var gNationalities = {} ; var gDefaultTemplates = {} ; var gUserDefinedTemplates = {} ; var _NATIONALITY_SPECIFIC_BUTTONS = { "russian": [ "mol", "mol-p" ], "german": [ "pf", "psk", "atmm" ], "american": [ "baz" ], "british": [ "piat" ], } ; // -------------------------------------------------------------------- $(document).ready( function () { // initialize var $menu = $("#menu input") ; $menu.popmenu( { new_scenario: { label: "New scenario", action: on_new_scenario }, load_scenario: { label: "Load scenario", action: on_load_scenario }, save_scenario: { label: "Save scenario", action: on_save_scenario }, separator: { type: "separator" }, template_pack: { label: "Load template pack", action: on_template_pack }, } ) ; // nb: we only show the popmenu on left click (not the normal right-click) $ "contextmenu" ) ; $ function() { var pos = $(this).offset() ; $(this).data( "PopMenu.contextmenu" ).data( "PopMenu.instance" ).show( pos.left+$(this).width()+4,$(this).height()+4, "fade", 200 ) ; } ) ; // nb: we dismiss the popmenu on ESCAPE $(document).keydown( function(evt) { if ( evt.keyCode == 27 ) $menu.popmenu( "hide" ) ; } ) ; // add a handler for when the "load scenario" file has been selected $("#load-scenario").change( on_load_scenario_file_selected ) ; // add a handler for when the "load template pack" file has been selected $("#load-template-pack").change( on_template_pack_file_selected ) ; // all done - we can show the menu now $("#menu").show() ; // dynamically create the OB2 tab from OB1 var $ob2 = $("#tabs-ob1").clone() ; var adjustAttr = function( $elem, attrName ) { var val = $elem.attr( attrName ) ; if ( val && val.substring(val.length-1) === "1" ) $elem.attr( attrName, val.substring(0,val.length-1)+"2" ) ; } ; var fixupOB2 = function( $elem ) { adjustAttr( $elem, "id" ) ; adjustAttr( $elem, "name" ) ; adjustAttr( $elem, "data-id" ) ; adjustAttr( $elem, "for" ) ; $elem.children().each( function() { fixupOB2( $(this) ) ; } ) ; } ; fixupOB2( $ob2 ) ; $("#tabs-ob2").html( $ob2.html() ) ; // initialize $("#tabs").tabs( { heightStyle: "fill", } ).show() ; var navHeight = $("#tabs .ui-tabs-nav").height() ; $("input[name='SCENARIO_NAME']").focus().focus() ; // initialize $("input[name='SCENARIO_DATE']").datepicker( { showAnim: "slideDown", changeMonth: true, changeYear: true, defaultDate: "01/01/1940", } ) ; // initialize $("#ssr-sortable").sortable( { connectWith: "#ssr-trash", cursor: "move" } ) ; init_ssr( $("#ssr-sortable li") ) ; $("#add-ssr").click( add_ssr ) ; $("#ssr-trash").sortable( { receive: function( evt, ui ) { ui.item.remove() ; update_ssr_hint() ; } } ) ; $("#edit-ssr textarea").keydown( function(evt) { if ( evt.keyCode == 13 && evt.ctrlKey ) { $(".ui-dialog.edit-ssr button:contains('OK')").click() ; evt.preventDefault() ; } } ) ; // load the ELR's and SAN's var buf = [] ; for ( var i=0 ; i <= 5 ; ++i ) // nb: A19.1: ELR is 0-5 buf.push( "" ) ; buf = buf.join( "" ) ; $("select[name='PLAYER_1_ELR']").html( buf ) ; $("select[name='PLAYER_2_ELR']").html( buf ) ; buf = [ "" ] ; // nb: allow scenarios that have no SAN for ( i=2 ; i <= 7 ; ++i ) // nb: A14.1: SAN is 2-7 buf.push( "" ) ; buf = buf.join( "" ) ; $("select[name='PLAYER_1_SAN']").html( buf ) ; $("select[name='PLAYER_2_SAN']").html( buf ) ; // load the nationalities $.getJSON( gGetNationalitiesUrl, function(data) { gNationalities = data ; var buf = [] ; for ( var id in gNationalities ) buf.push( "" ) ; $("select[name='PLAYER_1']").html( buf ) ; $("select[name='PLAYER_2']").html( buf ) ; on_new_scenario( false ) ; } ).fail( function( xhr, status, errorMsg ) { showErrorMsg( "Can't get the nationalities:
