""" Test checks for a dirty scenario. """ import re from selenium.webdriver.support.ui import Select from vasl_templates.webapp.tests import pytest_options from vasl_templates.webapp.tests.test_scenario_persistence import ALL_SCENARIO_PARAMS from vasl_templates.webapp.tests.test_vehicles_ordnance import add_vo from vasl_templates.webapp.tests.utils import \ init_webapp, select_tab, select_menu_option, add_simple_note, select_droplist_val, select_droplist_index, \ drag_sortable_entry_to_trash, get_sortable_entry_count, \ get_stored_msg, set_stored_msg_marker, find_child, wait_for, click_dialog_button # --------------------------------------------------------------------- def test_dirty_scenario_checks( webapp, webdriver ): """Test checking for a dirty scenario.""" # initialize init_webapp( webapp, webdriver ) # initialize SIMPLE_NOTES = { "SCENARIO_NOTES": "#scenario_notes-sortable", "SSR": "#ssr-sortable", "OB_SETUPS_1": "#ob_setups-sortable_1", "OB_NOTES_1": "#ob_notes-sortable_1", "OB_SETUPS_2": "#ob_setups-sortable_2", "OB_NOTES_2": "#ob_notes-sortable_2", } VEHICLE_ORDNANCE = { "OB_VEHICLES_1": ( "#ob_vehicles-sortable_1", 1, "a german vehicle" ), "OB_ORDNANCE_1": ( "#ob_ordnance-sortable_1", 1, "a german ordnance" ), "OB_VEHICLES_2": ( "#ob_vehicles-sortable_2", 2, "a russian vehicle" ), "OB_ORDNANCE_2": ( "#ob_ordnance-sortable_2", 2, "a russian ordnance" ), } def change_field( param ): """Make a change to a field.""" # make a change to the specified field if param in SIMPLE_NOTES: target = find_child( SIMPLE_NOTES[param] ) add_simple_note( target, "changed value", None ) return target if param in VEHICLE_ORDNANCE: info = VEHICLE_ORDNANCE[param] target = find_child( info[0] ) mo = re.search( r"([a-z]+)-", info[0] ) add_vo( webdriver, mo.group(1), info[1], info[2] ) return target target = next( e for e in [ find_child( "{}[name='{}']".format( ctype, param ) ) for ctype in ["input","select","textarea"] ] if e ) if target.tag_name in ("input","textarea"): prev_val = target.get_attribute( "value" ) new_val = "01/01/2000" if param == "SCENARIO_DATE" else "changed value" if target.is_displayed(): target.clear() target.send_keys( new_val ) else: webdriver.execute_script( "arguments[0].value = arguments[1]", target, new_val ) return target, prev_val, new_val elif target.tag_name == "select": sel = Select( target ) prev_val = sel.first_selected_option.get_attribute( "value" ) select_droplist_index( sel, 2 ) new_val = sel.first_selected_option.get_attribute( "value" ) return target, prev_val, new_val assert False return None def check_field( param, state ): """Check that a change we made to a field is still there.""" if param in SIMPLE_NOTES: assert get_sortable_entry_count( state ) == 1 elif param in VEHICLE_ORDNANCE: assert get_sortable_entry_count( state ) == 1 elif state[0].tag_name in ("input","textarea"): assert state[0].get_attribute("value") == state[2] elif state[0].tag_name == "select": assert Select(state[0]).first_selected_option.get_attribute("value") == state[2] else: assert False def revert_field( param, state ): """Revert a change we made to a field.""" if param in SIMPLE_NOTES: drag_sortable_entry_to_trash( state, 0 ) elif param in VEHICLE_ORDNANCE: drag_sortable_entry_to_trash( state, 0 ) elif state[0].tag_name in ("input","textarea"): if state[0].is_displayed(): state[0].clear() state[0].send_keys( state[1] ) else: webdriver.execute_script( "arguments[0].value = arguments[1]", state[0], state[1] ) elif state[0].tag_name == "select": select_droplist_val( Select(state[0]), state[1] ) else: assert False def check_is_dirty( expected ): """Check if the scenario is being flagged as dirty.""" if expected: func = lambda: webdriver.title.endswith( " (*)" ) else: func = lambda: not webdriver.title.endswith( " (*)" ) # NOTE: There is a race condition here if things are not working properly. Since the window title # is updated on a timer, if we're expecting it to be (say) not modified, but the UI thinks that # it is modified, we could check the window title here, see that the scenario is being flagged # as not modified and continue on. The timer then fires, updates the UI to flag the scenario # as modified, and we will have missed the error. # To fix this, we force the scenario status to be updated. webdriver.execute_script( "update_scenario_status()" ) wait_for( 2, func ) def do_test( tab_id, param ): """Test checking for a dirty scenario.""" # change the specified field check_is_dirty( False ) select_tab( tab_id ) state = change_field( param ) check_is_dirty( True ) # make sure we get asked to confirm a "new scenario" operation select_menu_option( "new_scenario" ) wait_for( 2, lambda: find_child("#ask") is not None ) elem = find_child( "#ask" ) assert "This scenario has been changed" in elem.text # cancel the confirmation request, make sure the change we made is still there click_dialog_button( "Cancel" ) select_tab( tab_id ) check_field( param, state ) check_is_dirty( True ) # revert the change revert_field( param, state ) check_is_dirty( False ) # we should now be able to reset the scenario without a confirmation _ = set_stored_msg_marker( "_last-info_" ) select_menu_option( "new_scenario" ) wait_for( 2, lambda: get_stored_msg("_last-info_") == "The scenario was reset." ) # change the field again select_tab( tab_id ) state = change_field( param ) check_is_dirty( True ) # make sure we get asked to confirm a "load scenario" operation select_menu_option( "load_scenario" ) wait_for( 2, lambda: find_child("#ask") is not None ) elem = find_child( "#ask" ) assert "This scenario has been changed" in elem.text # cancel the confirmation request, make sure the change we made is still there click_dialog_button( "Cancel" ) select_tab( tab_id ) check_field( param, state ) check_is_dirty( True ) # revert the change revert_field( param, state ) check_is_dirty( False ) # we should be able to load a scenario without a confirmation # NOTE: We don't do this, since it will cause the OPEN FILE dialog to come up :-/ # change each parameter, then try to reset/load the scenario for tab_id,params in ALL_SCENARIO_PARAMS.items(): for param in params: do_test( tab_id, param ) if pytest_options.short_tests: break # nb: it's a bit excessive to check *every* parameter :-/