Create attractive VASL scenarios, with loads of useful information embedded to assist with game play.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

974 lines
47 KiB

package vassal_shim ;
import ;
import ;
import ;
import ;
import ;
import ;
import ;
import ;
import ;
import ;
import java.util.Collections ;
import java.util.Arrays ;
import java.util.List ;
import java.util.ArrayList ;
import java.util.Map ;
import java.util.HashMap ;
import java.util.Set ;
import java.util.HashSet ;
import java.util.Iterator ;
import java.util.Comparator ;
import java.util.Properties ;
import java.util.regex.Pattern ;
import java.util.regex.Matcher ;
import java.awt.Point ;
import java.awt.Dimension ;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory ;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder ;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException ;
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException ;
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerConfigurationException ;
import javax.xml.xpath.XPathExpressionException ;
import org.w3c.dom.Document ;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList ;
import org.w3c.dom.Node ;
import org.w3c.dom.Element ;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException ;
import org.slf4j.Logger ;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory ;
import ;
import ;
import ;
import ;
import ;
import ;
import ;
import ;
import VASSAL.launch.BasicModule ;
import VASSAL.command.Command ;
import VASSAL.command.AddPiece ;
import VASSAL.command.RemovePiece ;
import VASSAL.command.ConditionalCommand ;
import VASSAL.command.AlertCommand ;
import ;
import VASSAL.counters.GamePiece ;
import VASSAL.counters.BasicPiece ;
import VASSAL.counters.Decorator ;
import VASSAL.counters.DynamicProperty ;
import VASSAL.counters.PieceCloner ;
import VASSAL.preferences.Prefs ;
import ;
import ;
import ;
import ;
import ;
import ;
import ;
import VASSAL.i18n.Resources ;
import vassal_shim.Snippet ;
import vassal_shim.GamePieceLabelFields ;
import vassal_shim.LabelArea ;
import vassal_shim.ReportNode ;
import vassal_shim.AnalyzeNode ;
import vassal_shim.ModuleManagerMenuManager ;
import vassal_shim.AppBoolean ;
import vassal_shim.Utils ;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
public class VassalShim
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger( VassalShim.class ) ;
private String baseDir ;
private Properties config ;
private String labelGpid ;
private String vmodFilename ;
private String boardsDir ;
public VassalShim( String vmodFilename, String boardsDir ) throws IOException
// initialize
this.vmodFilename = vmodFilename ;
this.boardsDir = boardsDir ;
// figure out where we live
baseDir = null ;
try {
String jarFilename = this.getClass().getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation().toURI().getPath() ;
logger.debug( "Loaded from JAR: {}", jarFilename ) ;
baseDir = new File( jarFilename ).getParent() ;
logger.debug( "Base directory: {}", baseDir ) ;
} catch( URISyntaxException ex ) {
logger.error( "Can't locate JAR file:", ex ) ;
// load any config settings
config = new Properties() ;
if ( baseDir != null ) {
File configFile = new File( baseDir + File.separator + "" ) ;
if ( configFile.isFile() ) { "Loading properties: {}", configFile.getAbsolutePath() ) ;
config.load( new FileInputStream( configFile ) ) ;
for ( String key: config.stringPropertyNames() )
logger.debug( "- {} = {}", key, config.getProperty(key) ) ;
labelGpid = config.getProperty( "LABEL_GPID", "6295" ) ;
// FUDGE! Need this to be able to load the VASL module :-/
logger.debug( "Creating the menu manager." ) ;
new ModuleManagerMenuManager() ;
// initialize VASL "Loading VASL module: {}", vmodFilename ) ;
if ( ! ((new File(vmodFilename)).isFile() ) )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Can't find VASL module: " + vmodFilename ) ;
DataArchive dataArchive = new DataArchive( vmodFilename ) ;
logger.debug( "- Initializing module." ) ;
BasicModule basicModule = new BasicModule( dataArchive ) ;
logger.debug( "- Installing module." ) ;
GameModule.init( basicModule ) ;
logger.debug( "- Loaded OK." ) ;
public void dumpScenario( String scenarioFilename ) throws IOException
// load the scenario and dump its commands
Command cmd = loadScenario( scenarioFilename ) ;
dumpCommand( cmd, "" ) ;
public void analyzeScenario( String scenarioFilename, String reportFilename )
throws IOException, ParserConfigurationException, TransformerConfigurationException, TransformerException
// load the scenario
configureBoards() ;
Command cmd = loadScenario( scenarioFilename ) ;
cmd.execute() ;
// analyze the scenario "Analyzing scenario: " + scenarioFilename ) ;
HashMap<String,AnalyzeNode> results = new HashMap<String,AnalyzeNode>() ;
for ( GamePiece gamePiece: GameModule.getGameModule().getGameState().getAllPieces() ) {
if ( gamePiece.getProperty(VASSAL.counters.Properties.OBSCURED_BY) != null || gamePiece.getProperty(VASSAL.counters.Properties.HIDDEN_BY) != null ) {
// IMPORTANT: VASSAL blanks out the name of concealed/HIP pieces if they don't belong to the calling user,
// but we still get the GPID, which is enough for the main program to figure out which entry to create.
