Create attractive VASL scenarios, with loads of useful information embedded to assist with game play.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

311 lines
12 KiB

gRoarScenarioIndex = null ;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function _get_roar_scenario_index( on_ready )
// check if we already have the ROAR scenario index
if ( gRoarScenarioIndex && Object.keys(gRoarScenarioIndex).length > 0 ) {
// yup - just do it
on_ready() ;
} else {
// nope - download it (nb: we do this on-demand, instead of during startup,
// to give the backend time if it wants to download a fresh copy).
// NOTE: We will also get here if we downloaded the scenario index, but it's empty.
// This can happen if the cached file is not there, and the server is still downloading
// a fresh copy, in which case, we will keep retrying until we get something.
$.getJSON( gGetRoarScenarioIndexUrl, function(data) {
gRoarScenarioIndex = data ;
on_ready() ;
} ).fail( function( xhr, status, errorMsg ) {
showErrorMsg( "Can't get the ROAR scenario index:<div class='pre'>" + escapeHTML(errorMsg) + "</div>" ) ;
} ) ;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function search_roar()
var unknown_nats = [] ;
function on_scenario_selected( roar_id ) {
// update the UI for the selected ROAR scenario
set_roar_scenario( roar_id ) ;
// populate the scenario name/ID
var scenario = gRoarScenarioIndex[ roar_id ] ;
if ( $("input[name='SCENARIO_NAME']").val() === "" && $("input[name='SCENARIO_ID']").val() === "" ) {
$("input[name='SCENARIO_NAME']").val( ) ;
$("input[name='SCENARIO_ID']").val( scenario.scenario_id ) ;
// update the player nationalities
// NOTE: The player order as returned by ROAR is undetermined (and could change from call to call),
// so what we set here might not match what's in the scenario card, but we've got a 50-50 chance of being right... :-/
update_player( scenario, 1 ) ;
update_player( scenario, 2 ) ;
if ( unknown_nats.length > 0 ) {
var buf = [ "Unrecognized nationality in ROAR:", "<ul>" ] ;
for ( var i=0 ; i < unknown_nats.length ; ++i )
buf.push( "<li>" + unknown_nats[i] ) ;
buf.push( "</ul>" ) ;
showWarningMsg( buf.join("") ) ;
function update_player( scenario, player_no ) {
var roar_nat = scenario.results[ player_no-1 ][0] ;
var nat = convert_roar_nat( roar_nat ) ;
if ( ! nat ) {
unknown_nats.push( roar_nat ) ;
return ;
if ( nat === get_player_nat( player_no ) )
return ;
if ( ! is_player_ob_empty( player_no ) )
return ;
$( "select[name='PLAYER_" + player_no + "']" ).val( nat ).trigger( "change" ) ;
on_player_change( player_no ) ;
// ask the user to select a ROAR scenario
_get_roar_scenario_index( function() {
do_search_roar( on_scenario_selected ) ;
} ) ;
function do_search_roar( on_ok )
// initialize the select2
var $sel = $( "#select-roar-scenario select" ) ;
$sel.select2( {
width: "100%",
templateResult: function( opt ) { return ? _format_entry( : opt.text ; },
dropdownParent: $("#select-roar-scenario"), // FUDGE! need this for the searchbox to work :-/
closeOnSelect: false,
} ) ;
// stop the select2 droplist from closing up
$sel.on( "select2:closing", function(evt) {
evt.preventDefault() ;
} ) ;
// let the user select a scenario
function on_resize( $dlg ) {
$( ".select2-results ul" ).height( $dlg.height() - 50 ) ;
var $dlg = $("#select-roar-scenario").dialog( {
title: "Search ROAR",
dialogClass: "select-roar-scenario",
modal: true,
minWidth: 400,
minHeight: 350,
create: function() {
// initialize the dialog
init_dialog( $(this), "OK", false ) ;
// handle ENTER, ESCAPE and double-click
function auto_select_scenario( evt ) {
if ( $sel.val() ) {
$( " button:contains('OK')" ).click() ;
evt.preventDefault() ;
$(this).keydown( function(evt) {
if ( evt.keyCode == $.ui.keyCode.ENTER )
auto_select_scenario( evt ) ;
else if ( evt.keyCode == $.ui.keyCode.ESCAPE )
$(this).dialog( "close" ) ;
} ).dblclick( function(evt) {
auto_select_scenario( evt ) ;
} ) ;
open: function() {
// initialize
// NOTE: We do this herem instead of in the "create" handler, to handle the case
// where the scenario index was initially unavailable but the download has since completed.
