Create attractive VASL scenarios, with loads of useful information embedded to assist with game play.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

467 lines
18 KiB

""" Test HTML snippet generation. """
import base64
import pytest
from selenium.webdriver.common.action_chains import ActionChains
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
from vasl_templates.webapp.tests import pytest_options
from vasl_templates.webapp.tests.utils import \
init_webapp, select_tab, find_snippet_buttons, set_template_params, wait_for, wait_for_clipboard, \
get_stored_msg, set_stored_msg_marker, find_child, find_children, adjust_html, \
for_each_template, add_simple_note, edit_simple_note, \
get_sortable_entry_count, generate_sortable_entry_snippet, drag_sortable_entry_to_trash, \
new_scenario, set_scenario_date
from vasl_templates.webapp.tests.test_scenario_persistence import load_scenario, load_scenario_params
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_snippet_ids( webapp, webdriver ):
"""Check that snippet ID's are generated correctly."""
# initialize
webapp.control_tests.set_data_dir( "{REAL}" )
init_webapp( webapp, webdriver, scenario_persistence=1 )
# load a scenario (so that we get some sortable's)
scenario_data = {
"SCENARIO_NOTES": [ { "caption": "Scenario note #1" } ],
"OB_SETUPS_1": [ { "caption": "OB setup note #1" } ],
"OB_NOTES_1": [ { "caption": "OB note #1" } ],
"OB_SETUPS_2": [ { "caption": "OB setup note #2" } ],
"OB_NOTES_2": [ { "caption": "OB note #2" } ],
load_scenario( scenario_data )
def check_snippet( btn ):
"""Generate a snippet and check that it has an ID."""
wait_for_clipboard( 2, "<!-- vasl-templates:id ", contains=True )
def do_test( scenario_date ):
"""Check each generated snippet has an ID."""
# configure the scenario
set_scenario_date( scenario_date )
# check each snippet
snippet_btns = find_snippet_buttons()
for tab_id,btns in snippet_btns.items():
select_tab( tab_id )
for btn in btns:
check_snippet( btn )
# test snippets with German/Russian
do_test( "" )
do_test( "10/01/1943" )
do_test( "01/01/1944" )
# test snippets with British/American
load_scenario_params( { "scenario": { "PLAYER_1": "british", "PLAYER_2": "american" } } )
do_test( "" )
do_test( "11/01/1942" )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_scenario_snippets( webapp, webdriver ):
"""Test HTML snippet generation."""
# initialize
init_webapp( webapp, webdriver )
select_tab( "scenario" )
btn = find_child( "button.generate[data-id='scenario']" )
# generate a SCENARIO snippet
_test_snippet( btn, {
"SCENARIO_NAME": "my <i>cool</i> scenario",
"SCENARIO_LOCATION": "right <u>here</u>",
"SCENARIO_DATE": "01/02/1942",
'name = [my <i>cool</i> scenario] | loc = [right <u>here</u>] | date = [01/02/1942] aka "2 January, 1942"',
# generate a SCENARIO snippet with some fields missing
_test_snippet( btn, {
"SCENARIO_NAME": "my scenario",
"name = [my scenario] | loc = [] | date = []",
[ "scenario date" ],
# generate a SCENARIO snippet with all fields missing
_test_snippet( btn, {
"name = [] | loc = [] | date = []",
[ "scenario name", "scenario date" ],
# generate a SCENARIO snippet with a snippet width
_test_snippet( btn, {
"SCENARIO_NAME": "test",
"SCENARIO_DATE": "01/02/1942",
'name = [test] | loc = [here] | date = [01/02/1942] aka "2 January, 1942" | width = [20em]',
# generate a SCENARIO snippet with non-English content and HTML special characters
_test_snippet( btn, {
"SCENARIO_NAME": "<foo> & <bar>",
"SCENARIO_LOCATION": "japan (\u65e5\u672c)",
"SCENARIO_DATE": "01/02/1942",
'name = [<foo> & <bar>] | loc = [japan (\u65e5\u672c)] | date = [01/02/1942] aka "2 January, 1942"',
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_vc_snippets( webapp, webdriver ):
"""Test HTML snippet generation."""