// This means that people could use this feature to analyze a scenario in progess, to figure out
// what their opponent's concealed/hidden OB is. To avoid this, we exclude these pieces from the report.
continue ;
// see if this piece has a GPID
GamePiece gp = Decorator.getInnermost( gamePiece ) ;
if ( !( gp instanceof BasicPiece ) )
continue ;
// yup - check if it's one we're interested in
String gpid = ((BasicPiece)gp).getGpId() ;
if ( gpid.equals( "" ) || gpid.equals( labelGpid ) )
continue ;
// yup - add it to the results
if ( ! results.containsKey( gpid ) ) {
logger.debug( "Found new GPID " + gpid + ": " + gamePiece.getName() ) ;
results.put( gpid, new AnalyzeNode( gamePiece.getName() ) ) ;
} else {
int newCount = results.get( gpid ).incrementCount() ;
logger.debug( "Updating count for GPID " + gpid + ": #=" + newCount ) ;
// generate the report
Document doc = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder().newDocument() ;
Element rootElem = doc.createElement( "analyzeReport" ) ;
doc.appendChild( rootElem ) ;
for ( String gpid: results.keySet() ) {
AnalyzeNode node = results.get( gpid ) ;
Element elem = doc.createElement( "piece" ) ;
elem.setAttribute( "gpid", gpid ) ;
elem.setAttribute( "name", ) ;
elem.setAttribute( "count", Integer.toString( node.count ) ) ;
rootElem.appendChild( elem ) ;
// save the report
Utils.saveXml( doc, reportFilename ) ;
public void updateScenario( String scenarioFilename, String snippetsFilename, String saveFilename, String reportFilename )
throws IOException, ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, XPathExpressionException, TransformerException
// load the snippets supplied to us by the web server
String[] players = new String[2] ;
Map<String,Snippet> snippets = new HashMap<String,Snippet>() ;
parseSnippets( snippetsFilename, players, snippets ) ;
// load the scenario
configureBoards() ;
Command cmd = loadScenario( scenarioFilename ) ;
// NOTE: The call to execute() is what's causing the VASSAL UI to appear on-screen. If we take it out,
// label creation still works, but any boards and existing labels are not detected, presumably because
// their Command's need to be executed to take effect.
cmd.execute() ;
// extract the labels from the scenario
Map<String,GamePieceLabelFields> ourLabels = new HashMap<String,GamePieceLabelFields>() ;
ArrayList<GamePieceLabelFields> otherLabels = new ArrayList<GamePieceLabelFields>() ; "Searching the VASL scenario for labels (players={};{})...", players[0], players[1] ) ;
AppBoolean hasPlayerOwnedLabels = new AppBoolean( false ) ;
extractLabels( cmd, players, hasPlayerOwnedLabels, ourLabels, otherLabels ) ;
// NOTE: vasl-templates v1.2 started tagging labels with their owning player e.g. "germans/ob_setup_1.1".
// This is so that we can ignore labels owned by nationalities not directly involved in the scenario.
// For example, if it's Germans vs. Americans, the Americans might have borrowed some British tanks,
// and so the save file might contain British labels (for the setup instructions and Chapter H notes).
// If we updated such a scenario, the old code would delete the British labels, since it couldn't tell
// the difference between a British "ob_setup_1.1" label and an American one. But now labels are tagged
// with their nationality, we can process only German and American labels, and ignore the British ones.
// However, if don't see any of these new-style labels, we must be updating an older save file, and so
// we want to retain the old behavior, which means we need to revert the new-style snippet ID's back
// into the old format.
if ( ! hasPlayerOwnedLabels.getVal() ) {
logger.debug( "Converting snippet ID's to legacy format:" ) ;
// locate new-style snippet ID's
ArrayList< String[] > snippetIdsToReplace = new ArrayList< String[] >() ;
Iterator< Map.Entry<String,Snippet> > iter2 = snippets.entrySet().iterator() ;
while( iter2.hasNext() ) {
String snippetId = ;
int pos = snippetId.indexOf( "/" ) ;
if ( pos >= 0 )
snippetIdsToReplace.add( new String[]{ snippetId, snippetId.substring(pos+1) } ) ;
// replace the new-style snippet ID's with their old-style version
for ( int i=0 ; i < snippetIdsToReplace.size() ; ++i ) {
String[] snippetIds = snippetIdsToReplace.get( i ) ;
logger.debug( "- {} => {}", snippetIds[0], snippetIds[1] ) ;
snippets.put( snippetIds[1], snippets.get(snippetIds[0]) ) ;
snippets.remove( snippetIds[0] ) ;
// update the labels from the snippets
Map< String, ArrayList<ReportNode> > labelReport = processSnippets( ourLabels, otherLabels, snippets ) ;
// save the scenario
saveScenario( saveFilename ) ;
// generate the report
generateLabelReport( labelReport, reportFilename ) ;
// NOTE: The test suite always dumps the scenario after updating it, so we could save a lot of time
// by dumping it here, thus avoiding the need to run this shim again to do the dump (and spinning up
// a JVM, initializing VASSAL/VASL, etc.) but it's probably worth doing things the slow way, to avoid
// any possible problems caused by reusing the current session (e.g. there might be some saved state somewhere).
