Moved the "edit template" buttons into a drop-down menu.

Pacman Ghost 2 years ago
parent 941439a2ae
commit 2d317c57bd
  1. 3
  2. 104
  3. 7
  4. 4
  5. 25
  6. 23

@ -38,9 +38,6 @@ label { height: 1.25em ; }
.snippet-control .ui-selectmenu-button-closed { height: 26px ; }
.snippet-control .ui-selectmenu-icon.ui-icon { margin-top: -8px ; }
button.edit-template { height: 28px ; padding: 4px 10px ; margin-right: 0 ; }
button.edit-template img { height: 18px ; vertical-align: middle ; margin: -2px 0.4em 0 0 ; }
input.snippet-width { width: 3.75em ; }
.ui-dialog-titlebar { padding: 0.2em 0.5em 0.2em 0.5em !important ; }

@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ var NATIONALITY_SPECIFIC_BUTTONS = {
} ;
GENERATE_SNIPPET_HINT = "Generate an HTML snippet" ;
EDIT_TEMPLATE_HINT = "Edit the snippet template" ;
EDIT_TEMPLATE_HINT = "Edit the template" ;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -407,9 +407,12 @@ $(document).ready( function () {
} ) ;
$(window).trigger( "resize" ) ;
// replace all the "generate" buttons with "generate/edit" button/droplist's
// replace the "generate" buttons with menu droplists
$("button.generate").each( function() { init_snippet_button( $(this) ) ; } ) ;
// replace the "add sortable" buttons with menu droplists
$("button.sortable-add").each( function() { init_sortable_add_button( $(this) ) ; } ) ;
// add a tooltip to the snippet width textbox's
$( "input.param.snippet-width" ).each( function() {
// NOTE: I tried putting a little icon in the textbox background, and placeholder text, but it didn't
@ -436,13 +439,6 @@ $(document).ready( function () {
updateCompassImage() ;
} ) ;
// handle requests to edit the templates
$("button.edit-template").click( function() {
edit_template( $(this).data( "id" ) ) ;
} ).html( "<div style='white-space:nowrap;'><img src='" + gImagesBaseUrl + "/edit-template.png'>Edit</div>" )
.attr( "title", EDIT_TEMPLATE_HINT )
.button( {} ) ;
// watch for changes to the scenario details
// NOTE: The following is to add/remove the "scenario modified" indicator. It's pretty inefficent
// to do this using a timer, but we would otherwise have to attach a "on change" event handler
@ -498,9 +494,10 @@ $(document).ready( function () {
$em.remove() ;
// add some dummy links for the test suite to edit templates
if ( getUrlParam( "edit_template_links" ) ) {
$("button.generate").each( function() {
var template_id = $(this).attr( "data-id" ) ;
function add_edit_template_link( $btn ) {
var template_id = $btn.attr( "data-id" ) ;
if ( ! template_id )
return ;
if ( template_id.substring(0,9) === "ob_setup_" )
template_id = "ob_setup" ;
else if ( template_id.substring(0,21) === "ob_vehicles_ma_notes_" )
@ -517,7 +514,10 @@ $(document).ready( function () {
" onclick='edit_template(\"" + template_id + "\")'" +
).appendTo( "body" ) ;
} ) ;
if ( getUrlParam( "edit_template_links" ) ) {
$( "button.generate" ).each( function() { add_edit_template_link( $(this) ) ; } ) ;
$( "button.sortable-add" ).each( function() { add_edit_template_link( $(this) ) ; } ) ;
// flag that we've finished initialization
@ -633,7 +633,7 @@ function updatePlayerOBSplitters( playerNo )
nButtons += 1 ;
nChars += $(this).find( "button.generate" ).text().length ;
} ) ;
var minWidth = Math.max( 270 + 60*nButtons + gEmSize*nChars*0.5, 320 ) ;
var minWidth = Math.max( 160 + 60*nButtons + gEmSize*nChars*0.5, 320 ) ;
$( "#tabs-ob" + playerNo + " .left" ).css( "min-width", minWidth ) ;
@ -698,7 +698,6 @@ function init_snippet_button( $btn )
} ) ;
} ) ;
$newBtn.children( ".ui-button-icon-only" ).css( "width", "1em" ) ;
$newBtn.children( ".ui-selectmenu-button" ).click( function() { $btn.blur() ; } ) ;
// handle requests to edit the template
$newBtn.children( "select" ).on( "selectmenuselect", function( evt, ui ) {
@ -712,6 +711,66 @@ function init_snippet_button( $btn )
$btn.replaceWith( $newBtn ) ;
function init_sortable_add_button( $btn )
// NOTE: We used to have buttons in the UI for editing templates for SCENARIO NOTE's and OB SETUP/NOTE's,
// which took up a lot of real estate for something that almost certainly nobody is using :-/, so we instead
// tuck them away in a droplist, attached to the ADD button. We could put a button for this functionality
// in the "edit simple note" dialog, but here is OK, as well.
// They are currenly only used by simple notes, and are identified by having an "id" data attribute
// that specifies the associated template ID. Note that we don't do this for SSR's since it already has
// a snippet control, which works a little differenly (all the simple notes are munged together into
// a single label).
// check if this sortable-add button should be able to edit the underlying template
var template_id = $ "id" ) ;
if ( ! template_id )
return ;
// create the new button
// NOTE: It's important we retain the original button element, since it's already been initialized
// as a sortable helper. Since we want to replace the original button with the new one, we have to
// do a bit of stuffing around to figure out where to place it
var $btnPlaceholder = $( "<span class='orig-button'></span>" ) ;
$btn.before( $btnPlaceholder ) ;
$btn.detach() ;
var $newBtn = $( "<div class='snippet-control' data-id='" + template_id + "'></div>" ) ;
$newBtn.append( $btn ) ;
$newBtn.append( [
"<select data-id='" + template_id + "'>",
// NOTE: We can't have too many options, since these appear near the bottom of the window :-/
"<option value='edit' class='edit-template' title='" + EDIT_TEMPLATE_HINT + "'>Edit</option>",
].join( "" ) ) ;
// add in the droplist
$newBtn.controlgroup() ;
$newBtn.children( "select" ).each( function() {
$(this).selectmenu( {
classes: {
"ui-selectmenu-button": "ui-button-icon-only",
"ui-selectmenu-menu": "snippet-control-menu-item",
} ) ;
} ) ;
$newBtn.children( ".ui-button-icon-only" ).css( {
width: "1em", height: 28, "border-left": "none"
} ) ;
// give the combined button rounded corners
$btn.css( "border-radius", "3px 0 0 3px" ) ;
$btn.parent().children( ".ui-selectmenu-button" ).css( "border-radius", "0 3px 3px 0" ) ;
// handle menu items
$newBtn.children( "select" ).on( "selectmenuselect", function( evt, ui ) {
if ( ui.item.value === "edit" )
edit_template( $(this).data( "id" ) ) ;
} ) ;
// replace the existing button with the new replacement button
$btnPlaceholder.replaceWith( $newBtn ) ;
function updateCompassImage() {
// update the image in the COMPASS snippet button
var dirn = $( "input.param[name='COMPASS']" ).val() || "none" ;
@ -917,7 +976,7 @@ function install_template_pack( data )
// update the snippet buttons
function update_button( $btn ) {
function update_generate_button( $btn ) {
var template_id = $btn.attr( "data-id" ) ;
if ( template_id.substr( 0, 7 ) === "extras/" )
return ;
@ -940,8 +999,17 @@ function install_template_pack( data )
} else
$btn.button( enable ? "enable": "disable" ) ;
$( "button.generate" ).each( function() { update_button( $(this) ) ; } ) ;
$( "button.edit-template" ).each( function() { update_button( $(this) ) ; } ) ;
function update_sortable_add_button( $btn ) {
var template_id = $btn.attr( "data-id" ) ;
if ( ! template_id )
return ;
var $dropdown = $btn.parent().find( "select[data-id='" + template_id + "']" ) ;
var enable = is_template_available( template_id ) ;
$dropdown.find( "option.edit-template" ).attr( "disabled", !enable ) ;
$dropdown.selectmenu( "refresh" ) ;
$( "button.generate" ).each( function() { update_generate_button( $(this) ) ; } ) ;
$( "button.sortable-add" ).each( function() { update_sortable_add_button( $(this) ) ; } ) ;
// update the turn track controls
enable = is_template_available( "turn_track" ) ;

