Create attractive VASL scenarios, with loads of useful information embedded to assist with game play.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

348 lines
13 KiB

""" Test National Capabilities snippet generation. """
import os
import shutil
import io
import itertools
import lxml.html
from vasl_templates.webapp.tests.utils import init_webapp, get_nationalities, SwitchFrame
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_national_capabilities_reports( webapp, webdriver ):
"""Check the national capabilities reports."""
# initialize
webapp.control_tests.set_data_dir( "{REAL}" )
init_webapp( webapp, webdriver )
# initialize
check_dir = os.path.join( os.path.split(__file__)[0], "fixtures/nat-caps/" )
save_dir = os.environ.get( "NATCAPS_SAVEDIR" ) # nb: define this to save the generated reports
if save_dir and os.path.isdir(save_dir):
shutil.rmtree( save_dir )
def do_test( nats, theater, years ): #pylint: disable=missing-docstring
# initialize
failed = False
# check each nationality
for nat in nats:
# check each year
for year in range( years[0], years[1]+1 ):
# get the next snippet
nat_caps = _get_nat_caps( webapp, webdriver, nat, theater, year, 1 )
if nat in ("filipino",):
assert nat_caps is None
report = _make_report( nat, theater, year, nat_caps )
# check if we should save the report
fname = os.path.join(
os.path.join("kfw",nat) if theater == "Korea" else nat,
"{}.txt".format( year )
if save_dir:
fname2 = os.path.join( save_dir, fname )
os.makedirs( os.path.split(fname2)[0], exist_ok=True )
with open( os.path.join(save_dir,fname2), "w", encoding="utf-8" ) as fp:
fp.write( report )
# check the report
fname = os.path.join( check_dir, fname )
with open( fname, "r", encoding="utf-8" ) as fp:
if != report:
if save_dir:
print( "FAILED:", fname )
failed = True
assert False, "Report mismatch: {}".format( fname )
assert not failed
# check each nationality
nationalities = list( get_nationalities( webapp ).keys() )
[ nat for nat in nationalities if not nat.startswith("kfw-") ],
"ETO", (1940,1945)
[ "american", "kfw-rok", "british", "kfw-ounc", "kfw-kpa", "kfw-cpva" ],
"Korea", (1950,1953)
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def _get_nat_caps( webapp, webdriver, nat, theater, year, month ): #pylint: disable=too-many-locals
"""Get a national capabilities snippet."""
# get the snippet
url = webapp.url_for( "get_national_capabilities", nat=nat, theater=theater, year=year, month=month )
webdriver.get( url )
with SwitchFrame( webdriver, "#results" ):
buf = webdriver.page_source
# check if there is anything
if "Not available." in buf:
return None
def to_text( elem ):
"""Convert an HTML element to text (tags are stripped, we don't descend into child nodes)."""
vals = [ elem.text ]
for c in elem.iterchildren():
if c.tag == "ul":
vals.extend( [ c.text, c.tail ] )
vals.append( elem.tail )
vals = [ v for v in vals if v ]
return "".join( vals ).strip()
# parse the basic details
report = {}
doc = lxml.html.fromstring( buf )
fields = [ "grenades", "hob-drm", "th-color", "oba-black", "oba-red", "oba-access" ]
for field in fields:
elems = doc.xpath( "//*[@class='{}']".format( field ) )
if len(elems) == 0:
report[ field ] = "-"
assert len(elems) == 1
report[ field ] = to_text( elems[0] )
if report["hob-drm"] != "-":
assert report["hob-drm"].startswith( "Heat of Battle: " )
report["hob-drm"] = report["hob-drm"][16:]
# parse the OBA comments
report["oba-comments"] = []
for elem in doc.xpath( "//ul[@class='oba-comments']/li" ):
report["oba-comments"].append( elem.text.strip() )
def parse_list( root, items ):
"""Parse a list of items (and their child items)."""
for elem in root.xpath( "./li" ):
val = to_text( elem )
elems = elem.xpath( "./ul" )
if not elems:
items.append( val )
assert len(elems) == 1
items.append( [
val, parse_list( elems[0], [] )
] )
return items
# parse the notes
report[ "note-groups" ] = []
for group in doc.xpath( "//div[@class='note-group']" ):
caption = group.xpath( "./div[@class='caption']" )
notes = group.xpath( "./ul" )
report["note-groups"].append( [
to_text( caption[0] ) if caption else None,
parse_list( notes[0], [] ) if notes else None
] )
return report
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def _make_report( nat, theater, year, nat_caps ):
"""Generate a report for the national capabilities."""
