resp.imageData def reset_last_asa_upload( self ): """Reset the last ASL Scenario Archive upload.""" self._stub.resetLastAsaUpload( Empty() ) return self def get_last_asa_upload( self ): """Get the last ASL Scenario Archive upload.""" resp = self._stub.getLastAsaUpload( Empty() ) last_asa_upload = json.loads( resp.lastUploadJson ) if last_asa_upload: for key in ("vasl_setup","screenshot"): if last_asa_upload.get( key ): last_asa_upload[key] = base64.b64decode( last_asa_upload[key].encode( "ascii" ) ) return last_asa_upload def dump_vsav( self, vsav ): """Dump a VASL save file.""" if isinstance( vsav, str ): with open( vsav, "rb" ) as fp: vsav = fp.read() resp = self._stub.dumpVsav( DumpVsavRequest( vsavData = vsav ) ) return resp.vsavDump def get_vasl_pieces( self, vasl_version ): """Get the pieces for the specified VASL module.""" resp = self._stub.getVaslPieces( GetVaslPiecesRequest( vaslVersion=vasl_version ) ) return resp.pieceDump, resp.gpids def get_app_config( self ): """Get the app config.""" resp = self._stub.getAppConfig( Empty() ) return json.loads( resp.appConfigJson ) def set_app_config_val( self, key, val ): """Set an app config value.""" if isinstance( val, str ): req = SetAppConfigValRequest( key=key, strVal=val ) elif isinstance( val, int ): req = SetAppConfigValRequest( key=key, intVal=val ) elif isinstance( val, bool ): req = SetAppConfigValRequest( key=key, boolVal=val ) else: raise ValueError( "Invalid value type: {}".format( type(val).__name__ ) ) self._stub.setAppConfigVal( req ) return self def delete_app_config_key( self, key ): """Delete an app config value.""" self._stub.deleteAppConfigVal( DeleteAppConfigValRequest( key = key ) ) return self def save_temp_file( self, fname, data ): """Save a temp file.""" self._stub.saveTempFile( SaveTempFileRequest( fileName=fname, data=data ) ) return self