Create attractive VASL scenarios, with loads of useful information embedded to assist with game play.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

558 lines
24 KiB

gLoadVsavHandler = null ;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function on_update_vsav() {
// check if we should ask the user to confirm the settings
if ( gUserSettings[ "confirm-update-vsav-settings" ] ) {
// yup - make it so
user_settings( function() {
_load_and_process_vsav( _do_update_vsav ) ;
}, "Confirm user settings" ) ;
} else {
// nope - just do it
_load_and_process_vsav( _do_update_vsav ) ;
function _do_update_vsav( vsav_data, fname )
// generate all the snippets
var $pleaseWait = showPleaseWaitDialog( "Updating your VASL scenario..." ) ;
var snippets = _generate_snippets() ;
// send a request to update the VSAV
var data = {
filename: fname,
vsav_data: vsav_data,
players: [ get_player_nat(1), get_player_nat(2) ],
testMode: !! getUrlParam( "store_msgs" ),
snippets: snippets
} ;
$.ajax( {
url: gUpdateVsavUrl,
type: "POST",
data: JSON.stringify( data ),
contentType: "application/json",
} ).done( function( resp ) {
$pleaseWait.dialog( "close" ) ;
data = _check_vassal_shim_response( resp, "Can't update the VASL scenario." ) ;
if ( ! data )
return ;
// check if anything was changed
if ( ! ) {
showInfoMsg( "No changes were made to the VASL scenario." ) ;
if ( getUrlParam( "vsav_persistence" ) )
$("#_vsav-persistence_").val( btoa( "No changes." ) ) ;
return ;
// save the updated VSAV file
_show_label_report_msg( ) ;
if ( gWebChannelHandler ) {
setTimeout( function() { // nb: give the label report time to appear :-/
gWebChannelHandler.save_updated_vsav( data.filename, data.vsav_data ) ;
}, 1*1000 ) ;
return ;
if ( getUrlParam( "vsav_persistence" ) ) {
// FOR TESTING PORPOISES! We can't control a file download from Selenium (since
// the browser will use native controls), so we store the result in a <textarea>
// and the test suite will collect it from there).
$("#_vsav-persistence_").val( data.vsav_data ) ;
return ;
download( atob(data.vsav_data), data.filename, "application/octet-stream" ) ;
} ).fail( function( xhr, status, errorMsg ) {
$pleaseWait.dialog( "close" ) ;
showErrorMsg( "Can't update the VASL scenario:<div class='pre'>" + escapeHTML(errorMsg) + "</div>" ) ;
} ) ;
function _show_label_report_msg( report )
// generate a message summarizing what the VASSAL shim did
var buf = [ "The VASL scenario was updated:", "<ul>" ] ;
var actions = [ "created", "updated", "deleted" ] ; // nb: we ignore "unchanged"
for ( var i=0 ; i < actions.length ; ++i ) {
var action = actions[i] ;
var n = parseInt( report[ "labels_"+action ] ) ;
if ( n == 1 )
buf.push( "<li>1 label was " + action + "." ) ;
else if ( n > 1 )
buf.push( "<li>" + n + " labels were " + action + "." ) ;
buf.push( "</ul>" ) ;
var msg = buf.join( "" ) ;
// show the summary and any error messages
for ( i=0 ; i < report.errors.length ; ++i )
showErrorMsg( report.errors[i] ) ;
if ( report.labels_deleted > 0 || report.errors.length > 0 )
showWarningMsg( msg ) ;
showInfoMsg( msg ) ;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function _generate_snippets()
// initialize
var snippets = {} ;
var vo_index = {} ;
// figure out which templates we don't want to auto-create labels for
var no_autocreate = {} ;
for ( var template_id in NATIONALITY_SPECIFIC_BUTTONS ) {
if ( ["pf","atmm","thh"].indexOf( template_id ) !== -1 || template_id.substring(0,3) === "pf-" ) {
// NOTE: PF, ATMM, THH are always available as an inherent part of a squad's capabilities
// (subject to date restrictions), so we always auto-create these labels, unlike, say MOL or BAZ,
// which are only present by SSR or OB counter).
continue ;
no_autocreate[template_id] = true ;
if ( ! gUserSettings["auto-create-national-capabilities-labels"] ) {
no_autocreate.nat_caps_1 = true ;
no_autocreate.nat_caps_2 = true ;
function on_snippet_button( $btn, inactive ) {
var template_id = $btn.attr( "data-id" ) ;
if ( ! is_template_available( template_id ) )
return ;
if ( template_id.substr(0,7) === "extras/" ) {
// NOTE: We don't handle extras templates, since they can be parameterized. We would need to store
// the parameter values in the generated snippet, and extract them here so that we can re-generate
// the snippet, which is more trouble than it's worth, at this point.