def dump_list_items( items, depth ):
"""Dump a list of items (and their child items)."""
tab = " " * depth
for item in items:
if isinstance( item, str ):
print( "{}* {}".format( tab, item ), file=buf )
assert isinstance( item, list ) and len(item) == 2
print( "{}* {}".format( tab, item[0] ), file=buf )
dump_list_items( item[1], depth+1 )
# generate the report
buf = io.StringIO()
print( "=== {} ({} {}) ===".format( nat, theater, year ), file=buf )
print( "", file=buf )
print( nat_caps["grenades"], file=buf )
print( "HoB: {}".format( nat_caps["hob-drm"] ), file=buf )
print( nat_caps["th-color"], file=buf )
print( "OBA: {} {}".format( nat_caps["oba-black"], nat_caps["oba-red"] ), end="", file=buf )
if nat_caps["oba-access"]:
print( " {}".format( nat_caps["oba-access"] ), end="", file=buf )
print( "", file=buf )
for cmt in nat_caps["oba-comments"]:
print( "- {}".format( cmt ), file=buf )
for group in nat_caps.get( "note-groups", [] ):
print( "", file=buf )
if group[0]:
print( group[0], file=buf )
if group[1]:
dump_list_items( group[1], 0 )
return buf.getvalue()
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_time_based_national_capabilities( webapp, webdriver ):
"""Check time-based national capabilities.
Capabilities that change according to the year are checked in the reports,
these tests check those capabilities that change in the middle of a year.
# initialize
webapp.control_tests.set_data_dir( "{REAL}" )
init_webapp( webapp, webdriver )
def check_notes( nat, theater, month, year, expected ):
"""Check the national capabilities notes."""
nat_caps = _get_nat_caps( webapp, webdriver, nat, theater, year, month )
for e in expected:
notes = [
g[1] or []
for g in nat_caps.get( "note-groups", [] )
notes = [
n if isinstance(n,str) else n[0]
for n in itertools.chain( *notes )
if e.startswith( "!" ):
assert e[1:] not in notes
assert e in notes
def check_oba( nat, theater, month, year, expected_black, expected_red, comments=None, plentiful=None ):
"""Check the OBA national capabilities."""
nat_caps = _get_nat_caps( webapp, webdriver, nat, theater, year, month )
assert nat_caps["oba-black"] == expected_black
assert nat_caps["oba-red"] == expected_red
if plentiful:
assert comments is None
comments = [ "Plentiful Ammo included" ]
if comments:
assert nat_caps["oba-comments"] == comments
assert not nat_caps["oba-comments"]
def check_th_color( nat, theater, month, year, expected ):
"""Check the TH# color."""
nat_caps = _get_nat_caps( webapp, webdriver, nat, theater, year, month )
assert nat_caps["th-color"] == expected
# test the German national capabilities
check_notes( "german", "ETO", 12, 1942, [
"No Inherent PF", "No Inherent ATMM"
] )
check_notes( "german", "ETO", 9, 1943, [
"No Inherent PF", "No Inherent ATMM"
] )
check_notes( "german", "ETO", 10, 1943, [
"Inherent PF", "No Inherent ATMM"
] )
# test the Russian national capabilities
check_notes( "russian", "ETO", 12, 1941, [
"Commissars", "Riders NA"
] )
check_notes( "russian", "ETO", 10, 1942, [
"Commissars", "Riders OK"
] )
check_notes( "russian", "ETO", 11, 1942, [
"Commissars NA", "Riders OK"
] )
check_notes( "russian", "ETO", 1, 1943, [
"Commissars NA", "Riders OK"
] )
# test the Free French national capabilities
check_notes( "free-french", "ETO", 11, 1943, [
"No Assault Fire",
"British (f) vehicles/Guns/SW", "!British/French (a)/(f) SW",
"!Inherent Crews as British for Morale"
] )
check_notes( "free-french", "ETO", 12, 1943, [
"Assault Fire",
"!British (f) vehicles/Guns/SW", "British/French (a)/(f) SW",
"Inherent Crews as British for Morale"
] )
