Create attractive VASL scenarios, with loads of useful information embedded to assist with game play.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

219 lines
8.8 KiB

// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function initTrumbowyg( $elem, buttons, $parentDlg )
// initialize
var nats = get_sorted_nats().filter(
function( nat ) { return gHasPlayerFlag[ nat ] ; }
) ;
// initialize the Trumbowyg control
// NOTE: Trumbowyg uses the <div> we supply as the WYSIWYG editor, and creates an associated <textarea>
// for the raw HTML view (and another <div> for the button pane). Our code originally used textarea's
// to manage snippet content, so while we could transfer the "name" attribute (and "param" class)
// from the WYSIWYG control to the raw HTML textarea, it doesn't really help, since manipulating
// the content in the <textarea> directly doesn't work, we need to use Trumbowyg's "html" API, and that
// works from the WYSIWYG control.
$elem.trumbowyg( {
btnsDef: {
format: {
dropdown: gAppConfig.trumbowyg[ "format-options" ],
title: "Formatting",
ico: "p"
align: {
dropdown: [ "justifyLeft", "justifyCenter", "justifyRight", "justifyFull" ],
title: "Alignment",
ico: "justifyLeft",
fontfamily: { hasIcon: true, ico: "foreColor" },
specialChars: { hasIcon: false, text: "\u25b3", title: "Special characters" },
table: { title: "Table" },
fullscreen: { title: "Full screen" },
// FUDGE! While we can provide custom icons, they have to be SVG, so we do it in the CSS :-/
foreColor: { hasIcon: false, text: " ", title: "Text color" },
backColor: { hasIcon: false, text: " ", title: "Background color" },
removeformat: { hasIcon: false, text: "\u2a2f", title: "Remove formatting" },
emoji: { hasIcon: false, text: " ", title: "Emoji" },
// FUDGE! The indent and outdent icons are not quite the same,
// so we re-use the outdent image and flip it using CSS :-/
indent: { ico: "outdent" },
outdent: { title: "Un-indent" },
btns: buttons,
semantic: false,
plugins: {
specialchars: {
symbolList: gAppConfig.trumbowyg[ "special-chars" ],
flags: {
nationalities: nats,
makeFlagHtml: function( nat, force_local_image ) {
return make_player_flag_url( nat, true, force_local_image ) ;
} ) ;
var $parent = $elem.parent() ;
var $btnPane = $parent.find( ".trumbowyg-button-pane" ) ;
var $textarea = $parent.find( ".trumbowyg-textarea" ) ;
// update the flags dropdown for the current players
if ( $btnPane.find( ".trumbowyg-flags-button" ).length > 0 )
updateTrumbowygFlagsDropdown( $elem ) ;
// prepare for our jQuery event handlers
var eventHandlers = $ "eventHandlers" ) ;
if ( ! eventHandlers ) {
eventHandlers = new jQueryHandlers() ;
$ "eventHandlers", eventHandlers ) ;
// allow a hotkey to toggle the WYSIWYG editor
// FUDGE! While we can create a custom button to manually toggle the control, it doesn't quite work :-/
// Switching to HTML mode disables all buttons, including the "view HTML" button, and while we can
// manually enable it, hotkeys don't seem to work when we're in HTML mode :-/ We hack around this by
// adding a key handler and managing the whole process ourself. Sigh...
