Create attractive VASL scenarios, with loads of useful information embedded to assist with game play.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

392 lines
14 KiB

""" Test the turn track functionality. """
from import Select
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
from vasl_templates.webapp.tests.utils import \
init_webapp, get_turn_track_nturns, set_turn_track_nturns, select_droplist_val, get_droplist_vals, \
SwitchFrame, unload_table, wait_for, wait_for_elem, wait_for_clipboard, find_child
from vasl_templates.webapp.tests.test_scenario_persistence import load_scenario, save_scenario
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_turn_track_basic( webapp, webdriver ):
"""Test basic turn track functionality."""
# initialize
webapp.control_tests.set_data_dir( "{REAL}" )
init_webapp( webapp, webdriver )
# check the initial state of the UI
assert get_turn_track_nturns() == ""
assert not find_child( "button#turn-track-settings" ).is_displayed()
assert not find_child( ".snippet-control[data-id='turn_track']" ).is_displayed()
# configure a number of turns
set_turn_track_nturns( 6 )
assert find_child( "button#turn-track-settings" ).is_displayed()
assert find_child( ".snippet-control[data-id='turn_track']" ).is_displayed()
# generate a snippet
assert _generate_turn_track_snippet( None ) == [
[ (1,None,None), (2,None,None), (3,None,None), (4,None,None), (5,None,None), (6,None,None) ]
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_turn_track_controls( webapp, webdriver ):
"""Test the basic controls for configuring the turn track."""
# initialize
webapp.control_tests.set_data_dir( "{REAL}" )
init_webapp( webapp, webdriver )
# show the turn track dialog
dlg = _show_turn_track_dialog( 6 )
with SwitchFrame( webdriver, "#turn-track-preview" ):
_toggle_reinf( 1, 1 )
_toggle_reinf( 2, 1 )
_toggle_reinf( 2, 2 )
_toggle_reinf( 3, 2 )
# change the width
_change_turn_track_width( dlg, 3 )
def check_for_width():
return _generate_turn_track_snippet( dlg ) == [
[ (1,"player1",None), (2,"player1","player2"), (3,None,"player2") ],
[ (4,None,None), (5,None,None), (6,None,None) ]
wait_for( 2, check_for_width )
# swap the players
_swap_turn_track_players( dlg )
def check_for_swap_players():
return _generate_turn_track_snippet( dlg ) == [
[ (1,None,"player2"), (2,"player1","player2"), (3,"player1",None) ],
[ (4,None,None), (5,None,None), (6,None,None) ]
wait_for( 2, check_for_swap_players )
# make the turn track vertical
_change_turn_track_direction( dlg )
def check_for_vertical():
return _generate_turn_track_snippet( dlg ) == [
[ (1,None,"player2"), (3,"player1",None), (5,None,None) ],
[ (2,"player1","player2"), (4,None,None), (6,None,None) ]
wait_for( 2, check_for_vertical )
# reset the controls
find_child( "button.reset2" ).click()
ask = wait_for_elem( 2, ".ui-dialog.ask" )
find_child( "button.ok", ask ).click()
def check_for_reset():
return _generate_turn_track_snippet( dlg ) == [
[ (1,None,None), (2,None,None), (3,None,None), (4,None,None), (5,None,None), (6,None,None) ]
wait_for( 2, check_for_reset )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_turn_track_reinforcements( webapp, webdriver ):
"""Test configuring reinforcements on the turn track."""
# initialize
webapp.control_tests.set_data_dir( "{REAL}" )
init_webapp( webapp, webdriver )
# show the turn track dialog
dlg = _show_turn_track_dialog( 6.5 )
# turn on some reinforcements, then check the snippet
with SwitchFrame( webdriver, "#turn-track-preview" ):
_toggle_reinf( 2, 1 )
_toggle_reinf( 3, 1 )
_toggle_reinf( 3, 2 )
_toggle_reinf( 7, 1 )
assert _generate_turn_track_snippet( dlg ) == [
[ (1,None,None), (2,"player1",None), (3,"player1","player2"),
(4,None,None), (5,None,None) , (6,None,None), (7,"player1",None)
# turn off some reinforcements, turn some on, then check the snippet
with SwitchFrame( webdriver, "#turn-track-preview" ):
_toggle_reinf( 2, 2 )
_toggle_reinf( 3, 1 )
_toggle_reinf( 3, 2 )
_toggle_reinf( 5, 2 )
_toggle_reinf( 7, 1 )
assert _generate_turn_track_snippet( dlg ) == [
[ (1,None,None), (2,"player1","player2"), (3,None,None),
(4,None,None), (5,None,"player2") , (6,None,None), (7,None,None)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_turn_track_shading( webapp, webdriver ):
"""Test shading squares on the turn track."""
