Tweaked error reporting and logging when loading VASL extensions.

Pacman Ghost 5 years ago
parent 617e5deda4
commit c69a09d95f
  1. 31
  2. 7
  3. 38

@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ from vasl_templates.webapp.file_server.utils import get_vo_gpids, get_effective_
SUPPORTED_VASL_MOD_VERSIONS = [ "6.4.0", "6.4.1", "6.4.2", "6.4.3" ]
warnings = [] # nb: for the test suite
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# NOTE: The lock only controls access to the _vasl_mod variable, not the VaslMod object it points to.
@ -52,7 +54,7 @@ def set_vasl_mod( vmod_fname, msg_store ):
global _vasl_mod
if vmod_fname:
extns_dir = app.config.get( "VASL_EXTENSIONS_DIR" )
extns = _load_vasl_extns( extns_dir, msg_store )
extns = _load_vasl_extns( extns_dir )
_vasl_mod = VaslMod( vmod_fname, DATA_DIR, extns )
if _vasl_mod.vasl_version not in SUPPORTED_VASL_MOD_VERSIONS:
@ -63,12 +65,17 @@ def set_vasl_mod( vmod_fname, msg_store ):
_vasl_mod = None
def _load_vasl_extns( extn_dir, msg_store ): #pylint: disable=too-many-locals
def _load_vasl_extns( extn_dir ): #pylint: disable=too-many-locals,too-many-statements
"""Locate VASL extensions and their corresponding vehicle/ordnance info files."""
if not extn_dir:
return []
def log_warning( fmt, *args, **kwargs ): #pylint: disable=missing-docstring
msg = fmt.format( *args, **kwargs )
warnings.append( msg )
_logger.warning( msg )
# load our extension info files
all_extn_info = {}
if "_VASL_EXTN_INFO_DIR_" in app.config:
@ -96,48 +103,44 @@ def _load_vasl_extns( extn_dir, msg_store ): #pylint: disable=too-many-locals
extn_fname = os.path.join( extn_dir, extn_fname )
# try to load the extension
_logger.debug( "Loading VASL extension: %s", extn_fname )
_logger.debug( "Checking VASL extension: %s", extn_fname )
zip_file = zipfile.ZipFile( extn_fname, "r" )
except zipfile.BadZipFile:
msg_store.warning( "Can't load VASL extension (not a ZIP file): {}", extn_fname, logger=_logger )
log_warning( "Can't check VASL extension (not a ZIP file): {}", extn_fname )
build_info = "buildFile" )
except KeyError:
msg_store.warning( "Missing buildFile: {}", extn_fname, logger=_logger )
log_warning( "Missing buildFile: {}", extn_fname )
doc = xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring( build_info )
node = doc.findall( "." )[0]
if node.tag != "":
msg_store.warning( "Unexpected root node ({}) for VASL extension: {}",
node.tag, extn_fname, logger=_logger
log_warning( "Unexpected root node ({}) for VASL extension: {}", node.tag, extn_fname )
# get the extension's ID and version string
extn_id = node.attrib.get( "extensionId" )
if not extn_id:
msg_store.warning( "Can't find ID for VASL extension: {}", extn_fname, logger=_logger )
log_warning( "Can't find ID for VASL extension: {}", extn_fname )
extn_version = node.attrib.get( "version" )
if not extn_version:
msg_store.warning( "Can't find version for VASL extension: {}", extn_fname, logger=_logger )
log_warning( "Can't find version for VASL extension: {}", extn_fname )
_logger.debug( "- id=%s ; version=%s", extn_id, extn_version )
# check if we have a corresponding info file
extn_info = all_extn_info.get( ( extn_id, extn_version ) )
if not extn_info:
msg_store.warning( "Not loading VASL extension \"{}\".<p>No extension info file for {}/{}.".format(
log_warning( "Not accepting {}: no extension info for {}/{}.",
os.path.split(extn_fname)[1], extn_id, extn_version
) )
_logger.warning( "Not loading VASL extension (no info file for %s/%s): %s",
extn_id, extn_version, extn_fname
# yup - add the extension to the list "Accepting VASL extension: %s (%s/%s)", os.path.split(extn_fname)[1], extn_id, extn_version )
extns.append( ( extn_fname, extn_info ) )
return extns