function onKeyDown( evt ) {
// check for Ctrl-M
if ( evt.keyCode == 77 && evt.ctrlKey ) {
$elem.trumbowyg( "toggle" ) ;
setTimeout( function() {
if ( $elem.parent().hasClass( "trumbowyg-editor-visible" ) )
$elem.focus() ;
$elem.parent().find( ".trumbowyg-textarea" ).focus() ;
}, 20 ) ;
evt.preventDefault() ;
return ;
// handle auto-dismiss if we are in a dialog
if ( $parentDlg )
auto_dismiss_dialog( $parentDlg, evt, "OK" ) ;
eventHandlers.addHandler( $elem, "keydown", onKeyDown ) ;
eventHandlers.addHandler( $textarea, "keydown", onKeyDown ) ;
// FUDGE! There should be spaces around the +, but this causes the tooltip to wrap on Windows :-/
$btnPane.find( ".trumbowyg-viewHTML-button" ).attr( "title", "View HTML (Ctrl+M)" ) ;
// handle resize events
if ( ! $ "resizeObserver" ) ) {
var resizeObserver = new ResizeObserver( function( entries ) {
// FUDGE! Couldn't get Trumbowyg to sit nicely inside a flexbox, so we set the height dynamically :-/
var height = "calc(100% - " + $btnPane.height() + "px)" ;
$elem.css( { height: height } ) ;
$textarea.css( { height: height } ) ;
// limit the height of dropdown's
if ( $parentDlg ) {
$parent.find( ".trumbowyg-dropdown" ).css( {
"max-height": $elem.height() + 5
} ) ;
} ) ;
resizeObserver.observe( $parent[0] ) ;
$ "resizeObserver", resizeObserver ) ;
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
function destroyTrumbowyg( $elem )
// destroy the Trumbowyg control and clean up
var eventHandlers = $ "eventHandlers" ) ;
if ( eventHandlers ) {
eventHandlers.cleanUp() ;
$elem.removeData( "eventHandlers" ) ;
$elem.trumbowyg( "destroy" ) ;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function unloadTrumbowyg( $elem, removeFirstPara )
// unload the Trumbowyg control
var val = $elem.trumbowyg( "html" ).trim() ;
// FUDGE! Trumbowyg really wants to wrap everything in <p> blocks, but this causes problems
// since many of the templates are expecting a bit of plain old text, not blocks of content
// e.g. OB setup notes start with a flag, and putting the content in a <p> block breaks
// the layout. We hack around this by removing the *first* <p> block.
if ( removeFirstPara ) {
var match = val.match( /<p>.*?<\/p>/s ) ; //jshint ignore:line
if ( match ) {
var pos = match.index + match[0].length ; // nb: index to end of the </p>
val = val.substring( 0, match.index ) +
val.substring( match.index+3, pos-4 ) +
val.substring( pos ) ;
// remove superfluous <br> tags
val = strReplaceAll( val, "<br></p>", "</p>" ) ;
while ( val.substring( val.length-4 ) === "<br>" )
val = val.substring( 0, val.length-4 ).trim() ;
return val ;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function initVictoryConditionsTrumbowyg()
// initialize the Victory Conditions Trumbowyg control
var $elem = $( "div.param[name='VICTORY_CONDITIONS']" ) ;
initTrumbowyg( $elem, gAppConfig.trumbowyg["victory-conditions"], null ) ;
if ( gPendingVictoryConditions )
$elem.trumbowyg( "html", gPendingVictoryConditions ) ;
// FUDGE! For some reason, we need to do this :shrug:
$elem.trumbowyg().on( "tbwopenfullscreen", function() {
$( "#menu" ).hide() ;
} ).on( "tbwclosefullscreen", function() {
$( "#menu" ).show() ;
} ) ;
function updateTrumbowygFlagsDropdown( $elem )
// FUDGE! For convenience, we show the flags for the current players at the start of the dropdown list,
// and while we can do this in makeDropdown() in our plugin, this only happens once for the Victory Conditions
// control. There doesn't seem to be a way to dynamically generate the list each time it drops down,
// so we do it by modifying the DOM.
// initialize
var trumbowyg = $ "trumbowyg" ) ;
if ( ! trumbowyg )
return ;
var plugin = trumbowyg.o.plugins.flags ;
var nat1 = get_player_nat( 1 ) ;
var nat2 = get_player_nat( 2 ) ;
// locate the flags dropdown
$dropdown = $elem.parent().find( ".trumbowyg-dropdown-flags" ) ;
if ( $dropdown.length === 0 )
return ;
// remove the dropdown's flag buttons from the DOM
var $btns = {} ;
$dropdown.find( "button" ).detach().each( function() {
var nat = $(this).find( "img" ).data( "nat" ) ;
$btns[ nat ] = $(this) ;
} ) ;
// add the flag buttons back into the DOM
plugin.nationalities.forEach( function( nat ) {
if ( nat === nat1 || nat === nat2 )
return ;
var $btn = $btns[ nat ] ;
if ( $btn )
$dropdown.append( $btn ) ;
} ) ;
var $btn = $btns[ nat2 ] ;
if ( $btn )
$dropdown.prepend( $btn ) ;
$btn = $btns[ nat1 ] ;
if ( $btn )
$dropdown.prepend( $btn ) ;