return ;
var params = unload_snippet_params( true, template_id ) ;
var snippet_id = template_id ;
var extra_params = {} ;
var player_no ;
if ( snippet_id.substring( 0, 9 ) === "nat_caps_" )
player_no = snippet_id.substring( 9 ) ;
player_no = get_player_no_for_element( $btn ) ;
var data ;
if ( ["scenario_note","ob_setup","ob_note"].indexOf( template_id ) !== -1 ) {
data = $btn.parent().parent().data( "sortable2-data" ) ;
if ( player_no ) {
snippet_id = template_id + "_" + player_no + "." + ;
} else
snippet_id = template_id + "." + ;
extra_params = get_simple_note_snippet_extra_params( $btn ) ;
if ( ["ob_vehicle_note","ob_ordnance_note"].indexOf( template_id ) !== -1 ) {
data = $btn.parent().parent().data( "sortable2-data" ) ;
if ( in vo_index ) {
// NOTE: There are two ways we can end up creating duplicate snippets for vehicle/ordnance notes:
// (1) the OB contains multiple variants of the same vehicle/ordnance
// (2) the OB contains different vehicles/ordnance that happen to have the same note
// e.g. the German Opel Blitz and Buessing-NAG both have Vehicle Note 96.
// Deuping the first case is a no-brainer, but the second is tricker. If we only create a snippet
// for the Opel Blitz, it's not immediately clear to someone looking at the VASL scenario why
// there is no snippet for the Buessing-NAG. However, this situation should be rare enough
// for us to not worry about it... :-/
return ;
vo_index[ ] = true ;
snippet_id = template_id + "_" + player_no + "." + ;
if ( template_id === "turn_track" ) {
if ( $( "select[name='TURN_TRACK_NTURNS']" ).val() === "" )
return ;
var raw_content = _get_raw_content( snippet_id, $btn, params ) ;
if ( ["scenario","players","victory_conditions"].indexOf( snippet_id ) === -1 ) {
// NOTE: We don't pass through a snippet for things that have no content,
// except for important stuff, such as the scenario name and victory conditions.
if ( raw_content === false || raw_content === null || raw_content.length === 0 ) {
return ;
if ( player_no )
snippet_id = get_player_nat(player_no) + "/" + snippet_id ;
snippets[snippet_id] = {
content: make_snippet( $btn, params, extra_params, false ).content,
auto_create: ! no_autocreate[template_id] && ! inactive,
} ;
if ( raw_content !== true )
snippets[snippet_id].raw_content = raw_content ;
if ( player_no )
snippets[snippet_id].label_area = "player" + player_no ;
$("button.generate").each( function() {
if ( $(this).parent().css( "display" ) === "none" )
return ;
on_snippet_button( $(this), $(this).hasClass("inactive") ) ;
} ) ;
$("img.snippet").each( function() {
on_snippet_button( $(this) ) ;
} ) ;
return snippets ;
function _get_raw_content( snippet_id, $btn, params )
// NOTE: We pass the raw content, as entered by the user into the UI, through to the VASSAL shim,
// so that it can locate legacy labels, that were created before we added snippet ID's to the templates.
var raw_content = [] ;
function get_values( names ) {
for ( var i=0 ; i < names.length ; ++i ) {
var val = $( ".param[name='" + names[i] + "']" ).val().trim() ;
if ( val )
raw_content.push( val ) ;
return raw_content ;
// handle special cases
if ( snippet_id === "scenario" )
return get_values([ "SCENARIO_NAME", "SCENARIO_ID", "SCENARIO_LOCATION" ]) ;
if ( snippet_id === "victory_conditions" )
return get_values([ "VICTORY_CONDITIONS" ]) ;
if ( snippet_id === "turn_track" )
return true ;
if ( snippet_id === "players" ) {
return [
"ELR:", "SAN:",
get_nationality_display_name( get_player_nat( 1 ) ) + ":",
get_nationality_display_name( get_player_nat( 2 ) ) + ":",
] ;
if ( snippet_id === "ssr" ) {
$( "#ssr-sortable > li" ).each( function() {
var data = $(this).data( "sortable2-data" ) ;
raw_content.push( data.caption ) ;
} ) ;
return raw_content ;
// handle simple cases
// NOTE: These checks also have the side-effect of not deleting these labels if they are already in
// a scenario that is being updated.
