""" Test generating SSR snippets. """ import html from selenium.webdriver.common.action_chains import ActionChains from vasl_templates.webapp.tests.utils import select_tab, find_child, find_children from vasl_templates.webapp.tests.utils import get_clipboard, dismiss_notifications, click_dialog_button # --------------------------------------------------------------------- def test_ssr( webapp, webdriver ): """Test generating SSR snippets.""" # initialize webdriver.get( webapp.url_for( "main" ) ) select_tab( "scenario" ) # initialize expected = [] def _add_ssr( val ): expected.append( val ) add_ssr( webdriver, val ) check_snippet() def _edit_ssr( ssr_no, val ): expected[ssr_no] = val edit_ssr( webdriver, ssr_no, val ) check_snippet() def check_snippet( width=None ): """Check the generated SSR snippet.""" btn = find_child( "input[type='button'][data-id='ssr']" ) btn.click() val = "\n".join( "(*) [{}]".format(e) for e in expected ) if width: val += "\nwidth = [{}]".format( width ) assert html.unescape( get_clipboard() ) == val dismiss_notifications() # add an SSR and generate the SSR snippet _add_ssr( "This is my first SSR." ) # add an SSR that contains HTML _add_ssr( "This snippet contains bold and italic text." ) # add a multi-line SSR _add_ssr( "line 1\nline 2\nline 3" ) # edit one of the SSR's _edit_ssr( 1, "This SSR was modified." ) # delete one of the SSR's elems = find_children( "#ssr-sortable li" ) assert len(elems) == 3 elem = elems[1] trash = find_child( "#ssr-trash" ) ActionChains(webdriver).drag_and_drop( elem, trash ).perform() del expected[1] check_snippet() # set the snippet width elem = find_child( "input[name='SSR_WIDTH']" ) elem.send_keys( "300px" ) check_snippet( "300px" ) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- def add_ssr( webdriver, val ): """Add a new SSR.""" elem = find_child( "#add-ssr" ) elem.click() edit_ssr( webdriver, None, val ) # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - def edit_ssr( webdriver, ssr_no, val ): """Edit an SSR's content.""" # locate the requested SSR and start editing it if ssr_no is not None: elems = find_children( "#ssr-sortable li" ) elem = elems[ ssr_no ] ActionChains(webdriver).double_click( elem ).perform() # edit the SSR textarea = find_child( "#edit-ssr textarea" ) textarea.clear() textarea.send_keys( val ) click_dialog_button( "OK" )