@ -9,10 +9,8 @@
<ul id="ob_setups-sortable_1" class="sortable" style="display:none;"></ul>
<div class="footer">
<button id="ob_setups-add_1" class="sortable-add"></button>
<button id="ob_setups-add_1" data-id="ob_setup" class="sortable-add"></button>
<img id="ob_setups-trash_1" class="sortable-trash">
<span class="spacer"></span>
<button class="edit-template" data-id="ob_setup"></button>
@ -24,7 +22,7 @@
<ul id="ob_notes-sortable_1" class="sortable" style="display:none;"></ul>
<div class="footer">
<button id="ob_notes-add_1" class="sortable-add"></button>
<button id="ob_notes-add_1" data-id="ob_note" class="sortable-add"></button>
<img id="ob_notes-trash_1" class="sortable-trash">
<span class="spacer"></span>
<span class="small">
@ -45,7 +43,6 @@
<button class="generate" data-id="piat">PIAT</button>
<button class="generate" data-id="thh">THH</button>
<button class="edit-template" data-id="ob_note" style="margin-left:0.5em;"></button>

@ -93,10 +93,8 @@
<ul id="scenario_notes-sortable" class="sortable" style="display:none;"></ul>
<div class="footer" style="display:none;">
<button id="scenario_notes-add" class="sortable-add"></button>
<button id="scenario_notes-add" data-id="scenario_note" class="sortable-add"></button>
<img id="scenario_notes-trash" class="sortable-trash">
<span class="spacer"></span>
<button class="edit-template" data-id="scenario_note"></button>