# initialize
init_webapp( webapp, webdriver )
select_tab( "scenario" )
btn = find_child( "button.generate[data-id='victory_conditions']" )
# generate a VC snippet
_test_snippet( btn, {
"VICTORY_CONDITIONS": "Kill 'Em <i>All</i>!",
"VC: [Kill 'Em <i>All</i>!]",
# generate an empty VC snippet
_test_snippet( btn, {
"VC: []",
# generate a VC snippet with a width
_test_snippet( btn, {
"VC: [Kill 'Em All!] ; width=[100px]",
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_scenario_notes_snippets( webapp, webdriver ):
"""Test HTML snippet generation."""
# initialize
init_webapp( webapp, webdriver )
select_tab( "scenario" )
sortable = find_child( "#scenario_notes-sortable" )
add_simple_note( sortable, "scenario <i>note</i> #1", None )
add_simple_note( sortable, "scenario note #2", "100px" )
assert generate_sortable_entry_snippet( sortable, 0 ) == adjust_html( "[scenario <i>note</i> #1]" )
assert generate_sortable_entry_snippet( sortable, 1 ) == "[scenario note #2] (width=[100px])"
# delete a scenario note by dragging it into the trash
assert get_sortable_entry_count( sortable ) == 2
drag_sortable_entry_to_trash( sortable, 0 )
assert get_sortable_entry_count( sortable ) == 1
# delete scenario note by emptying its caption
edit_simple_note( sortable, 0, "", None )
assert get_sortable_entry_count( sortable ) == 0
# add a scenario note with non-English content and HTML special characters
sortable = find_child( "#scenario_notes-sortable" )
add_simple_note( sortable, "japan <\u65e5\u672c>", None )
assert generate_sortable_entry_snippet( sortable, 0 ) == "[japan <\u65e5\u672c>]"
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_players_snippets( webapp, webdriver ):
"""Test HTML snippet generation."""
# initialize
init_webapp( webapp, webdriver )
select_tab( "scenario" )
btn = find_child( "button.generate[data-id='players']" )
# generate a PLAYERS snippet
_test_snippet( btn, {
"PLAYER_1": "french",
"PLAYER_1_ELR": "1",
"PLAYER_1_SAN": "2",
"PLAYER_1_DESCRIPTION": "Froggy Army",
"PLAYER_2": "british",
"PLAYER_2_ELR": "3",
"PLAYER_2_SAN": "4",
"player1=[french:French] ; ELR=[1] ; SAN=[2] ; description=[Froggy Army]" \
" | player2=[british:British] ; ELR=[3] ; SAN=[4] ; description=[Barmy Army]",
# generate a PLAYERS snippet with both players the same nationality
_test_snippet( btn, {
"PLAYER_1": "british",
"player1=[british:British] ; ELR=[1] ; SAN=[2] ; description=[]" \
" | player2=[british:British] ; ELR=[3] ; SAN=[4] ; description=[Barmy Army]",
[ "Both players have the same nationality!" ],
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_edit_templates( webapp, webdriver ):
"""Test editing templates."""
# initialize
webapp.control_tests.set_vo_notes_dir( "{TEST}" )
init_webapp( webapp, webdriver, edit_template_links=1 )
ob_setups = {
1: find_child( "#ob_setups-sortable_1" ),
2: find_child( "#ob_setups-sortable_2" )
ob_notes = {
1: find_child( "#ob_notes-sortable_1" ),
2: find_child( "#ob_notes-sortable_2" )
# try uploading a customized version of each template
def edit_template( template_id ):
"""Edit a template."""
elem = find_child( "#edit-template textarea" )
elem.send_keys( "EDITED TEMPLATE: {}".format( template_id ) )
elem.send_keys( Keys.ESCAPE )
def test_template( template_id, orig_template_id ):
"""Test editing a template."""