private void parseSnippets( String snippetsFilename, String[] players, Map<String,Snippet> snippets ) throws IOException, ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, XPathExpressionException
{ "Loading snippets: {}", snippetsFilename ) ;
// load the XML
DocumentBuilderFactory docBuilderFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance() ;
DocumentBuilder docBuilder = docBuilderFactory.newDocumentBuilder() ;
Document doc = docBuilder.parse( new File( snippetsFilename ) ) ;
doc.getDocumentElement().normalize() ;
// get the player details
NodeList nodes = doc.getElementsByTagName( "player1" ) ;
players[0] = ((Element)nodes.item(0)).getAttribute( "nat" ) ;
nodes = doc.getElementsByTagName( "player2" ) ;
players[1] = ((Element)nodes.item(0)).getAttribute( "nat" ) ;
// load the snippets
nodes = doc.getElementsByTagName( "snippet" ) ;
for ( int i=0 ; i < nodes.getLength() ; ++i ) {
Node node = nodes.item( i ) ;
if ( node.getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE )
continue ;
Snippet snippet = new Snippet( (Element)node, config ) ;
logger.debug( "- Added snippet '{}' [{}x{}] (labelArea={}) (autoCreate={}):\n{}",
snippet.width, snippet.height,
snippet.autoCreate, snippet.content
) ;
snippets.put( snippet.snippetId, snippet ) ;
private void extractLabels( Command cmd, String[] players, AppBoolean hasPlayerOwnedLabels, Map<String,GamePieceLabelFields> ourLabels, ArrayList<GamePieceLabelFields> otherLabels )
// check if this command is a label we're interested in
// NOTE: We shouldn't really be looking at the object type, see analyzeScenario().
if ( cmd instanceof AddPiece ) {
AddPiece addPieceCmd = (AddPiece) cmd ;
if ( addPieceCmd.getTarget() instanceof DynamicProperty ) {
GamePiece target = addPieceCmd.getTarget() ;
// NOTE: We can't check for target.getName() == "User-Labeled", it seems to get changed to the first label :shrug:
// yup - parse the label content
ArrayList<String> separators = new ArrayList<String>() ;
ArrayList<String> fields = new ArrayList<String>() ;
parseGamePieceState( target.getState(), separators, fields ) ;
// check if the label is one of ours
String snippetId = isVaslTemplatesLabel( fields, GamePieceLabelFields.FIELD_INDEX_LABEL1 ) ;
if ( snippetId != null ) {
boolean addSnippet = true ;
// check if the label is associated with a player nationality
int pos = snippetId.indexOf( '/' ) ;
if ( pos >= 0 ) {
// yup - the nationality must be one of the 2 passed in to us
String nat = snippetId.substring( 0, pos ) ;
hasPlayerOwnedLabels.setVal( true ) ;
if ( ! nat.equals( players[0] ) && ! nat.equals( players[1] ) ) {
addSnippet = false ;
logger.debug( "- Skipping label: {} (owner={})", snippetId, nat ) ;
if ( addSnippet ) {
logger.debug( "- Found label (1): {}", snippetId ) ;
ourLabels.put( snippetId,
new GamePieceLabelFields( target, separators, fields, GamePieceLabelFields.FIELD_INDEX_LABEL1 )
) ;
else {
snippetId = isVaslTemplatesLabel( fields, GamePieceLabelFields.FIELD_INDEX_LABEL2 ) ;
if ( snippetId != null ) {
logger.debug( "- Found label (2): {}", snippetId ) ;
ourLabels.put( snippetId,
new GamePieceLabelFields( target, separators, fields, GamePieceLabelFields.FIELD_INDEX_LABEL2 )
) ;
} else {
new GamePieceLabelFields( target, separators, fields, -1 )
) ;
// extract labels in sub-commands
for ( Command c: cmd.getSubCommands() )
extractLabels( c, players, hasPlayerOwnedLabels, ourLabels, otherLabels ) ;
private String isVaslTemplatesLabel( ArrayList<String> fields, int fieldIndex )
// check if a label is one of ours
if ( fieldIndex >= fields.size() )
return null ;
Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile( "<!-- vasl-templates:id (.+?) " ).matcher(
fields.get( fieldIndex )
) ;
if ( ! matcher.find() )
return null ;
return 1 ) ;
private Map< String, ArrayList<ReportNode> >
processSnippets( Map<String,GamePieceLabelFields> ourLabels, ArrayList<GamePieceLabelFields> otherLabels, Map<String,Snippet> snippets )
// initialize
Map< String, ArrayList<ReportNode> > labelReport = new HashMap<String,ArrayList<ReportNode>>() ;
for ( String key: new String[]{"created","updated","deleted","unchanged"} )
labelReport.put( key, new ArrayList<ReportNode>() ) ;
// process each snippet "Processing snippets..." ) ;
Iterator< Map.Entry<String,Snippet> > iter = snippets.entrySet().iterator() ;
while( iter.hasNext() ) {
Map.Entry<String,Snippet> entry = ;
String snippetId = entry.getKey() ;
Snippet snippet = entry.getValue() ;
if ( Utils.startsWith( snippetId, "extras/" ) ) { "- Skipping extras snippet: " + snippetId ) ;
continue ;