" + escapeHTML(errorMsg) + "
" ) ; } ) ; // add handlers for player changes $("select[name='PLAYER_1']").change( function() { on_player_change($(this)) ; } ) ; $("select[name='PLAYER_2']").change( function() { on_player_change($(this)) ; } ) ; // get the templates $.getJSON( gGetDefaultTemplatesUrl, function(data) { gDefaultTemplates = data ; } ).fail( function( xhr, status, errorMsg ) { showErrorMsg( "Can't get the default templates:
" + escapeHTML(errorMsg) + "
" ) ; } ) ; $.getJSON( gGetAutoloadTemplatesUrl, function(data) { if ( "error" in data ) showErrorMsg( "Can't get the autoload templates:
" + escapeHTML(data.error) + "
" ) ; else { if ( "_path_" in data ) { showInfoMsg( "Auto-loaded template pack:
" + escapeHTML(data._path_) + "
" ) ; delete data._path_ ; } gUserDefinedTemplates = data ; } } ).fail( function( xhr, status, errorMsg ) { showErrorMsg( "Can't get the autoload templates:
" + escapeHTML(errorMsg) + "
" ) ; } ) ; var prevHeight = [] ; $(window).resize( function() { // FUDGE! CSS grids don't seem to update their layout vertically when // inside a jQuery tab control - we do it manually :-/ $(".ui-tabs-panel").each( function() { $(this).css( "padding", "5px" ) ; // FUDGE! doesn't work when set in the CSS :-/ var id = $(this).attr( "id" ) ; var h = $(this).parent().innerHeight() - navHeight - 20 ; if ( h !== prevHeight[id] ) { $(this).css( "height", h+"px" ) ; prevHeight[id] = h ; } } ) ; // FUDGE! Some panels are rendering with the wrong width in IE :-/ if ( isIE() ) { var set_width = function($elem) { $elem.width( $elem.parent().width() ) ; } ; set_width( $("#panel-vc textarea") ) ; set_width( $("#panel-ssr .content") ) ; } } ) ; $(window).trigger( "resize" ) ; // handle requests to generate HTML snippets $("input[type='button'].generate").click( function() { generate_snippet( $(this) ) ; } ) ; } ) ; // -------------------------------------------------------------------- function on_player_change( $select ) { // figure out which player was changed var name = $select.attr( "name" ) ; var player_id = name.substring( name.length-1 ) ; // update the tab label var player_nat = $select.find( "option:selected" ).val() ; var $elem = $("#tabs .ui-tabs-nav a[href='#tabs-ob" + player_id + "']") ; var image_url = gImagesBaseUrl + "/flags/" + player_nat + ".png" ; $elem.html( " " + "" + escapeHTML(gNationalities[player_nat].display_name) + " OB" ) ; // show/hide the nationality-specific buttons for ( var nat in _NATIONALITY_SPECIFIC_BUTTONS ) { for ( var i=0 ; i < _NATIONALITY_SPECIFIC_BUTTONS[nat].length ; ++i ) { var button_id = _NATIONALITY_SPECIFIC_BUTTONS[nat][i] ; $elem = $( "#panel-obsetup" + player_id + " input[type='button'][data-id='" + button_id + "']" ) ; $elem.css( "display", nat == player_nat ? "block" : "none" ) ; } } }