if template_id in ("scenario_note","ob_setup","ob_note"):
6 years ago
return # nb: these require special handling (done below)
if template_id in ("ob_vehicle_note","ob_ordnance_note"):
return # nb: we currently don't support editing these in the UI
# edit the template
elem = find_child( "a._edit-template-link_[data-id='{}']".format( template_id ) )
webdriver.execute_script( "$(arguments[0]).click();", elem )
edit_template( orig_template_id )
# check that the new template is being used
elem = find_child( "button.generate[data-id='{}']".format( orig_template_id ) )
wait_for_clipboard( 2, "EDITED TEMPLATE: {}".format( orig_template_id ) )
for_each_template( test_template )
# customize the SCENARIO NOTE template
select_tab( "scenario" )
elem = find_child( "button[data-id='scenario_note']" )
edit_template( "scenario_note" )
# check that the new template is being used
sortable = find_child( "#scenario_notes-sortable" )
add_simple_note( sortable, "scenario note (ignored)", None )
elem = find_child( "li img.snippet", sortable )
wait_for_clipboard( 2, "EDITED TEMPLATE: scenario_note" )
# customize the OB SETUP template
6 years ago
select_tab( "ob1" )
elem = find_child( "#tabs-ob1 button[data-id='ob_setup']" )
edit_template( "ob_setup" )
# check that the new template is being used
for player_no in range(1,2+1):
select_tab( "ob{}".format( player_no ) )
sortable = ob_setups[ player_no ]
add_simple_note( sortable, "ob setup (ignored)", None )
elem = find_child( "li img.snippet", sortable )
wait_for_clipboard( 2, "EDITED TEMPLATE: ob_setup" )
6 years ago
# customize the OB NOTE template
select_tab( "ob2" )
elem = find_child( "#tabs-ob2 button[data-id='ob_note']" )
6 years ago
edit_template( "ob_note" )
# check that the new template is being used
for player_no in range(1,2+1):
select_tab( "ob{}".format( player_no ) )
sortable = ob_notes[ player_no ]
add_simple_note( sortable, "ob note (ignored)", None )
elem = find_child( "li img.snippet", sortable )
6 years ago
wait_for_clipboard( 2, "EDITED TEMPLATE: ob_note" )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# NOTE: These tests are seeing the same problem the WebDriver stress-test was seeing: the shift-click
# on the snippet button is sometimes being interpreted as a request to edit the sortable entry.
# However, the workaround we implemented in that script (dismissing the dialog) doesn't work here,
# and I just couldn't get things to work (not even reloading the page each time helped) :-(
pytest_options.webdriver == "firefox",
reason="Selenium problems (?) cause these tests to fail under Firefox."
def test_snippet_images( webapp, webdriver ):
"""Test generating snippet images."""
# initialize
webapp.control_tests.set_vo_notes_dir( "{TEST}" )
init_webapp( webapp, webdriver, scenario_persistence=1, snippet_image_persistence=1 )
# check if there is a webdriver configured
remote_app_config = webapp.control_tests.get_app_config()
if "WEBDRIVER_PATH" not in remote_app_config:
# load a test scenario
load_scenario( {
"PLAYER_1": "german", "PLAYER_2": "russian",
"SCENARIO_NAME": "test scenario", "SCENARIO_DATE": "1940-01-01", "SCENARIO_LOCATION": "somewhere",
"SCENARIO_NOTES": [ { "caption": "Scenario note #1" } ],
"VICTORY_CONDITIONS": "win at all costs!",
"SSR": [ "a test ssr" ],
"OB_SETUPS_1": [ { "caption": "OB setup note #1" } ],
"OB_NOTES_1": [ { "caption": "OB note #1" } ],
"OB_VEHICLES_1": [ { "name": "a german vehicle" } ],
"OB_ORDNANCE_1": [ { "name": "a german ordnance" } ],
"OB_SETUPS_2": [ { "caption": "OB setup note #2" } ],
"OB_NOTES_2": [ { "caption": "OB note #2" } ],
"OB_VEHICLES_2": [ { "name": "a russian vehicle" } ],
"OB_ORDNANCE_2": [ { "name": "a russian ordnance" } ],
} )
def do_test( snippet_btn, expected_fname ): #pylint: disable=missing-docstring
# clear the return buffer
ret_buffer = find_child( "#_snippet-image-persistence_" )
assert ret_buffer.tag_name == "textarea"
webdriver.execute_script( "arguments[0].value = arguments[1]", ret_buffer, "" )
