""" Miscellaneous utilities. """ import os import shutil import subprocess import io import tempfile import pathlib import math import re import logging from collections import defaultdict from flask import request, Response, send_file from PIL import Image, ImageChops from vasl_templates.webapp import app # --------------------------------------------------------------------- class MsgStore: """Store different types of messages.""" def __init__( self ): self._msgs = None self.reset() def reset( self ): """Reset the MsgStore.""" self._msgs = defaultdict( list ) def info( self, msg, *args, **kwargs ): """Add an informational message.""" self._add_msg( "info", msg, *args, **kwargs ) def warning( self, msg, *args, **kwargs ): """Add a warning message.""" self._add_msg( "warning", msg, *args, **kwargs ) def error( self, msg, *args, **kwargs ): """Add an error message.""" self._add_msg( "error", msg, *args, **kwargs ) def get_msgs( self, msg_type ): """Get stored messages.""" return self._msgs[ msg_type ] def _add_msg( self, msg_type, msg, *args, **kwargs ): """Add a message to the store.""" logger = kwargs.pop( "logger", None ) if args or kwargs: # NOTE: We only format the message if there are any parameters, to handle the case # where the caller passed us a single string that happens to contain a {. msg = msg.format( *args, **kwargs ) self._msgs[ msg_type ].append( msg ) if logger: func = getattr( logger, "warn" if msg_type == "warning" else msg_type ) func( msg ) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- class TempFile: """Manage a temp file that can be closed while it's still being used.""" def __init__( self, mode="wb", extn=None, encoding=None ): self.mode = mode self.extn = extn self.encoding = encoding self.temp_file = None self.name = None def open( self ): """Allocate a temp file.""" if self.encoding: encoding = self.encoding else: encoding = "utf-8" if "b" not in self.mode else None assert self.temp_file is None self.temp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( #pylint: disable=consider-using-with mode = self.mode, encoding = encoding, suffix = self.extn, delete = False ) self.name = self.temp_file.name def close( self, delete ): """Close the temp file.""" self.temp_file.close() if delete: os.unlink( self.temp_file.name ) def write( self, data ): """Write data to the temp file.""" self.temp_file.write( data ) def save_copy( self, fname, logger, caption ): """Make a copy of the temp file (for debugging porpoises).""" if not fname: return logger.debug( "Saving a copy of the %s: %s", caption, fname ) shutil.copyfile( self.temp_file.name, fname ) def __enter__( self ): """Enter the context manager.""" self.open() return self def __exit__( self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb ): """Exit the context manager.""" self.close( delete=True ) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- def read_text_file( fname ): """Read a text file.""" # NOTE: There are several places where we read user-generated files (e.g. template packs, Chapter H notes), # which contain HTML content, so the ideal case is that they be plain ASCII, with special characters specified # as HTML entities. However, people are copy-and-pasting Chapter H content from their eASLRB's, which means # we need to handle encoding. chardet is overkill for what we need, and we simply try the most common cases. encodings = app.config.get( "TEXT_FILE_ENCODINGS", "ascii,utf-8,windows-1252,iso-8859-1" ) with open( fname, "rb" ) as fp: buf = fp.read() if buf[0:3] == b"\xEF\xBB\xBF": buf = buf[3:] encodings = "utf-8" for enc in encodings.split( "," ): try: return buf.decode( enc.strip() ) except UnicodeDecodeError: pass msg = "Can't decode text file: {}".format( fname ) logging.warning( msg ) return msg # --------------------------------------------------------------------- def resize_image_response( resp, default_width=None, default_height=None, default_scaling=None ): """Resize an image that will be returned as a Flask response.""" assert isinstance( resp, Response ) def get_image(): """Get the the image from the Flask response that was passed in.""" resp.direct_passthrough = False buf = io.BytesIO() buf.write( resp.get_data() ) buf.seek( 0 ) return Image.open( buf ) # check if the caller specified a width and/or height width = request.args.get( "width", default_width ) height = request.args.get( "height", default_height ) if width and height: # width and height were specified, just use them as-is img = get_image() width = int( width ) height = int( height ) elif width and not height: # width only, calculate the height img = get_image() aspect_ratio = float(img.size[0]) / float(img.size[1]) height = int(width) / aspect_ratio elif not width and height: # height only, calculate the width img = get_image() aspect_ratio = float(img.size[0]) / float(img.size[1]) width = int(height) * aspect_ratio elif not width and not height: # check if the caller specified a scaling factor scaling = request.args.get( "scaling", default_scaling ) if scaling and scaling != 100: img = get_image() width = img.size[0] * float(scaling)/100 height = img.size[1] * float(scaling)/100 # check if we need to resize the image if width or height: assert width and height # yup - make it so img = img.resize( (int(width),int(height)), Image.Resampling.LANCZOS ) buf = io.BytesIO() img.save( buf, format="PNG" ) buf.seek( 0 ) return send_file( buf, mimetype="image/png" ) else: # nope - return the image as-is return resp # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - def trim_image( img ): """Trim whitespace from an image.""" if isinstance( img, str ): img = Image.open( img ) # trim the screenshot (nb: we assume a white background) img = remove_alpha_from_image( img ) bgd = Image.new( img.mode, img.size, (255,255,255) ) diff = ImageChops.difference( img, bgd ) bbox = diff.getbbox() return img.crop( bbox ) def get_image_data( img, **kwargs ): """Get the data from a Pillow image.""" buf = io.BytesIO() img.save( buf, format=kwargs.pop("format","PNG"), **kwargs ) buf.seek( 0 ) return buf.read() def remove_alpha_from_image( img ): """Remove the alpha channel from an image.""" return img.convert( "RGB" ) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_java_version(): """Get the version of the configured Java runtime.""" java_path = get_java_path() if not java_path: return None try: args = [ java_path, "-version" ] kwargs = { "capture_output": True, "text": True, "stdin": subprocess.DEVNULL, } if is_windows(): kwargs["creationflags"] = 0x8000000 # nb: win32process.CREATE_NO_WINDOW proc = subprocess.run( args, check=True, **kwargs ) return proc.stderr.split( "\n" )[0] except Exception as ex: #pylint: disable=broad-except logging.error( "Can't get Java version: %s", ex ) return "???" def get_java_path(): """Locate the Java runtime.""" # get the configured path to Java java_path = app.config.get( "JAVA_PATH" ) # check if we should use the Java that now comes bundled with VASSAL if not java_path and is_windows(): vassal_dir = app.config.get( "VASSAL_DIR" ) if vassal_dir: fname = os.path.join( vassal_dir, "jre/bin/java.exe" ) if os.path.isfile( fname ): java_path = fname # check the PATH if not java_path: java_path = shutil.which( "java" ) return java_path # --------------------------------------------------------------------- def change_extn( fname, extn ): """Change a filename's extension.""" return pathlib.Path( fname ).with_suffix( extn ) def is_image_file( fname ): """Check if a file is an image.""" if fname.startswith( "." ): extn = fname else: extn = os.path.splitext( fname )[1] return extn.lower() in (".png",".jpg",".jpeg",".gif") def is_empty_file( fname ): """Check if a file is empty.""" return os.stat( fname ).st_size == 0 def parse_int( val, default=None ): """Parse an integer.""" try: return int( val ) except (ValueError, TypeError): return default def is_windows(): """Check if we're running on Windows.""" return os.name == "nt" # --------------------------------------------------------------------- def compare_version_strings( lhs, rhs ): """Compare two version strings.""" def parse( val ): #pylint: disable=missing-docstring mo = re.search( r"^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)(.\d+)?$", val ) last = int( mo.group(4)[1:] ) if mo.group(4) else 0 return ( int(mo.group(1)), int(mo.group(2)), int(mo.group(3)), last ) lhs, rhs = parse(lhs), parse(rhs) if lhs < rhs: return -1 elif lhs > rhs: return +1 else: return 0 def friendly_fractions( val, postfix=None, postfix2=None ): """Convert decimal values to more friendly fractions.""" if val is None: return None frac, val = math.modf( float( val ) ) if frac >= 0.875: val = str( int(val) + 1 ) else: val = str( int( val ) ) if frac >= 0.625: val = val + "¾" elif frac >= 0.375: val = val + "½" elif frac >= 0.125: val = val + "¼" if postfix: if val == "0": return "0 " + postfix2 elif val.startswith( "0&" ): return val[1:] + " " + postfix elif val == "1": return "1 " + postfix val = "{} {}".format( val, postfix2 ) return val[1:] if val.startswith( "0&" ) else val # --------------------------------------------------------------------- _MONTH_NAMES = [ # nb: we assume English :-/ "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December" ] _DAY_OF_MONTH_POSTFIXES = { # nb: we assume English :-/ 0: "th", 1: "st", 2: "nd", 3: "rd", 4: "th", 5: "th", 6: "th", 7: "th", 8: "th", 9: "th", 10: "th", 11: "th", 12: "th", 13: "th" } def get_month_name( month ): """Return a month name.""" return _MONTH_NAMES[ month-1 ] def make_formatted_day_of_month( dom ): """Generate a formatted day of the month.""" if dom in _DAY_OF_MONTH_POSTFIXES: return str(dom) + _DAY_OF_MONTH_POSTFIXES[ dom ] else: return str(dom) + _DAY_OF_MONTH_POSTFIXES[ dom % 10 ] # --------------------------------------------------------------------- class SimpleError( Exception ): """Represents a simple error that doesn't require a stack trace (e.g. bad configuration)."""