Show the nationality colors as a palette in the LFA color-picker.

Pacman Ghost 2 years ago
parent cbc86e6fe8
commit dc8a05a78b
  1. 5
  2. 40
  3. 8
  4. 2

@ -50,6 +50,11 @@ button.edit-template img { height: 18px ; vertical-align: middle ; margin-right:
.ui-dialog-buttonpane button.ok { background: #ddd ; }
.ui-dialog-buttonpane button.ok:hover { background: #ccc ; }
/* spectrum color-picker */
.sp-container { border-color: #aaa ; border-radius: 2px ; }
.sp-palette { max-width: 120px ; }
.sp-palette-row-selection { margin-top: 6px ; border-top: 1px solid #ccc ; padding-top: 6px ; }
.growl-title { display: none ; }
.growl .pre { font-family: monospace ; }
.growl div.pre { margin: 0 0 1em 1em ; font-size: 80% ; }

@ -470,7 +470,7 @@ function initHotnessPopup()
closeAllPopupsAndDropLists() ;
// NOTE: We have to re-generate the report each time it's shown, since the user
// may have chosen a different set of log files.
$gHotnessPopup.html( makeReport() ).show() ;
$gHotnessPopup.html( makeReport() ).fadeIn( 50 ) ;
var maxWidth = 0 ;
$gHotnessPopup.find( "table" ).each( function() {
maxWidth = Math.max( $(this).outerWidth() , maxWidth ) ;
@ -490,7 +490,7 @@ function initHotnessPopup()
return false ;
} ) ;
gEventHandlers.addHandler( $("#lfa"), "click", function() {
$gHotnessPopup.hide() ;
$gHotnessPopup.fadeOut( 20 ) ;
} ) ;
@ -605,6 +605,27 @@ function initPlayerColorsConfig()
var isBeforeShowActive = false ;
// NOTE: People want to use nationality colors in their graphs, so we provide them as a pre-defined palette.
var natColors=[], natNames=[] ;
var sortedNats = get_sorted_nats() ;
sortedNats.forEach( function( nat ) {
// NOTE: As always, two-tone counters cause us grief :-/ We probably want to use the background
// color here (index 0), but in general, they're just too weak :-(
natColors.push( gTemplatePack.nationalities[ nat ].ob_colors[2] ) ;
natNames.push( gTemplatePack.nationalities[ nat ].display_name ) ;
} ) ;
function fixupPaletteTooltips() {
// NOTE: It's possible to add custom color names (e.g. "german" = #d3edfc), and these custom names
// will appear as palette tooltips (if we set the preferred format to "name"):
// Unfortunately, quite a few nationalities have the same color, so if the user selects e.g. "ANZAC",
// it might appear in the UI as "British" :-/ Instead, we provide this function that fixes up
// the tooltips. Sigh...
$( ".sp-palette-container .sp-thumb-el:visible" ).each( function( n ) {
$(this).attr( "title", natNames[n] ) ;
} ) ;
// initialize the color pickers
function initColorPicker( colorPickerNo, playerId, caption, style ) {
var buf = [ "<div class='row'>",
@ -619,14 +640,27 @@ function initPlayerColorsConfig()
$elem = $gPlayerColorsPopup.find( ".color-picker.player" + colorPickerNo ) ;
$elem.spectrum( {
color: playerId === ":expected:" ? gUserSettings.lfa["player-colors"][0] : gUserSettings.lfa["player-colors"][gPlayerColorIndex[playerId]],
showPalette: true, palette: natColors,
showInput: true, preferredFormat: "hex",
chooseText: "OK",
cancelText: "Cancel",
clickoutFiresChange: false,
move: function( color ) { updateChartColors( playerId, color.toHexString() ) ; },
move: function( color ) {
updateChartColors( playerId, color.toHexString() ) ;
fixupPaletteTooltips() ;
beforeShow: function() { isBeforeShowActive=true ; },
show: function() {
$(this).attr( "data-prev-color", $(this).spectrum("get").toHexString() ) ;
fixupPaletteTooltips() ;
isBeforeShowActive = false ;
// FUDGE! The spectrum control sizes itself too narrow if the window is zoomed (I think the problem
// is in getOffset() in spectrum.js), and since the colorpicker panel is floating, it ends up below
// the palette panel (instead of to the right). We hack around this by re-positioning the container.
const lfaWidth = $( "#lfa" )[0].clientWidth ;
var $popup = $( ".sp-container:visible" ) ;
const popupWidth = $popup.outerWidth() ;
$popup.css( { left: Math.round( lfaWidth - popupWidth ) + "px" } ) ;
hide: function( color ) {
// NOTE: We get this event when the color-picker is closed, regardless of whether a new color

@ -433,6 +433,14 @@ $(document).ready( function () {
// In particualar, the dragstart events doesn't fire if something is being dragged into the browser from outside.
$(document).on( { dragenter: stopEvent, dragleave: stopEvent, dragover: stopEvent, drop: stopEvent } ) ;
// FUDGE! We need this to get the input box in the LFA colorpicker to work :-/
$.widget( "custom.dialog", $.ui.dialog, {
_allowInteraction: function( evt ) {
return !! $( ".sp-input" ) || this._super( evt );
} ) ;
// figure out how many pixels an em is
var $em = $( "<span>M</span>" ) ;
$("body").append( $em ) ;

@ -46,6 +46,8 @@ function get_sorted_nats()
function get_player_colors( player_no )
// get the colors for the specified player
// NOTE: The returned color array holds the following values:
// [ background, hover background, border ]
var player_nat = get_player_nat( player_no ) ;
return gTemplatePack.nationalities[ player_nat ].ob_colors ;
