Create attractive VASL scenarios, with loads of useful information embedded to assist with game play.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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""" Check the vehicle/ordnance reports. """
import os
import io
import shutil
import tabulate
import pytest
from vasl_templates.webapp.tests.utils import find_child, find_children, wait_for
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# NOTE: Running these checks is fairly slow, and once done, don't provide a great deal of value
# in the day-to-day development process, so we make them optional.
not pytest.config.option.check_vo_reports, #pylint: disable=no-member
reason = "--no-reports not specified"
def test_vo_reports( webapp, webdriver ):
"""Check the vehicle/ordnance reports."""
# initialize
check_dir = os.path.join( os.path.split(__file__)[0], "fixtures/vo-reports/" )
save_dir = None # nb: define this to save the generated reports
# initialize
if save_dir and os.path.isdir(save_dir):
shutil.rmtree( save_dir )
# check each vehicle/ordnance report
for nat in ["german","russian"]:
for vo_type in ["vehicles","ordnance"]:
for year in range(1940,1945+1):
# generate the next report
buf = io.StringIO()
results = get_vo_report( webapp, webdriver, nat, vo_type, year )
print( "=== {}/{}/{} ===".format( vo_type, nat, year ), file=buf )
print( "", file=buf )
# FUDGE! The last "notes" column spans 2 columns, so we add a dummy header
# to stop tabulate from getting confused :-/
assert results[0][-1] == "Notes"
results[0][-1] = "#"
results[0].append( "Notes" )
tabulate.tabulate( results, headers="firstrow" ),
file = buf
report = buf.getvalue()
# check if we should save the report
fname = "{}/{}/{}.txt".format( vo_type, nat, year )
if save_dir:
fname2 = os.path.join( save_dir, fname )
os.makedirs( os.path.split(fname2)[0], exist_ok=True )
with open( os.path.join(save_dir,fname2), "w" ) as fp:
fp.write( report )
# check the report
fname = os.path.join( check_dir, fname )
assert open(fname,"r",encoding="utf-8").read() == report
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def get_vo_report( webapp, webdriver, nat, vo_type, year ):
"""Get a vehicle/ordnance report.
NOTE: We can't get the V/O report to return its results as, say, plain-text, for easy checking,
since it's all done in Javascript, asynchronously i.e. we need something that will wait until
the results are ready i.e. Selenium, not wget :-/
# initialize
webdriver.get( webapp.url_for( "get_vo_report", nat=nat, vo_type=vo_type, year=year ) )
wait_for( 5, lambda: find_child("#results").is_displayed() )
# unload the results
def getval( cell ):
"""Get a table cell's value (cleaned up)."""
val = cell.get_attribute( "innerHTML" )
if val == "<small><em>n/a</em></small>":
return "n/a"
val = val.replace( '<span class="val">', "" ).replace( "</span>", "" )
return val
results = []
elem = find_child( "#results" )
for row in find_children( "tr", elem ):
if not results:
results.append( [ getval(c) for c in find_children("th",row) ] )
results.append( [ getval(c) for c in find_children("td",row) ] )
return results