@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ from vasl_templates.webapp import snippets as webapp_snippets
from vasl_templates.webapp import vo_notes as webapp_vo_notes
from vasl_templates.webapp.file_server import utils as webapp_file_server_utils
from vasl_templates.webapp.file_server.vasl_mod import set_vasl_mod
from vasl_templates.webapp.file_server import vasl_mod as vasl_mod_module
_logger = logging.getLogger( "control_tests" )
@ -173,6 +174,7 @@ class ControlTests:
# install the new VASL module
from vasl_templates.webapp.main import startup_msg_store
vasl_mod_module.warnings = []
set_vasl_mod( vmod, startup_msg_store )
return self
@ -271,3 +273,8 @@ class ControlTests:
assert last_snippet_image "Returning the last snippet image: #bytes=%d", len(last_snippet_image) )
return base64.b64encode( last_snippet_image ).decode( "utf-8" )
def _get_vasl_mod_warnings( self ): #pylint: disable=no-self-use
"""Get the vasl_mod startup warnings.""" "Returning the vasl_mod startup warnings: %s", vasl_mod_module.warnings )
return vasl_mod_module.warnings

@ -2,9 +2,6 @@
import os
import zipfile
import urllib
import json
import re
import typing
import pytest
@ -12,7 +9,7 @@ from selenium.webdriver.common.action_chains import ActionChains
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
from vasl_templates.webapp.utils import TempFile
from vasl_templates.webapp.tests.utils import init_webapp, set_player, find_child, find_children, wait_for
from vasl_templates.webapp.tests.utils import init_webapp, set_player, find_child, find_children
from vasl_templates.webapp.tests.test_vehicles_ordnance import add_vo
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -31,7 +28,7 @@ def test_load_vasl_extensions( webapp, webdriver ):
# reload the webapp
control_tests.set_vasl_mod( vmod="random", extns_dtype="test" )
_check_startup_messages( webapp, expected )
_check_warning_msgs( control_tests, expected )
# try loading an extension that has no buildFile
do_test( "foo", "<foo />", "Missing buildFile:" )
@ -46,14 +43,14 @@ def test_load_vasl_extensions( webapp, webdriver ):
# try loading an extension with an unknown ID
do_test( "buildFile", '< version="v0.1" extensionId="unknown" />',
re.compile( r'Not loading VASL extension "test\.zip".+No extension info file for unknown/v0\.1' )
"Not accepting no extension info for unknown/v0.1"
# try loading something that's not a ZIP file
control_tests.set_test_vasl_extn( fname="", bin_data=b"This is not a ZIP file." ) \
.set_vasl_mod( vmod="random", extns_dtype="test" )
_check_startup_messages( webapp, "Can't load VASL extension (not a ZIP file):" )
_check_warning_msgs( control_tests, "Can't check VASL extension (not a ZIP file):" )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -71,14 +68,14 @@ def test_vasl_extension_info( webapp, webdriver ):
control_tests.set_vasl_extn_info_dir( dtype=dtype ) \
.set_vasl_mod( vmod="random", extns_dtype="test" )
_check_startup_messages( webapp, expected )
_check_warning_msgs( control_tests, expected )
# try loading the VASL extension, with no matching extension info
do_test( "mismatched-id",
re.compile( r'Not loading VASL extension.+No extension info file for test/v0\.1' )
"Not accepting no extension info for test/v0.1"
do_test( "mismatched-version",
re.compile( r'Not loading VASL extension.+No extension info file for test/v0\.1' )
"Not accepting no extension info for test/v0.1"
# try loading the VASL extension, with matching extension info
@ -173,21 +170,14 @@ def _set_test_vasl_extn( control_tests, build_info, build_info_fname="buildFile"
zip_data =
control_tests.set_test_vasl_extn( fname="", bin_data=zip_data )
def _check_startup_messages( webapp, expected ):
"""Check that the startup messages are what we expect."""
# wait for the startup messages to become available
wait_for( 2, lambda: find_child("#_startup-msgs-ready_") is not None )
# check the startup messages
url = webapp.url_for( "get_startup_msgs" )
startup_msgs = json.load( urllib.request.urlopen( url ) )
def _check_warning_msgs( control_tests, expected ):
"""Check that the startup warning messages are what we expect."""
warnings = control_tests.get_vasl_mod_warnings()
if expected:
assert list(startup_msgs.keys()) == [ "warning" ]
assert len(startup_msgs["warning"]) == 1
assert len(warnings) == 1
if isinstance( expected, ):
assert startup_msgs["warning"][0] )
assert warnings[0] )
assert startup_msgs["warning"][0].startswith( expected )
assert warnings[0].startswith( expected )
assert not startup_msgs
assert not warnings