if ( snippet_id === "mol" )
return [ "Molotov Cocktail", "MOL check:", "IFT DR original colored dr:" ] ;
if ( snippet_id === "mol-p" )
return [ "MOL Projector", "TH#", "X#", "B#" ] ;
if ( snippet_id === "pf" || snippet_id.substring(0,3) === "pf-" )
return [ "Panzerfaust", "PF check:", "non-AFV target", "TH#" ] ;
if ( snippet_id === "psk" )
return [ "Panzerschrek", "Range", "TH#", "X#", "TK#" ] ;
if ( snippet_id === "atmm" )
return [ "Anti-Tank Magnetic Mines", "ATMM check:", "vs. non-armored vehicle" ] ;
if ( snippet_id === "piat" )
return [ "PIAT", "Range", "TH#", "B#", "TK#" ] ;
if ( snippet_id === "baz" || snippet_id === "baz45" || snippet_id === "baz50" || snippet_id.substr(0,8) === "baz-cpva" )
return [ "Bazooka", "Range", "TH#" ] ;
if ( snippet_id === "thh" )
return [ "Tank-Hunter Heroes", "Banzai Charge" ] ;
if ( snippet_id.substring( 0, 9 ) === "nat_caps_" )
return [ "Capabilities" ] ;
// handle vehicle/ordnance notes
// NOTE: These were implemented after we added snippet ID's, so there's no need to support legacy labels.
// NOTE: We get called in response to an img.snippet button, which implies there is a Chapter H snippet available,
// so we don't have to check anything and just always return true.
if ( snippet_id.substring(0,16) === "ob_vehicle_note_" )
return true ;
if ( snippet_id.substring(0,17) === "ob_ordnance_note_" )
return true ;
// handle simple notes
if ( $btn.prop( "tagName" ).toLowerCase() == "img" ) {
var data = $btn.parent().parent().data( "sortable2-data" ) ;
return [ data.caption ] ;
function get_vo_entries( vo_type, player_no, names_only ) {
var vo_entries = [] ;
var id = "ob_" + vo_type + "-sortable_" + player_no ;
$( "#"+id + " > li" ).each( function() {
var vo_entry = $(this).data( "sortable2-data" ).vo_entry ;
vo_entries.push( names_only ? : vo_entry ) ;
} ) ;
return vo_entries ;
// handle multi-applicable vehicle/ordnance notes
// NOTE: These were implemented after we added snippet ID's, so there's no need to support legacy labels.
function check_ma_notes( vo_type, player_no ) {
var nat = params[ "PLAYER_" + player_no ] ;
// NOTE: The following test has to handle a number of subtleties:
// - if no Chapter H data has been configured, we don't create the label
// However, if Chapter data has been configured, we always create the label, even if:
// - there are no notes whatsoever (e.g. Romania).
// - there are notes, but no multi-applicable notes (e.g. Belgium)
// It's tempting to think that it might be better to skip creating the label if there are no available
// multi-applicable notes, but this will be confusing for the user, since the label will not appear
// in the VASL scenario, and it won't be immediately clear why.
if ( !( vo_type in gVehicleOrdnanceNotes && Object.keys(gVehicleOrdnanceNotes[vo_type]).length > 0 ) )
return false ;
vo_entries = get_vo_entries( vo_type, player_no, false ) ;
var result = get_ma_notes_keys( nat, vo_entries, vo_type ) ;
return (result[0] && result[0].length > 0) || (result[1] && result[1].length > 0) ;
var player_no, nat, vo_entries, keys ;
if ( snippet_id.substring(0,21) === "ob_vehicles_ma_notes_" || snippet_id.substring(0,21) === "ob_ordnance_ma_notes_" )
return check_ma_notes( snippet_id.substring(3,11), snippet_id.substring(21) ) ;
// handle vehicles/ordnance
if ( snippet_id.substring(0,12) === "ob_vehicles_" || snippet_id.substring(0,12) === "ob_ordnance_" )
return get_vo_entries( snippet_id.substring(3,11), snippet_id.substring(12), true ) ;
return null ;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function on_analyze_vsav()
// check if there are any vehicles/ordnance already defined
var voDefined1 = $( "#ob_vehicles-sortable_1 .vo-entry" ).length > 0 || $( "#ob_ordnance-sortable_1 .vo-entry" ).length > 0 ;
var voDefined2 = $( "#ob_vehicles-sortable_2 .vo-entry" ).length > 0 || $( "#ob_ordnance-sortable_2 .vo-entry" ).length > 0 ;
if ( voDefined1 || voDefined2 ) {
// yup - confirm the operation
ask( "Analyze VASL scenario",
