Create attractive VASL scenarios, with loads of useful information embedded to assist with game play.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

67 lines
1.5 KiB

/* ===========================================================
* ko.js
* Korean translation for Trumbowyg
* ===========================================================
* Author : SeungWoo Chae (SDuck4)
* Github :
* Victor Chanil Park (opdev1004)
* Github :
jQuery.trumbowyg.langs.ko = {
viewHTML: 'HTML 보기',
undo: '되돌리기',
redo: '다시 실행',
formatting: '스타일',
p: '본문',
blockquote: '인용문',
code: '코드',
header: '제목',
bold: '진하게',
italic: '기울임',
strikethrough: '취소선',
underline: '밑줄',
strong: '중요',
em: '강조',
del: '삭제',
superscript: '위 첨자',
subscript: '아래 첨자',
unorderedList: '기호 목록',
orderedList: '번호 목록',
insertImage: '이미지 넣기',
insertVideo: '비디오 넣기',
link: '링크',
createLink: '링크 넣기',
unlink: '링크 지우기',
justifyLeft: '왼쪽 정렬',
justifyCenter: '가운데 정렬',
justifyRight: '오른쪽 정렬',
justifyFull: '양쪽 정렬',
horizontalRule: '구분선 넣기',
removeformat: '글꼴 효과 지우기',
fullscreen: '전체 화면',
close: '닫기',
submit: '확인',
reset: '취소',
required: '필수 입력',
description: '설명',
title: '툴팁',
text: '내용',
target: '타겟',
width: '너비'