# initialize
webapp.control_tests.set_data_dir( "{REAL}" )
init_webapp( webapp, webdriver )
# show the turn track dialog
dlg = _show_turn_track_dialog( 6.5 )
# shade some turn track squares, then check the snippet
with SwitchFrame( webdriver, "#turn-track-preview" ):
_toggle_shading( 1 )
_toggle_shading( 2 )
_toggle_shading( 7 )
assert _generate_turn_track_snippet( dlg ) == [
[ (1,None,None,True), (2,None,None,True), (3,None,None),
(4,None,None), (5,None,None) , (6,None,None), (7,None,None,True)
# change the shading for some turn track squares, then check the snippet
with SwitchFrame( webdriver, "#turn-track-preview" ):
_toggle_shading( 1 )
_toggle_shading( 3 )
_toggle_shading( 7 )
assert _generate_turn_track_snippet( dlg ) == [
[ (1,None,None), (2,None,None,True), (3,None,None,True),
(4,None,None), (5,None,None) , (6,None,None), (7,None,None)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_turn_track_persistence( webapp, webdriver ):
"""Test saving and loading turn track settings."""
# initialize
webapp.control_tests.set_data_dir( "{REAL}" )
init_webapp( webapp, webdriver, scenario_persistence=1 )
# show the turn track dialog
load_scenario( {
"PLAYER_1": "japanese", "PLAYER_2": "american",
"TURN_TRACK": { "NTURNS": 6.5 },
} )
dlg = _show_turn_track_dialog( None )
# configure the turn track
with SwitchFrame( webdriver, "#turn-track-preview" ):
_toggle_reinf( 1, 1 )
_toggle_reinf( 2, 2 )
_toggle_reinf( 3, 1 )
_toggle_reinf( 3, 2 )
_toggle_shading( 2 )
_toggle_shading( 4 )
_change_turn_track_width( dlg, 4 )
_swap_turn_track_players( dlg )
_change_turn_track_direction( dlg )
# check the snippet
expected = [
[ (1,None,"player2"), (3,"player1","player2"), (5,None,None), (7,None,None) ],
[ (2,"player1",None,True) , (4,None,None,True), (6,None,None) ]
wait_for( 2,
lambda: _generate_turn_track_snippet( dlg ) == expected
# save the scenario
dlg.send_keys( Keys.ESCAPE )
saved_scenario = save_scenario()
assert saved_scenario["TURN_TRACK"] == {
"NTURNS": "6.5",
"WIDTH": "4", "VERTICAL": True, "SWAP_PLAYERS": True,
"SHADING": "2,4",
assert _generate_turn_track_snippet( None ) == expected
# reset the scenario
assert not find_child( "button.generate[data-id='turn_track']" ).is_displayed()
# load the scenario and generate the snippet
load_scenario( saved_scenario )
assert _generate_turn_track_snippet( None ) == expected
# open the turn track dialog and check that the controls were loaded correctly
dlg = _show_turn_track_dialog( None )
assert get_turn_track_nturns() == "6.5"
sel = Select( find_child( "select[name='width']", dlg ) )
assert sel.first_selected_option.get_attribute( "value" ) == "4"
assert find_child( "input[name='vertical']" ).is_selected()
assert find_child( "input[name='swap-players']" ).is_selected()
assert _generate_turn_track_snippet( dlg ) == expected
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_turn_track_droplist( webapp, webdriver ):
"""Test updating entries in the turn track droplist (#turns)."""