logger.debug( "- Processing snippet: {}", snippetId ) ;
// check if we have a label with a matching snippet ID
GamePieceLabelFields labelFields = ourLabels.get( snippetId ) ;
if ( labelFields != null ) {
logger.debug( " - Found matching label." ) ;
ourLabels.remove( snippetId ) ;
} else {
// nope - check if there is a legacy label that corresponds to this snippet
labelFields = findLegacyLabel( otherLabels, snippet ) ;
if ( labelFields != null )
logger.debug( " - Found matching legacy label." ) ;
else {
// nope - skip this snippet (we will create a new label for it later)
logger.debug( " - Couldn't find matching label." ) ;
continue ;
// we've match the snippet to a label, update the label content
String currState = labelFields.gamePiece().getState() ;
String snippetContent = snippet.content.replace( "\n", " " ) ;
String newState = labelFields.getNewGamePieceState( snippetContent ) ;
if ( currState.equals( newState ) ) { "- Skipping label (unchanged): {}", snippetId ) ;
labelReport.get( "unchanged" ).add( new ReportNode( snippetId, null ) ) ;
} else { "- Updating label: {}", snippetId ) ;
logger.debug( " - curr state: " + Utils.printableString(currState) ) ;
logger.debug( " - new state: " + Utils.printableString(newState) ) ;
labelFields.gamePiece().setState( newState ) ;
labelReport.get( "updated" ).add( new ReportNode( snippetId, null ) ) ;
iter.remove() ;
// delete excess labels
// NOTE: This will only affect labels that have a snippet ID i.e. legacy labels will be left in place.
for ( String snippetId: ourLabels.keySet() ) {
if ( Utils.startsWith( snippetId, "extras/" ) )
continue ; "- Deleting label: {}", snippetId ) ;
GamePieceLabelFields labelFields = ourLabels.get( snippetId ) ;
RemovePiece cmd = new RemovePiece( labelFields.gamePiece() ) ;
cmd.execute() ;
labelReport.get( "deleted" ).add( new ReportNode( snippetId, null ) ) ;
// We now want to create new labels for any snippets left that haven't already been processed.
// We divide the map into several areas:
// +------------------------------------------+
// | GENERAL |
// +------------+----------------+------------+
// | | | |
// | PLAYER 1 | board(s) | PLAYER 2 |
// | | | |
// | |----------------| +
// | | OVERFLOW | |
// +------------------------------------------+
// Non-player specific labels (e.g. SCENARIO and SSR) go into GENERAL, player-specific labels
// go into their respective areas, and everything else left over that didn't fit into their
// normal area goes into OVERFLOW.
// The exception to this is if the scenario contains no boards, in which case we just create
// a single GENERAL area that spans the entire available space.
// NOTE: We don't consider any labels that might already be present in the scenario. While we could
// handle this, it would slow down an already slow process i.e. the web server would have to dump
// the scenario, extract any existing labels, calculate their size, then pass that information
// back to us, so that we can take them into account when placing new labels (which would also
// then become much more complicated). It's just not worth it for something that will rarely happen.
// locate the PieceSlot we will use to create labels
logger.debug( "- Locating PieceSlot: gpid={}", labelGpid ) ;
PieceSlot labelPieceSlot = null ;
GpIdChecker gpidChecker = new GpIdChecker() ;
for ( PieceSlot pieceSlot : GameModule.getGameModule().getAllDescendantComponentsOf( PieceSlot.class ) ) {
if ( pieceSlot.getGpId().equals( labelGpid ) ) {
labelPieceSlot = pieceSlot ;
break ;
if ( labelPieceSlot == null )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Can't find PieceSlot: gpid=" + labelGpid ) ;
// initialize our LabelArea's
int xMargin = Integer.parseInt( config.getProperty( "AUTOCREATE_LABEL_XMARGIN", "20" ) ) ;
int yMargin = Integer.parseInt( config.getProperty( "AUTOCREATE_LABEL_YMARGIN", "20" ) ) ;
Map< String, LabelArea > labelAreas = new HashMap<String,LabelArea>() ; map ;
List<> maps = ;
if ( maps.size() > 1 )
logger.warn( "WARNING: Found multiple maps - using the first one." ) ;
map = maps.get( 0 ) ;
if ( map.getBoardCount() == 0 )
// the scenario doesn't contain any boards - we create a single GENERAL area that spans
// the entire map (we assume a single board width, and unlimited height)
labelAreas.put( "general",
new LabelArea( "general", new Point(xMargin,yMargin), 2500, 99999, xMargin, yMargin )
) ;
else {
// get the total amount of space available
Dimension mapSize = map.mapSize() ;
int mapWidth = mapSize.width ;
int mapHeight = mapSize.height ;
// get the amount of empty space around the boards
