{ "extensionId": "08d", "version": "0.0", "displayName": "Fight For Seoul", "displayNameAbbrev": "FfS", "american": { "vehicles": [ { "name": "POA-CWS-H5", "_comment_": "This was copied from kfw-uro/v:005. We can't use copy_from since K:FW is also an extension, and we don't control load order.", "type": "MTv", "CS#": 6, "capabilities2": { "C": 5, "sM": 8 }, "note_number": "5\u2020", "notes": [ "C", "M" ], "comments": [ "TCA restrictions", "CE: MA, SA Fire NA", "Fire MA & SA NA" ], "id": "ffs/v:000", "gpid": "08d:15" } ], "ordnance": [ { "name": "M20(L) 75mm Recoilless Rifle", "_comment_": "This was copied from kfw-un-common/o:004. We can't use copy_from since K:FW is also an extension, and we don't control load order.", "type": "RCL", "capabilities": [ "H\u2020" ], "capabilities2": { "WP": 7 }, "comments": [ "∞ H", "Crewed" ], "note_number": "25\u2020", "notes": [ "K", "M", "O", "P", "R" ], "id": "ffs/o:000", "gpid": "08d:75" } ] } }