@ -372,8 +372,9 @@ def test_edit_templates( webapp, webdriver ):
if template_id in ("ob_vehicle_note","ob_ordnance_note"):
return # nb: we currently don't support editing these in the UI
# edit the template
elem = find_child( "a._edit-template-link_[data-id='{}']".format( template_id ) )
webdriver.execute_script( "$(arguments[0]).click();", elem )
webdriver.execute_script( "$(arguments[0]).click();",
find_child( "a._edit-template-link_[data-id='{}']".format( template_id ) )
edit_template( orig_template_id )
# check that the new template is being used
elem = find_child( "button.generate[data-id='{}']".format( orig_template_id ) )
@ -383,8 +384,9 @@ def test_edit_templates( webapp, webdriver ):
# customize the SCENARIO NOTE template
select_tab( "scenario" )
elem = find_child( "button[data-id='scenario_note']" )
webdriver.execute_script( "$(arguments[0]).click();",
find_child( "a._edit-template-link_[data-id='scenario_note']" )
edit_template( "scenario_note" )
# check that the new template is being used
@ -396,8 +398,9 @@ def test_edit_templates( webapp, webdriver ):
# customize the OB SETUP template
select_tab( "ob1" )
elem = find_child( "#tabs-ob1 button[data-id='ob_setup']" )
webdriver.execute_script( "$(arguments[0]).click();",
find_child( "a._edit-template-link_[data-id='ob_setup']" )
edit_template( "ob_setup" )
# check that the new template is being used
@ -411,8 +414,9 @@ def test_edit_templates( webapp, webdriver ):
# customize the OB NOTE template
select_tab( "ob2" )
elem = find_child( "#tabs-ob2 button[data-id='ob_note']" )
webdriver.execute_script( "$(arguments[0]).click();",
find_child( "a._edit-template-link_[data-id='ob_note']" )
edit_template( "ob_note" )
# check that the new template is being used
@ -584,8 +588,9 @@ def test_jinja_in( webapp, webdriver ):
def do_test( search_for, search_in, expected ):
"""Test the IN operator."""
# install a new template
elem = find_child( "a._edit-template-link_[data-id='victory_conditions']" )
webdriver.execute_script( "$(arguments[0]).click();", elem )
webdriver.execute_script( "$(arguments[0]).click();",
find_child( "a._edit-template-link_[data-id='victory_conditions']" )
elem = find_child( "#edit-template textarea" )
buf = [

@ -197,8 +197,8 @@ def test_missing_templates( webapp, webdriver ):
return template_id
def check_buttons( fname, sel, is_snippet_control ): #pylint: disable=missing-docstring
for btn in find_children( sel ):
def check_generate_buttons( fname ):
for btn in find_children( "button.generate" ):
# check the UI state of the next button
template_id = adjust_template_id( btn.get_attribute( "data-id" ) )
if fname == "national-capabilities.json":
@ -212,7 +212,6 @@ def test_missing_templates( webapp, webdriver ):
# check that snippet control groups have been enabled/disabled correctly
parent = get_parent_elem( btn )
parent_classes = get_css_classes( parent )
if is_snippet_control:
assert "snippet-control" in parent_classes
elem = find_child( ".ui-selectmenu-button", parent )
elem_classes = get_css_classes( elem )
@ -220,8 +219,6 @@ def test_missing_templates( webapp, webdriver ):
assert "ui-selectmenu-disabled" in elem_classes
assert "ui-selectmenu-disabled" not in elem_classes
assert "snippet-control" not in parent_classes
# check if the button has an associated "snippet-width" textbox
sel = btn.get_attribute( "data-id" )
if sel.endswith( ( "_1", "_2" ) ):
@ -232,6 +229,18 @@ def test_missing_templates( webapp, webdriver ):
if elem:
assert not elem.is_enabled() == expected
def check_sortable_add_buttons( fname ):
for btn in find_children( "button.sortable-add" ):
template_id = btn.get_attribute( "data-id" )
if not template_id:
# check the UI state of the next button
expected = os.path.splitext( fname )[0] == template_id
dropdown = find_child( "select[data-id='{}']".format( template_id ), get_parent_elem(btn) )
opt = find_child( "option.edit-template", dropdown )
disabled = opt.get_attribute( "disabled" ) is not None
assert disabled == expected
# upload the template pack, with one file missing each time
for fname in files:
@ -243,8 +252,8 @@ def test_missing_templates( webapp, webdriver ):
# check the state of each button (everything should be enabled, except for the one
# corresponding to the template file we excluded from the upload)
check_buttons( fname, "button.generate", True )
check_buttons( fname, "button.edit-template", False )
check_generate_buttons( fname )
check_sortable_add_buttons( fname )
# NOTE: We should really check that the "generate snippet" buttons don't appear in sortable entries,
# but that's more trouble than it's worth - templates such as ob_setup and ob_vehicles are never
