""" Initialize the package. """ import os import configparser import logging import logging.config from flask import Flask import yaml from vasl_templates.webapp.config.constants import APP_NAME, BASE_DIR # --------------------------------------------------------------------- def load_debug_config( fname ): """Configure the application.""" config_parser.read( fname ) app.config.update( dict( config_parser.items( "Debug" ) ) ) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # initialize Flask app = Flask( __name__ ) # load the application configuration config_dir = os.path.join( BASE_DIR, "config" ) config_parser = configparser.ConfigParser() config_parser.optionxform = str # preserve case for the keys :-/ config_parser.read( os.path.join( config_dir, "app.cfg" ) ) app.config.update( dict( config_parser.items( "System" ) ) ) # load any debug configuration _fname = os.path.join( config_dir, "debug.cfg" ) if os.path.isfile( _fname ) : load_debug_config( _fname ) # initialize logging _fname = os.path.join( config_dir, "logging.yaml" ) if os.path.isfile( _fname ): with open( _fname, "r" ) as fp: logging.config.dictConfig( yaml.safe_load( fp ) ) else: # stop Flask from logging every request :-/ logging.getLogger( "werkzeug" ).setLevel( logging.WARNING ) # load the application import vasl_templates.webapp.main #pylint: disable=cyclic-import import vasl_templates.webapp.vo #pylint: disable=cyclic-import import vasl_templates.webapp.snippets #pylint: disable=cyclic-import # --------------------------------------------------------------------- @app.context_processor def inject_template_params(): """Inject template parameters into Jinja2.""" return { "APP_NAME": APP_NAME }