Dimension edgeBuffer = map.getEdgeBuffer() ;
int borderWidth = edgeBuffer.width ;
int borderHeight = edgeBuffer.height ;
labelAreas.put( "general",
new LabelArea( "general",
new Point( xMargin, yMargin ),
mapWidth-2*xMargin, borderHeight-2*yMargin,
xMargin, yMargin
) ;
labelAreas.put( "player1",
new LabelArea( "player1",
new Point( xMargin, borderHeight ),
borderWidth-2*xMargin, mapHeight-borderHeight,
xMargin, yMargin
) ;
labelAreas.put( "player2",
new LabelArea( "player2",
new Point( mapWidth-borderWidth+xMargin, borderHeight ),
borderWidth-2*xMargin, mapHeight-borderHeight,
xMargin, yMargin
) ;
labelAreas.put( "overflow",
new LabelArea( "overflow",
new Point( borderWidth, mapHeight-borderHeight+yMargin ),
mapWidth-2*borderWidth, 99999, // nb: unlimited height
xMargin, yMargin
) ;
// figure out what order to create the labels
String snippetOrder = config.getProperty( "AUTOCREATE_LABEL_ORDER",
"scenario players scenario_note* victory_conditions ssr"
+ " ob_setup_1* ob_note_1* ob_vehicles_1 ob_vehicles_ma_notes_1 ob_vehicle_note_1* ob_ordnance_1 ob_ordnance_ma_notes_1 ob_ordnance_note_1*"
+ " ob_setup_2* ob_note_2* ob_vehicles_2 ob_vehicles_ma_notes_2 ob_vehicle_note_2* ob_ordnance_2 ob_ordnance_ma_notes_2 ob_ordnance_note_2*"
) ;
logger.debug( "Snippet order: {}", snippetOrder ) ;
Set<String> snippetsKeySet = new HashSet<String>( snippets.keySet() ) ;
ArrayList<String> snippetIds = new ArrayList<String>() ;
for ( String snippetId: snippetOrder.split( "\\s+" ) ) {
if ( snippetId.charAt( snippetId.length()-1 ) == '*' ) {
// this is a wildcard snippet ID - find all matching snippets
ArrayList<String> matches = new ArrayList<String>() ;
String snippetIdStem = snippetId.substring( 0, snippetId.length()-1 ) ;
Iterator<String> iter2 = snippetsKeySet.iterator() ;
while( iter2.hasNext() ) {
String sid = ;
if ( Utils.startsWith( sid, snippetIdStem ) ) {
matches.add( sid ) ;
iter2.remove() ;
Collections.sort( matches, new Comparator<String>() {
public int compare( String lhs, String rhs ) {
// NOTE: These snippet ID's have the form "xyz.1", "xyz.2", etc. - we sort by the trailing number.
int pos = lhs.lastIndexOf( '.' ) ;
int lhsVal = Integer.parseInt( lhs.substring( pos+1 ) ) ;
pos = rhs.lastIndexOf( '.' ) ;
int rhsVal = Integer.parseInt( rhs.substring( pos+1 ) ) ;
if ( lhsVal == rhsVal )
return 0 ;
return lhsVal < rhsVal ? -1 : +1 ;
} ) ;
for ( String sid: matches )
snippetIds.add( sid ) ;
} else {
// this is a normal snippet ID - add it to the list (if present)
if ( snippetsKeySet.contains( snippetId ) ) {
snippetIds.add( snippetId ) ;
snippetsKeySet.remove( snippetId ) ;
// add any leftovers
for ( String snippetId: snippetsKeySet )
snippetIds.add( snippetId ) ;
// create new labels
String forceNewRowForVal = config.getProperty( "AUTOCREATE_LABEL_FORCE_NEW_ROW_FOR",
"ob_setup_1.1 ob_note_1.1 ob_vehicles_1 ob_ordnance_1 ob_setup_2.1 ob_note_2.1 ob_vehicles_2 ob_ordnance_2"
) ;
logger.debug( "Force new row for: {}", forceNewRowForVal ) ;
Set<String> forceNewRowFor = new HashSet<String>(
Arrays.asList( forceNewRowForVal.split( "\\s+" ) )
) ; "Creating labels..." ) ;
for ( String snippetId: snippetIds ) {
// get the next snippet
Snippet snippet = snippets.get( snippetId ) ;
if ( snippet == null ) { "- WARNING: Couldn't find a snippet for '{}'.", snippetId ) ;
continue ;
if ( ! snippet.autoCreate ) {
logger.debug( "- Auto-create disabled for '{}'.", snippetId ) ;
continue ;
if ( snippet.content.length() == 0 ) { "- Skipping label creation for '{}' - no content.", snippetId ) ;
continue ;
// figure out where to put the new label
LabelArea labelArea = labelAreas.get( snippet.labelArea ) ;
if ( labelArea == null )
labelArea = labelAreas.get( "general" ) ;
if ( forceNewRowFor.contains( snippetId ) )
labelArea.startNewRow( snippetId ) ;
Point pos = labelArea.getNextPosition( snippetId, snippet.width, snippet.height ) ;
if ( pos == null ) {
LabelArea labelArea2 = labelAreas.get( "overflow" ) ;
pos = labelArea2.getNextPosition( snippetId, snippet.width, snippet.height ) ;
if ( pos == null )
throw new RuntimeException( "LabelArea '" + labelArea.getName() + "' and 'overflow' are full!" ) ;
// create the label
// NOTE: This is a bit of a hack :-/ We generate a new GamePiece from the PieceSlot, which gives us a label
// loaded with default values. We then replace these default values with our values, and then add
// the GamePiece to the game. This will break if the default values ever change, but that's unlikely to happen. "- Creating label '{}' at [{},{}].", snippetId, pos.x, pos.y ) ;
GamePiece gamePiece = labelPieceSlot.getPiece() ;
