Reset the turn track when importing a scenario.

Pacman Ghost 2 years ago
parent cd831446fd
commit 729c6e306d
  1. 11

@ -697,6 +697,17 @@ function onImportScenario()
function doImportScenario( scenario )
// reset the turn track
$( "#panel-scenario input" ).each( function() {
if ( $(this).attr( "name" ).substr( 0, 11 ) !== "TURN_TRACK_" )
return ;
var inputType = $(this).attr( "type" ) ;
if ( inputType === "text" )
$(this).val( "" ) ;
else if ( inputType === "checkbox" )
$(this).prop( "checked", false ) ;
} ) ;
// NOTE: We could reset the ELR/SAN here, but if the user is importing on top of an existing setup,
// the most likely reason is because they want to connect it to an ASA scenario, not because
// they want to import a whole set of new details, so clearing the ELR/SAN wouldn't make sense.