_load_select2( $sel ) ;
on_dialog_open( $(this) ) ;
$sel.select2( "open" ) ;
// update the UI
on_resize( $(this) ) ;
resize: function() { on_resize( $(this) ) ; },
buttons: {
OK: function() {
// notify the caller about the selected scenario
var roar_id = $sel.select2("data")[0].id ;
on_ok( roar_id ) ;
$dlg.dialog( "close" ) ;
Cancel: function() { $(this).dialog( "close" ) ; },
} ) ;
function _load_select2( $sel )
function remove_quotes( lquote, rquote ) {
var len = name.length ;
if ( name.substr( 0, lquote.length ) === lquote && name.substr( len-rquote.length ) === rquote )
name = name.substr( lquote.length, len-lquote.length-rquote.length ) ;
if ( name.substr( 0, lquote.length ) == lquote )
name = name.substr( lquote.length ) ;
return name ;
// sort the scenarios
var roar_ids=[], roar_id, scenario ;
for ( roar_id in gRoarScenarioIndex ) {
if ( roar_id[0] === "_" )
continue ;
roar_ids.push( roar_id ) ;
scenario = gRoarScenarioIndex[ roar_id ] ;
var name = ;
name = remove_quotes( '"', '"' ) ;
name = remove_quotes( "'", "'" ) ;
name = remove_quotes( "&quot;", "&quot;" ) ;
name = remove_quotes( "\u2018", "\u2019" ) ;
name = remove_quotes( "\u201c", "\u201d" ) ;
if ( name.substring(0,3) === "..." )
name = name.substr( 3 ) ;
scenario._sort_name = name.trim().toUpperCase() ;
roar_ids.sort( function( lhs, rhs ) {
lhs = gRoarScenarioIndex[ lhs ]._sort_name ;
rhs = gRoarScenarioIndex[ rhs ]._sort_name ;
if ( lhs < rhs )
return -1 ;
else if ( lhs > rhs )
return +1 ;
return 0 ;
} ) ;
// get the currently-active ROAR scenario
var curr_roar_id = $("input[name='ROAR_ID']").val() ;
// load the select2
var buf = [] ;
for ( var i=0 ; i < roar_ids.length ; ++i ) {
roar_id = roar_ids[ i ] ;
scenario = gRoarScenarioIndex[ roar_id ] ;
// NOTE: The <option> text is what gets searched (_format_entry() generates what gets shown),
// so we include the scenario ID here, so that it also becomes searchable.
buf.push( "<option value='" + roar_id + "'" ) ;
if ( roar_id === curr_roar_id ) {
// FIXME! How can we scroll this into view? Calling scrollIntoView(),
// even in the "open" handler, causes weird problems.
buf.push( " selected" ) ;
buf.push( ">" ) ;
buf.push( + " " + scenario.scenario_id,
) ;
$sel.html( buf.join("") ) ;
function _format_entry( roar_id ) {
// generate the HTML for a scenario
var scenario = gRoarScenarioIndex[ roar_id ] ;
var buf = [ "<div class='scenario' data-roarid='", roar_id , "'>",,
" <span class='scenario-id'>[", strReplaceAll(scenario.scenario_id," ","&nbsp;"), "]</span>",
" <span class='publication'>", scenario.publication, "</span>",
] ;
return $( buf.join("") ) ;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function disconnect_roar()
// disconnect from the ROAR scenario
set_roar_scenario( null ) ;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function go_to_roar_scenario()
// go the currently-active ROAR scenario
var roar_id = $( "input[name='ROAR_ID']" ).val() ;
var url = gRoarScenarioIndex[ roar_id ].url ;
if ( gWebChannelHandler )
window.location = url ; // nb: AppWebPage will intercept this and launch a new browser window
else url ) ;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function set_roar_scenario( roar_id )
var total_playings ;
function safe_score( nplayings ) { return total_playings === 0 ? 0 : nplayings / total_playings ; }
function get_label( score ) { return total_playings === 0 ? "" : percentString( score ) ; }
function do_set_roar_scenaro() {
if ( roar_id ) {
// save the ROAR ID
$( "input[name='ROAR_ID']" ).val( roar_id ) ;
// update the progress bars
var scenario = gRoarScenarioIndex[ roar_id ] ;
if ( ! scenario )
return ;
var results = scenario.results ;
if ( convert_roar_nat(results[0][0]) === get_player_nat(2) || convert_roar_nat(results[1][0]) === get_player_nat(1) ) {
// FUDGE! The order of players returned by ROAR is indeterminate (and could change from call to call),
// so we try to show the results in the way that best matches what's on-screen.
results = [ results[1], results[0] ] ;
total_playings = results[0][1] + results[1][1] ;
$( "#roar-info .name.player1" ).html( results[0][0] ) ;
$( "#roar-info .count.player1" ).html( "(" + results[0][1] + ")" ) ;
var score = 100 * safe_score( results[0][1] ) ;
$( "#roar-info .progressbar.player1" ).progressbar( { value: 100-score } )
.find( ".label" ).text( get_label( score ) ) ;
$( "#roar-info .name.player2" ).html( results[1][0] ) ;
$( "#roar-info .count.player2" ).html( "(" + results[1][1] + ")" ) ;
score = 100 * safe_score( results[1][1] ) ;
$( "#roar-info .progressbar.player2" ).progressbar( { value: score } )
.find( ".label" ).text( get_label( score ) ) ;
// show the ROAR scenario details
$( "#go-to-roar" ).attr( "title"," ["+scenario.scenario_id+"]\n" + scenario.publication ) ;
// NOTE: We see the fade in if the panel is already visible and we load a scenario that has a ROAR ID,
// because we reset the scenario the scenario before loading another one, which causes the panel
// to be hidden. Fixing this is more trouble than it's worth... :-/
$( "#roar-info" ).fadeIn( 1*1000 ) ;
} else {
// there is no associated ROAR scenario - hide the info panel
$( "input[name='ROAR_ID']" ).val( "" ) ;
$( "#roar-info" ).hide() ;
// set the ROAR scenario
_get_roar_scenario_index( do_set_roar_scenaro ) ;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function convert_roar_nat( roar_nat )
// clean up the ROAR nationality
roar_nat = roar_nat.toUpperCase() ;
var pos = roar_nat.indexOf( "/" ) ;
if ( pos > 0 )
roar_nat = roar_nat.substr( 0, pos ) ; // e.g. "British/Partisan" -> "British"
else {
var match = roar_nat.match( /\(.*\)$/ ) ;
if ( match )
roar_nat = roar_nat.substr( 0, roar_nat.length-match[0].length ).trim() ; // e.g. "Thai (Chinese)" -> "Thai"
// try to match the ROAR nationality with one of ours
for ( var nat in gTemplatePack.nationalities ) {
if ( roar_nat === gTemplatePack.nationalities[nat].display_name.toUpperCase() )
return nat ;
return null ;