gamePiece = PieceCloner.getInstance().clonePiece( gamePiece ) ; // nb: the piece needs to be "expanded"
String defaultUserName = config.getProperty( "DEFAULT_LABEL_USERNAME", "David Sullivan" ) ;
String defaultLabelText1 = config.getProperty( "DEFAULT_LABEL_TEXT1", "Label" ) ;
String defaultLabelText2 = config.getProperty( "DEFAULT_LABEL_TEXT2", "no background" ) ;
String snippetContent = snippet.content.replace( "\n", " " ) ;
gamePiece.getState().replace( "\t"+defaultUserName+"\\", "\tvasl-templates\\" )
.replace( "\t"+defaultLabelText1+"\\", "\t" + snippetContent + "\\" )
.replace( "\t"+defaultLabelText2+"\\", "\t\\" )
.replace( "\tnull;0;0", "\tMap0;" + makeVassalCoordString(pos,snippet) )
) ;
GameModule.getGameModule().getGameState().addPiece( gamePiece ) ;
labelReport.get( "created" ).add( new ReportNode( snippetId, pos ) ) ;
return labelReport ;
private GamePieceLabelFields findLegacyLabel( ArrayList<GamePieceLabelFields> otherLabels, Snippet snippet )
// NOTE: We match snippets with labels via a snippet ID, stored in the HTML fragments in a special
// "<!-- vasl-templates:id ... -->" comment. However, for labels created with older versions of vasl-templates,
// this comment won't be present, so we try to match labels based on the raw content the user entered
// in the UI of the main program.
// NOTE: Since we are dealing with labels that don't have a snippet ID, the GamePieceLabelField's won't have
// their fieldIndex set. We set this if and when we match a legacy label, but we don't handle the case
// where some phrases are found in label1 and some in label2 :-/ It doesn't really matter which one we use,
// since one of the fields will be used to store the snippet, and the other one will be blanked out.
int fieldIndex = -1 ;
// check each label and record which ones match the snippets's raw content
ArrayList<GamePieceLabelFields> matches = new ArrayList<GamePieceLabelFields>() ;
for ( GamePieceLabelFields labelFields: otherLabels ) {
// check if all the snippet raw content phrases are present in the label
if ( snippet.rawContent.size() == 0 ) {
// nb: we can get here for snippets that are always passed through, even if they have no content
continue ;
boolean allFound = true ;
for ( String phrase: snippet.rawContent ) {
phrase = phrase.replace( "\n", " " ) ;
String labelContent = labelFields.getLabelContent( GamePieceLabelFields.FIELD_INDEX_LABEL1 ) ;
if ( labelContent != null && labelContent.indexOf( phrase ) >= 0 ) {
fieldIndex = GamePieceLabelFields.FIELD_INDEX_LABEL1 ;
continue ;
labelContent = labelFields.getLabelContent( GamePieceLabelFields.FIELD_INDEX_LABEL2 ) ;
if ( labelContent != null && labelContent.indexOf( phrase ) >= 0 ) {
fieldIndex = GamePieceLabelFields.FIELD_INDEX_LABEL2 ;
continue ;
allFound = false ;
break ;
// yup - all phrases were found, record the label as a match
if ( allFound )
matches.add( labelFields ) ;
// NOTE: Exactly one label must match for us to consider it a match (i.e. if there are
// multiple matches, we do nothing and leave it to the user to sort it out).
if ( matches.size() == 1 ) {
GamePieceLabelFields labelFields = matches.get( 0 ) ;
labelFields.setFieldIndex( fieldIndex ) ;
return labelFields ;
return null ;
private void generateLabelReport( Map<String,ArrayList<ReportNode>> labelReport, String reportFilename )
throws TransformerException, TransformerConfigurationException, ParserConfigurationException, IOException
// generate the report
Document doc = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder().newDocument() ;
Element rootElem = doc.createElement( "report" ) ;
doc.appendChild( rootElem ) ;
boolean wasModified = false ;
for ( String key: labelReport.keySet() ) {
ArrayList<ReportNode> reportNodes = labelReport.get( key ) ;
Element elem = doc.createElement( key ) ;
for ( ReportNode reportNode: reportNodes ) {
Element reportNodeElem = doc.createElement( "label" ) ;
reportNodeElem.setAttribute( "id", reportNode.snippetId ) ;
if ( reportNode.labelPos != null ) {
reportNodeElem.setAttribute( "x", Integer.toString( reportNode.labelPos.x ) ) ;
reportNodeElem.setAttribute( "y", Integer.toString( reportNode.labelPos.y ) ) ;
elem.appendChild( reportNodeElem ) ;
if ( ! key.equals( "unchanged" ) )
wasModified = true ;
rootElem.appendChild( elem ) ;
rootElem.setAttribute( "wasModified", wasModified?"true":"false" ) ;
// save the report
Utils.saveXml( doc, reportFilename ) ;
private String makeVassalCoordString( Point pos, Snippet snippet )
// FUDGE! VASSAL positions labels by the X/Y co-ords of the label's centre (!)