# test the Finnish national capabilities
# NOTE: We should test for Inherent PF here, but it's in a nested sub-list (more trouble than it's worth).
check_oba( "finnish", "ETO", 12, 1943, "8B", "3R", plentiful=True )
check_oba( "finnish", "ETO", 1, 1944, "8B", "3R", plentiful=True )
check_oba( "finnish", "ETO", 9, 1944, "8B", "3R", plentiful=True )
check_oba( "finnish", "ETO", 10, 1944, "7B", "3R", plentiful=True )
check_oba( "finnish", "ETO", 1, 1945, "7B", "3R", plentiful=True )
# test the Axis Minor national capabilities
check_notes( "romanian", "ETO", 6, 1943, [
"No Inherent PF", "No Inherent ATMM"
] )
check_notes( "romanian", "ETO", 7, 1943, [
"No Inherent PF", "Inherent ATMM in non-Crew Elite and 1st Line MMC (-2 CC DRM)"
] )
check_notes( "romanian", "ETO", 3, 1944, [
"Inherent PF in non-Crew MMC", "Inherent ATMM in non-Crew Elite and 1st Line MMC (-2 CC DRM)"
] )
# FUDGE! Because the "Inherent PF" note appears in the "Romanian + Hungarian" or "Romanian" group,
# depending on the data, we distinguish between the two by having an extra space in the note,
# which won't make any different when it's rendered as HTML, but can be detected here... :-/
check_notes( "romanian", "ETO", 7, 1944, [
"Inherent PF in non-Crew MMC", "Inherent ATMM in non-Crew Elite and 1st Line MMC (-2 CC DRM)"
] )
# test the KFW American national Capabilities
# NOTE: We should test for early war Katusa here, but it's in a nested sub-list (more trouble than it's worth).
check_oba( "american", "Korea", 12, 1949, "???", "3R" )
check_oba( "american", "Korea", 5, 1950, "???", "3R" )
check_oba( "american", "Korea", 6, 1950, "9B", "3R" )
check_oba( "american", "Korea", 8, 1950, "9B", "3R" )
check_oba( "american", "Korea", 9, 1950, "10B", "3R", plentiful=True )
check_oba( "american", "Korea", 1, 1951, "10B", "3R", plentiful=True )
check_th_color( "american", "Korea", 12, 1949, "??? TH#" )
check_th_color( "american", "Korea", 5, 1950, "??? TH#" )
check_th_color( "american", "Korea", 6, 1950, "Red TH#" )
check_th_color( "american", "Korea", 8, 1950, "Red TH#" )
check_th_color( "american", "Korea", 9, 1950, "Black TH#" )
check_th_color( "american", "Korea", 1, 1951, "Black TH#" )
check_notes( "american", "Korea", 5, 1950, [
"!Early KW U.S. Army rules:"
] )
check_notes( "american", "Korea", 6, 1950, [
"Early KW U.S. Army rules:"
] )
check_notes( "american", "Korea", 9, 1950, [
"!Early KW U.S. Army rules:"
] )
# test the South Korean national Capabilities
check_oba( "kfw-rok", "Korea", 5, 1950, "???", "3R",
comments = [ "Plentiful Ammo included (KMC)" ]
check_oba( "kfw-rok", "Korea", 6, 1950, "10B", "3R",
comments = [ "Plentiful Ammo included (KMC)", "ROK: 6B/3R" ]
check_oba( "kfw-rok", "Korea", 10, 1950, "10B", "3R", plentiful=True )
check_th_color( "kfw-rok", "Korea", 8, 1950, "Red TH#" )
check_th_color( "kfw-rok", "Korea", 9, 1950, "Red TH# (ROK) ; Black (KMC)" )
check_th_color( "kfw-rok", "Korea", 5, 1951, "Black TH#" )
# test the CPVA national Capabilities
check_notes( "kfw-cpva", "Korea", 9, 1950, [
"!Early KW CPVA rules"
] )
check_notes( "kfw-cpva", "Korea", 10, 1950, [
"Early KW CPVA rules"
] )
check_notes( "kfw-cpva", "Korea", 4, 1951, [
"!Early KW CPVA rules"
] )
check_oba( "kfw-cpva", "Korea", 3, 1951, "-", "-" )
check_oba( "kfw-cpva", "Korea", 4, 1951, "7B", "3R" )
check_oba( "kfw-cpva", "Korea", 11, 1952, "7B", "2R" )