# shift-click the snippet button
ActionChains( webdriver ).key_down( Keys.SHIFT ).click( snippet_btn ).perform()
ActionChains( webdriver ).key_up( Keys.SHIFT ).perform()
# wait for the snippet image to be generated
wait_for( 20, lambda: ret_buffer.get_attribute( "value" ) )
fname, img_data = ret_buffer.get_attribute( "value" ).split( "|", 1 )
img_data = base64.b64decode( img_data )
# check the results
assert fname == expected_fname
last_snippet_image = webapp.control_tests.get_last_snippet_image()
assert img_data == last_snippet_image
def do_simple_test( template_id, expected_fname ): #pylint: disable=missing-docstring
btn = find_child( "button.generate[data-id='{}']".format( template_id ) )
do_test( btn, expected_fname )
def do_sortable_test( sortable_id, expected_fname ): #pylint: disable=missing-docstring
entries = find_children( "#{} li".format( sortable_id ) )
assert len(entries) == 1
btn = find_child( "img.snippet", entries[0] )
do_test( btn, expected_fname )
# do the tests
do_simple_test( "scenario", "scenario.png" )
do_simple_test( "players", "players.png" )
do_sortable_test( "scenario_notes-sortable", "scenario note.1.png" )
do_simple_test( "victory_conditions", "victory conditions.png" )
do_simple_test( "ssr", "ssr.png" )
# do the tests
select_tab( "ob1" )
do_sortable_test( "ob_setups-sortable_1", "ob setup 1.1.png" )
do_sortable_test( "ob_notes-sortable_1", "ob note 1.1.png" )
do_sortable_test( "ob_vehicles-sortable_1", "a german vehicle.png" )
do_sortable_test( "ob_ordnance-sortable_1", "a german ordnance.png" )
# do the tests
select_tab( "ob2" )
do_sortable_test( "ob_setups-sortable_2", "ob setup 2.1.png" )
do_sortable_test( "ob_notes-sortable_2", "ob note 2.1.png" )
do_sortable_test( "ob_vehicles-sortable_2", "a russian vehicle.png" )
do_sortable_test( "ob_ordnance-sortable_2", "a russian ordnance.png" )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@pytest.mark.skipif( pytest_options.short_tests, reason="--short-tests specified" )
def test_jinja_in( webapp, webdriver ):
"""Test the "in" operator in Jinja templates."""
# initialize
init_webapp( webapp, webdriver, edit_template_links=1 )
def do_test( search_for, search_in, expected ):
"""Test the IN operator."""
# install a new template
elem = find_child( "a._edit-template-link_[data-id='victory_conditions']" )
webdriver.execute_script( "$(arguments[0]).click();", elem )
elem = find_child( "#edit-template textarea" )
buf = [
"{%set HELLO_WORLD = \"Hello, world!\"%}",
"{%set HELLO = \"hello\"%}",
"{%if " + search_for + " in " + search_in + "%} YES {%else%} NO {%endif%}"
template = "\n".join( buf )
elem.send_keys( template )
elem.send_keys( Keys.ESCAPE )
# process the template
elem = find_child( "button.generate[data-id='victory_conditions']" )
wait_for_clipboard( 2, "YES" if expected else "NO" )
# do th tests
do_test( '"foo"', "HELLO_WORLD", False )
do_test( '"O, W"', "HELLO_WORLD", True )
do_test( "HELLO", "HELLO_WORLD", True )
do_test( "HELLO", '"hello, big guy!"', True )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def _test_snippet( btn, params, expected, expected2 ):
"""Do a single test."""
# set the template parameters and generate the snippet
set_template_params( params )
marker = set_stored_msg_marker( "_last-warning_" )
def reformat( clipboard ): #pylint: disable=missing-docstring
lines = [ l.strip() for l in clipboard.split("\n") ]
return " | ".join( l for l in lines if l )
wait_for_clipboard( 2, expected, transform=reformat )
# check warnings for mandatory parameters
last_warning = get_stored_msg( "_last-warning_" )
if isinstance( expected2, list):
# check for mandatory parameters
param_names = [ "scenario name", "scenario location", "scenario date" ]
for pname in param_names:
if pname in expected2:
assert pname in last_warning
assert pname not in last_warning
elif isinstance(expected2, str):
# check for a specific error message
assert expected2 == last_warning
# make sure there was no warning message
assert expected2 is None
assert last_warning == marker