return Integer.toString( pos.x + snippet.width/2 ) + ";" + Integer.toString( pos.y + snippet.height/2 ) ;
private void saveScenario( String saveFilename ) throws IOException
// disable the dialog asking for log file comments
Prefs prefs = GameModule.getGameModule().getPrefs() ;
String PROMPT_LOG_COMMENT = "promptLogComment";
prefs.setValue( PROMPT_LOG_COMMENT, false ) ;
// FUDGE! We would like to just call GameState.saveGame(), but it calls getRestoreCommand(),
// which does nothing unless the "save game" menu action has been enabled!?! Due to Java protections,
// there doesn't seem to be any way to get at this object and enable it, so we have to re-implement
// the whole saveGame() code without this check :-/
// get the save string
Command cmd = getRestoreCommand() ;
String saveString = GameModule.getGameModule().encode( cmd ) ;
// save the scenario "Saving scenario: {}", saveFilename ) ;
final FastByteArrayOutputStream ba = new FastByteArrayOutputStream() ;
OutputStream out = null ;
try {
out = new ObfuscatingOutputStream( ba ) ;
out.write( saveString.getBytes( "UTF-8" ) ) ;
out.close() ;
finally {
IOUtils.closeQuietly( out ) ;
FileArchive archive = null ;
try {
archive = new ZipArchive( new File( saveFilename ) ) ;
String SAVEFILE_ZIP_ENTRY = "savedGame" ; //$NON-NLS-1$
archive.add( SAVEFILE_ZIP_ENTRY, ba.toInputStream() ) ;
(new SaveMetaData()).save( archive ) ;
archive.close() ;
finally {
IOUtils.closeQuietly( archive ) ;
private static Command getRestoreCommand() // nb: taken from GameState.getRestoreCommand()
// NOTE: This is the check that's causing the problem :-/
// if (!saveGame.isEnabled()) {
// return null;
// }
GameState gameState = GameModule.getGameModule().getGameState() ;
Command c = new GameState.SetupCommand(false);
c.append( gameState.getRestorePiecesCommand() );
for (GameComponent gc : gameState.getGameComponents()) {
c.append(new GameState.SetupCommand(true));
return c;
private static Command checkVersionCommand() {
// NOTE: This is the same as GameState.checkVersionCommand(), but we can't call that since it's private :-/
String runningVersion = GameModule.getGameModule().getAttributeValueString(GameModule.VASSAL_VERSION_RUNNING);
ConditionalCommand.Condition cond = new ConditionalCommand.Lt(GameModule.VASSAL_VERSION_RUNNING, runningVersion);
Command c = new ConditionalCommand(new ConditionalCommand.Condition[]{cond}, new AlertCommand(Resources.getString("GameState.version_mismatch", runningVersion))); //$NON-NLS-1$
String moduleName = GameModule.getGameModule().getAttributeValueString(GameModule.MODULE_NAME);
String moduleVersion = GameModule.getGameModule().getAttributeValueString(GameModule.MODULE_VERSION);
cond = new ConditionalCommand.Lt(GameModule.MODULE_VERSION, moduleVersion);
c.append(new ConditionalCommand(new ConditionalCommand.Condition[]{cond}, new AlertCommand(Resources.getString("GameState.version_mismatch2", moduleName, moduleVersion )))); //$NON-NLS-1$
return c;
private Command loadScenario( String scenarioFilename ) throws IOException
// load the scenario
disableBoardWarnings() ; "Loading scenario: {}", scenarioFilename ) ;
return GameModule.getGameModule().getGameState().decodeSavedGame(
new File( scenarioFilename )
) ;
private static void dumpCommand( Command cmd, String prefix )
// dump the command
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder() ;
buf.append( prefix + cmd.getClass().getSimpleName() ) ;
String details = cmd.getDetails() ;
if ( details != null )
buf.append( " [" + details + "]" ) ;
if ( cmd instanceof AddPiece )
dumpCommandExtras( (AddPiece)cmd, buf, prefix ) ;
else if ( cmd instanceof GameState.SetupCommand )
dumpCommandExtras( (GameState.SetupCommand)cmd, buf, prefix ) ;
else if ( cmd instanceof ModuleExtension.RegCmd )
dumpCommandExtras( (ModuleExtension.RegCmd)cmd, buf, prefix ) ;
else if ( cmd instanceof ObscurableOptions.SetAllowed )
dumpCommandExtras( (ObscurableOptions.SetAllowed)cmd, buf, prefix ) ;
System.out.println( buf.toString() ) ;
// dump any sub-commands
prefix += " " ;
for ( Command c: cmd.getSubCommands() )
dumpCommand( c, prefix ) ;
private static void dumpCommandExtras( AddPiece cmd, StringBuilder buf, String prefix )
// dump extra command info
GamePiece target = cmd.getTarget() ;
buf.append( ": " + target.getClass().getSimpleName() ) ;
if ( target.getName().length() > 0 )
buf.append( "/" + target.getName() ) ;
// check if this is a command we're interested in
// NOTE: We used to support VASL 6.3.3, but when we create labels, they're of type Hideable. It would be easy enough
// to add that here, but 6.3.3 is pretty old (2.5 years), so it's safer to just drop it from the list of supported versions.