# initialize
webapp.control_tests.set_data_dir( "{REAL}" )
init_webapp( webapp, webdriver, scenario_persistence=1 )
# check the initial state of the droplist
assert _unload_turn_track_droplist() == [
"", "6", "6.5", "7", "7.5", "8", "8.5", "9", "9.5", "10", "(show-dialog)"
# configure a number of turns that is not in the default list (small)
sel = Select( find_child( "select[name='TURN_TRACK_NTURNS']" ) )
select_droplist_val( sel, "(show-dialog)" )
sel2 = Select( find_child( "#turn-track select[name='nturns']" ) )
select_droplist_val( sel2, "2" )
assert _unload_turn_track_droplist() == [
"", "2", "6", "6.5", "7", "7.5", "8", "8.5", "9", "9.5", "10"
# configure a number of turns that is not in the default list (large)
select_droplist_val( sel2, "14.5" )
expected = [ "", "6", "6.5", "7", "7.5", "8", "8.5", "9", "9.5", "10", "14.5" ]
assert _unload_turn_track_droplist() == expected
# save and reload the scenario
find_child( ".ui-dialog.turn-track" ).send_keys( Keys.ESCAPE )
saved_scenario = save_scenario()
load_scenario( saved_scenario )
assert _unload_turn_track_droplist() == expected
# configure a number of turns that is in the default list
sel = Select( find_child( "select[name='TURN_TRACK_NTURNS']" ) )
select_droplist_val( sel, "8" )
assert _unload_turn_track_droplist() == [
"", "6", "6.5", "7", "7.5", "8", "8.5", "9", "9.5", "10"
# disable the turn track
select_droplist_val( sel, "" )
assert _unload_turn_track_droplist() == [
"", "6", "6.5", "7", "7.5", "8", "8.5", "9", "9.5", "10", "(show-dialog)"
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def _show_turn_track_dialog( nturns ):
"""Show the TURN TRACK dialog."""
if nturns:
set_turn_track_nturns( nturns )
btn = wait_for_elem( 2, "button#turn-track-settings" )
dlg = wait_for_elem( 2, ".ui-dialog.turn-track" )
return dlg
def _generate_turn_track_snippet( dlg ):
"""Generate a turn track snippet."""
# generate the snippet
btn = find_child( "button.snippet", dlg ) if dlg else find_child( "button.generate[data-id='turn_track']" )
assert btn.is_displayed()
clipboard = wait_for_clipboard( 2, "<!-- vasl-templates:id", contains=True )
def get_reinforce_class( cell ):
cell_class = str( cell.xpath( ".//@class" )[0] )
if cell_class == "reinforce1":
return "player1"
elif cell_class == "reinforce2":
return "player2"
assert cell_class == "no-reinforce"
return None
def unload_square( square ):
# unload the reinforcement flags
cells = square.xpath( ".//td" )
assert len(cells) == 3
vals = (
int( cells[1].text ),
get_reinforce_class( cells[0] ),
get_reinforce_class( cells[2] ),
# check if the square is shaded
if any( s.startswith( "background-color:" ) for s in square.xpath( ".//@style" ) ):
vals = ( *vals, True )
return vals
# unload the snippet contents
squares = unload_table( "//table[@class='turn-track']", html=clipboard, unload=False )
for row_no, row in enumerate(squares):
for col_no, square in enumerate(row):
squares[row_no][col_no] = unload_square( square )
return squares
def _unload_turn_track_droplist():
"""Get the available options in the turn track droplist."""
keys = []
prev_key = None
options = get_droplist_vals( Select(
find_child( "select[name='TURN_TRACK_NTURNS']" )
) )
for key, caption in options:
if key == "":
assert caption == "-"
elif key == "(show-dialog)":
assert caption == "(more)"
assert key == caption
key2 = float( key )
if prev_key:
assert key2 > prev_key
assert int( 10 * key2 ) % 10 in (0,5)
prev_key = key2
keys.append( key )
return keys
def _toggle_reinf( turn_no, player_no ):
"""Toggle a player's reinforcements for the specified turn."""
"#flag-{}_{} .flag-click".format( turn_no, player_no )
def _toggle_shading( turn_no ):
"""Toggle the shading for a turn track square."""
"#turn-square-{} .shading-click".format( turn_no )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def _change_turn_track_width( dlg, width ):
"""Change the turn track width."""
sel = Select( find_child( "select[name='width']", dlg ) )
_wait_for_preview( dlg,
lambda: select_droplist_val( sel, width )
def _change_turn_track_direction( dlg ):
"""Toggle the direction of the turn track."""
_wait_for_preview( dlg,
lambda: find_child( "input[name='vertical']", dlg ).click()
def _swap_turn_track_players( dlg ):
"""Swap the turn track players."""
_wait_for_preview( dlg,
lambda: find_child( "input[name='swap-players']", dlg ).click()
def _wait_for_preview( dlg, func ):
"""Make a change to the preview, and wait for the UI to update."""
# NOTE: The preview <iframe> is replaced with a new one, so we need to be ready for the old one to disappear.
iframe = find_child( "iframe", dlg )
seqno = iframe.get_attribute( "data-seqno" )
def check_seqno():
iframe = find_child( "iframe", dlg )
if not iframe:
return False
return iframe.get_attribute( "data-seqno" ) != seqno
wait_for( 20, check_seqno )