"<p> There are some vehicles/ordnance already configured. <p> They will be <i>replaced</i> with those found in the analyzed VASL scenario.", {
width: 520,
ok: function() { _load_and_process_vsav( _do_analyze_vsav ) ; },
} ) ;
return ;
// ask the user to select a VASL scenario, then analyze it
_load_and_process_vsav( _do_analyze_vsav ) ;
function _do_analyze_vsav( vsav_data, fname )
// show the progress dialog
var $pleaseWait = showPleaseWaitDialog( "Analyzing the VASL scenario..." ) ;
// send a request to analyze the VSAV
var data = { filename: fname, vsav_data: vsav_data } ;
$.ajax( {
url: gAnalyzeVsavUrl,
type: "POST",
data: JSON.stringify( data ),
contentType: "application/json",
} ).done( function( resp ) {
$pleaseWait.dialog( "close" ) ;
data = _check_vassal_shim_response( resp, "Can't analyze the VASL scenario." ) ;
if ( ! data )
return ;
_create_vo_entries_from_analysis( data ) ;
} ).fail( function( xhr, status, errorMsg ) {
$pleaseWait.dialog( "close" ) ;
showErrorMsg( "Can't analyze the VASL scenario:<div class='pre'>" + escapeHTML(errorMsg) + "</div>" ) ;
} ) ;
function _create_vo_entries_from_analysis( report )
// initialize
var theater = $( "select.param[name='SCENARIO_THEATER']" ).val() ;
function create_vo_entries( player_no, vo_type ) {
var gpids, i ;
// clear the existing vehicles/ordnance
$( "#ob_" + vo_type + "-sortable_" + player_no ).sortable2( "delete-all" ) ;
// build an index of GPID's that belong to the specified player and V/O type
var entries_index = {} ;
var entries = gVehicleOrdnanceListings[ vo_type ][ get_player_nat(player_no) ] ;
if ( entries ) {
for ( i=0 ; i < entries.length ; ++i ) {
gpids = $.isArray( entries[i].gpid ) ? entries[i].gpid : [entries[i].gpid] ;
for ( var j=0 ; j < gpids.length ; ++j ) {
if ( entries_index[ gpids[j] ] === undefined )
entries_index[ gpids[j] ] = [ entries[i] ] ;
entries_index[ gpids[j] ].push( entries[i] ) ;
// IMPORTANT: Adding support for the new K:FW counters in VASL 6.5.0 caused problems for
// the "analyze scenario" feature, since quite a few of the new counters use images
// from the old counter set e.g. the American "M2 60mm Mortar" has a K:FW variant (kfw-un-common/o:002)
// that has GPID 849 (as well as 11391, 11359, 11440 for the ROK, BCFK, OUNC variants),
// but GPID 849 is also used by the old American "M2 60mm Mortar" counter (am/o:000).
// So, if we find GPID 849 in a .vsav file, we don't know if we should create the K:FW entry
// or the normal American entry. To work around this, we added a new scenario theater for Korea,
// and use that to decide.
function chooseEntry( gpid ) {
var entries = entries_index[ gpid ] ;
if ( !entries || entries.length === 0 )
return null ;
if ( entries.length === 1 )
return entries[0] ;
var entries2 = [] ;
for ( var i=0 ; i < entries.length ; ++i ) {
var entry_id = entries[i].id ;
var isKFW = entry_id.substr(0,4) === "kfw-" || entry_id.substr(0,3) === "ffs" ;
if ( (theater == "Korea" && isKFW) || (theater != "Korea" && !isKFW) )
entries2.push( entries[i] ) ;
if ( entries2.length === 1 )
return entries2[0] ;
console.log( "WARNING: Found multiple entries for GPID " + gpid + " during analysis:", entries ) ;
return entries[0] ;
// add a vehicle/ordnance for each relevant GPID
var nCreated = 0 ;
gpids = Object.keys( report.pieces ) ;
for ( i=0 ; i < gpids.length ; ++i ) {
var gpid = gpids[ i ] ;
var entry = chooseEntry( gpid ) ;
if ( ! entry )
continue ;
var image_id = $.isArray( entry.gpid ) ? [gpid,0] : null ;
do_add_vo( vo_type, player_no, entry, image_id, false, null, null, null ) ;
++ nCreated ;
return nCreated ;
// import any vehicles/ordnance found
var imported = [
[ create_vo_entries( 1, "vehicles" ), create_vo_entries( 1, "ordnance" ) ],
[ create_vo_entries( 2, "vehicles" ), create_vo_entries( 2, "ordnance" ) ]
] ;
// report the VASSAL and VASL versions
// NOTE: We don't do this during the test suite since it can only store 1 message at a time :-/
// It would be nice to test this functionality, but the implemenation is simple, so we can live without it.