if ( !( target instanceof DynamicProperty ) )
return ;
if ( ! target.getName().equals( "User-Labeled" ) )
return ;
// dump extra command info
ArrayList<String> separators = new ArrayList<String>() ;
ArrayList<String> fields = new ArrayList<String>() ;
parseGamePieceState( cmd.getState(), separators, fields ) ;
for ( String field: fields ) {
buf.append( "\n" + prefix + "- " ) ;
if ( field.length() > 0 )
buf.append( Utils.printableString( field ) ) ;
buf.append( "<empty>" ) ;
private static void dumpCommandExtras( GameState.SetupCommand cmd, StringBuilder buf, String prefix )
// dump extra command info
buf.append( ": starting=" + cmd.isGameStarting() ) ;
private static void dumpCommandExtras( ModuleExtension.RegCmd cmd, StringBuilder buf, String prefix )
// dump extra command info
buf.append( ": " + cmd.getName() + " (" + cmd.getVersion() + ")" ) ;
private static void dumpCommandExtras( ObscurableOptions.SetAllowed cmd, StringBuilder buf, String prefix )
// dump extra command info
buf.append( ": " + cmd.getAllowedIds() ) ;
private static void parseGamePieceState( String state, ArrayList<String> separators, ArrayList<String> fields )
// parse the GamePiece state
Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile( "\\\\+\t" ).matcher( state ) ;
int pos = 0 ;
while( matcher.find() ) {
separators.add( ) ;
fields.add( state.substring( pos, matcher.start() ) ) ;
pos = matcher.end() ;
fields.add( state.substring( pos ) ) ;
private void configureBoards()
// NOTE: While we can get away with just disabling warnings about missing boards when dumping scenarios,
// they need to be present when we update a scenario, otherwise they get removed from the scenario :-/ "Configuring boards directory: {}", boardsDir ) ;
Prefs prefs = GameModule.getGameModule().getPrefs() ;
String BOARD_DIR = "boardURL" ;
prefs.setValue( BOARD_DIR, new File(boardsDir) ) ;
private void disableBoardWarnings()
// FUDGE! VASSAL shows a GUI error dialog warning about boards not being found, and while these can be disabled,
// the key used to enable/disable them is derived from the board filename :-( ASLBoardPicker catches
// the FileNotFoundException thrown by ZipArchive when it can't find a file, and then calls ReadErrorDialog.error(),
// which calls WarningDialog.showDisableable(), using the following as the key:
// (Object) ( e.getClass().getName() + "@" + filename )
// This means we have to set the "warning disabled" flag for every possible board :-/
// disable warnings for boards 00-99 "Disabling board warnings for bd00-99." ) ;
for ( int i=0 ; i < 100 ; ++i )
disableBoardWarning( String.format( "bd%02d", i ) ) ;
// disable warnings for additional standard boards "Disabling board warnings for other standard boards:" ) ;
InputStream inputStream = this.getClass().getResourceAsStream( "/data/boardNames.txt" ) ;
disableBoardWarnings( inputStream, "<standard>" ) ;
// disable warnings for user-defined boards
if ( baseDir != null ) {
String fname = baseDir + File.separator + "boardNames.txt" ;
inputStream = null ;
try {
inputStream = new FileInputStream( fname ) ;
} catch( FileNotFoundException ex ) { }
if ( inputStream != null ) { "Disabling board warnings for user-defined boards: " + fname ) ;
disableBoardWarnings( inputStream, fname ) ;
private void disableBoardWarnings( InputStream inputStream, String boardFilename )
// disable warnings for boards listed in a file
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader( inputStream ) ) ;
String lineBuf ;
try {
while ( (lineBuf = reader.readLine() ) != null ) {
lineBuf = lineBuf.trim() ;
if ( lineBuf.length() == 0 || lineBuf.charAt(0) == '#' || lineBuf.charAt(0) == ';' || lineBuf.substring(0,2).equals("//") )
continue ;
logger.debug( "- {}", lineBuf ) ;
disableBoardWarning( lineBuf ) ;
} catch( IOException ex ) {
logger.error( "Error reading board file: {}", boardFilename, ex ) ;
private void disableBoardWarning( String boardName )
// disable warnings for the specified board
String boardsPath = (new File(vmodFilename)).getParent() + File.separator + "boards" ;
String key = "" + boardsPath + File.separator + boardName ;
DialogUtils.setDisabled( key, true ) ;