""" Serve static files. """ import os import io import urllib.request import urllib.parse import mimetypes from flask import send_file, send_from_directory, jsonify, redirect, url_for, abort from vasl_templates.webapp import app from vasl_templates.webapp.file_server.vasl_mod import get_vasl_mod from vasl_templates.webapp.utils import resize_image_response, is_empty_file # --------------------------------------------------------------------- class FileServer: """Serve static files.""" def __init__( self, base_dir ): if FileServer.is_remote_path( base_dir ): self.base_dir = base_dir else: self.base_dir = os.path.abspath( base_dir ) def serve_file( self, path, ignore_empty=False ): """Serve a file.""" # NOTE: We return a Flask Response object, instead of the file data, so that (1) we can use # send_from_directory() and (2) if we have to download a file from a URL, we can include # the MIME type in what we return. if FileServer.is_remote_path( self.base_dir ): url = "{}/{}".format( self.base_dir, path ) # NOTE: We download the target file and serve it ourself (instead of just redirecting) # since VASSAL can't handle SSL :-/ resp = urllib.request.urlopen( url ) buf = io.BytesIO() buf.write( resp.read() ) buf.seek( 0 ) mime_type = mimetypes.guess_type( url )[0] if not mime_type: # FUDGE! send_file() requires a MIME type, so we take a guess and hope the browser # can figure it out if we're wrong :-/ mime_type = "image/png" return send_file( buf, mimetype=mime_type ) else: path = path.replace( "\\", "/" ) # nb: for Windows :-/ if ignore_empty and is_empty_file( os.path.join( self.base_dir, path ) ): return None return send_from_directory( self.base_dir, path ) @staticmethod def is_remote_path( path ): """Check if a path is referring to a remote server.""" return path.startswith( ("http://","https://") ) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- @app.route( "/user/" ) def get_user_file( path ): """Get a static file.""" dname = app.config.get( "USER_FILES_DIR" ) if not dname: abort( 404 ) resp = FileServer( dname ).serve_file( path ) if not resp: abort( 404 ) return resize_image_response( resp ) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- @app.route( "/counter///" ) @app.route( "/counter//", defaults={"index":0} ) def get_counter_image( gpid, side, index ): """Get a counter image.""" # check if a VASL module has been configured vasl_mod = get_vasl_mod() if not vasl_mod: return redirect( url_for( "static", filename="images/missing-image.png" ), code=302 ) # return the specified counter image image_path, image_data = vasl_mod.get_piece_image( gpid, side, int(index) ) if not image_data: abort( 404 ) return send_file( io.BytesIO( image_data ), attachment_filename = os.path.split( image_path )[1]## nb: so Flask can figure out the MIME type ) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- @app.route( "/vasl-piece-info" ) def get_vasl_piece_info(): """Get information about the VASL pieces.""" # check if a VASL module has been configured vasl_mod = get_vasl_mod() if not vasl_mod: return jsonify( {} ) # return the VASL piece info return jsonify( vasl_mod.get_piece_info() )