// -------------------------------------------------------------------- $(document).ready( function() { // set the application name var $caption = $( "#app-name" ) ; var version = getUrlParam( "version" ) ; if ( version ) $caption.html( $caption.html() + " (" + version + ")" ) ; $caption.fadeIn( 500 ) ; // catch clicks on links // FUDGE! We have to do a bit of stuffing around to open links in an external window, // so that things will work when we're inside the desktop app. if ( ! getUrlParam( "pyqt" ) ) { $( "a" ).each( function() { $(this).click( function(evt) { var url = $(this).attr( "href" ) ; if ( url[0] !== "#" && url.substring(0,16) !== "http://localhost" && url.substring(0,16) !== "" ) { window.open( url ) ; evt.preventDefault() ; return false ; } } ) ; } ) ; } // initialize image previews $( "img.preview" ).each( function() { // check if the image is floating and add a margin var float = $(this).css( "float" ) ; if ( float === "left" ) $(this).css( "margin-right", "1em" ) ; else if ( float === "right" ) $(this).css( "margin-left", "1em" ) ; // wrap the image in a link var url = $(this).attr( "src" ) ; $(this).attr( "src", url.substring(0,url.length-4)+".small.png" ) ; $(this).wrap( "" ).imageZoom( $ ) ; } ) ; // load the license var is_github = ( window.parent.location.hostname === "github.com" || window.parent.location.hostname === "rawgit.com" ) ; if ( window.parent.location.protocol !== "file:" && !is_github ) { var url = window.parent.location.protocol + "//" + window.parent.location.hostname ; if ( window.parent.location.port ) url += ":" + window.parent.location.port ; url += "/license" ; $.get( url, function(data) { $( "#helptabs-license .content" ).text( data ) ; } ).fail( function( xhr, status, errorMsg ) { $( "#helptabs-license .content" ).text( "Couldn't get the license: " + errorMsg ) ; } ) ; } else { $( "#helptabs li:contains('License')" ).hide() ; $( "#helptabs-license" ).hide() ; } // initialize the tabs if ( getUrlParam( "embedded" ) ) { // update the UI $( "#helptabs li:contains('Installation')" ).remove() ; $( "#helptabs-installation" ).remove() ; } $("#loader").fadeOut( 500 ) ; $("#helptabs").tabs().fadeIn( 500 ) ; $("#helptabs .ui-tabs-nav a").click( function() { $(this).blur() ; } ) ; // check if we should auto-select a tab var tab_id = getUrlParam( "tab" ) ; if ( tab_id ) $( "a[href='#helptabs-" + tab_id + "']" ).click() ; } ) ;