if ( ! getUrlParam( "store_msgs" ) ) {
showInfoMsg( "The scenario was created with: <ul style='margin-top:0;'>" +
"<li> VASSAL " + report.vassal_version +
" <li> VASL " + report.vasl_version +
" </ul>"
) ;
// report what happened
var report_strings = [] ;
function make_report_string( nat, nVehicles, nOrdnance ) {
var buf = [] ;
if ( nVehicles > 0 )
buf.push( nVehicles + "{{NAT}} " + pluralString(nVehicles,"vehicle","vehicles") ) ;
if ( nOrdnance > 0 )
buf.push( nOrdnance + "{{NAT}} ordnance" ) ;
if ( buf.length == 1 ) {
"Imported " + buf[0].replace("{{NAT}}"," "+nat) + "."
) ;
} else if ( buf.length == 2 ) {
"Imported " + buf[0].replace( "{{NAT}}", " "+nat ) + " and " + buf[1].replace( "{{NAT}}", "" ) + "."
) ;
make_report_string( get_nationality_display_name(get_player_nat(1)), imported[0][0], imported[0][1] ) ;
make_report_string( get_nationality_display_name(get_player_nat(2)), imported[1][0], imported[1][1] ) ;
if ( report_strings.length === 0 )
showWarningMsg( "<p>No vehicles/ordnance were imported. <p style='margin-top:0.25em;'>Have you set the player nationalities?" ) ;
showInfoMsg( report_strings.join( "<p style='margin-top:0.25em;'>" ) ) ;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function _load_and_process_vsav( handler )
// FOR TESTING PORPOISES! We can't control a file upload from Selenium (since
// the browser will use native controls), so we get the data from a <textarea>).
if ( getUrlParam( "vsav_persistence" ) ) {
var $elem = $( "#_vsav-persistence_" ) ;
var vsav_data = $elem.val() ;
$elem.val( "" ) ; // nb: let the test suite know we've received the data
handler( vsav_data, "test.vsav" ) ;
return ;
// if we are running inside the PyQt wrapper, let it handle everything
if ( gWebChannelHandler ) {
gWebChannelHandler.load_vsav( function( data ) {
if ( ! data )
return ;
handler(, data.filename ) ;
} ) ;
return ;
// ask the user to upload the VSAV file
gLoadVsavHandler = handler ;
$("#load-vsav").trigger( "click" ) ; // nb: this will call on_load_vsav_file_selected() when a file has been selected
function on_load_vsav_file_selected()
// read the selected file
var fileReader = new FileReader() ;
var file = $("#load-vsav").prop( "files" )[0] ;
fileReader.onload = function() {
vsav_data = removeBase64Prefix( fileReader.result ) ;
gLoadVsavHandler( vsav_data, ) ;
gLoadVsavHandler = null ;
} ;
fileReader.readAsDataURL( file ) ;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function _check_vassal_shim_response( resp, caption )
// check if there was an error
if ( ! resp.error )
return resp ;
// yup - report the error
if ( getUrlParam( "vsav_persistence" ) ) {
$( "#_vsav-persistence_" ).val(
"ERROR: " + resp.error + "\n\n=== STDOUT ===\n" + resp.stdout + "\n=== STDERR ===\n" + resp.stderr
) ;
return null ;
show_vassal_shim_error_dlg( resp, caption ) ;
return null ;
function show_vassal_shim_error_dlg( resp, caption )
// show the VASSAL shim error dialog
if ( caption[ caption.length-1 ] == "." )
caption = caption.substring( 0, caption.length-1 ) ;
$( "#vassal-shim-error" ).dialog( {
dialogClass: "vassal-shim-error",
title: caption,
modal: true,
minWidth: 600, minHeight: 250,
open: function() {
$( "#vassal-shim-error .message" ).html( resp.error ) ;
var log = "" ;
if ( resp.stdout && resp.stderr )
log = "=== STDOUT ===\n" + resp.stdout + "\n=== STDERR ===\n" + resp.stderr ;
else if ( resp.stdout )
log = resp.stdout ;
else if ( resp.stderr )
log = resp.stderr ;
if ( log )
$( "#vassal-shim-error .log" ).text( log ).show() ;
$( "#vassal-shim-error .log" ).hide() ;
buttons: {
Close: function() { $(this).dialog( "close" ) ; },
} ) ;