Create attractive VASL scenarios, with loads of useful information embedded to assist with game play.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

395 lines
12 KiB

// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function get_nationality_display_name( nat_id )
// get the nationality's display name
return gTemplatePack.nationalities[ nat_id ].display_name ;
function get_player_nat( player_no )
// get the player's nationality
if ( player_no === null )
return null ;
return $( "select[name='PLAYER_" + player_no + "']" ).val() ;
function get_player_colors( player_no )
// get the colors for the specified player
var player_nat = get_player_nat( player_no ) ;
return gTemplatePack.nationalities[ player_nat ].ob_colors ;
function get_player_colors_for_element( $elem )
// get the player colors (if any) for the specified element
if ( $elem.attr( "id" ).substr( 0, 18 ) === "ob_notes-sortable_" )
return null ;
var player_no = get_player_no_for_element( $elem ) ;
if ( player_no === null )
return null ;
return get_player_colors( player_no ) ;
function make_player_flag_url( player_nat ) {
return APP_URL_BASE + "/flags/" + player_nat ;
function get_player_no_for_element( $elem )
// get the player that owns the specified element
if ( $.contains( $("#tabs-ob1")[0], $elem[0] ) )
return 1 ;
if ( $.contains( $("#tabs-ob2")[0], $elem[0] ) )
return 2 ;
return null ;
function get_scenario_date()
// get the scenario date
var scenario_date = $("input[name='SCENARIO_DATE']").datepicker( "getDate" ) ;
if ( ! scenario_date )
return null ;
scenario_date.setMinutes( scenario_date.getMinutes() - scenario_date.getTimezoneOffset() ) ;
return scenario_date ;
function is_template_available( template_id )
// check if the specified template is available
if ( template_id.match( /^ob_(vehicles|ordnance).*_[12]$/ ) )
template_id = template_id.substring( 0, template_id.length-2 ) ;
return gTemplatePack.templates[ template_id ] !== undefined ;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function copyToClipboard( val )
if ( getUrlParam( "store_clipboard" ) ) {
// store the value where the tests can retrieve it
$("#_clipboard_").text( val ) ;
return ;
// IE-specific code path to prevent textarea being shown while dialog is visible
if ( window.clipboardData && window.clipboardData.setData ) {
clipboardData.setData( "Text", val ) ;
return ;
if ( document.queryCommandSupported && document.queryCommandSupported("copy") ) {
// create a textarea to hold the content
var textarea = document.createElement( "textarea" ) ; = "fixed" ; // prevent scrolling to bottom in MS Edge
document.body.appendChild( textarea ) ;
textarea.textContent = val ;
// copy the textarea content to the clipboard ;
try {
document.execCommand( "copy" ) ;
if ( getUrlParam("log-clipboard") )
console.log( "CLIPBOARD:", val ) ;
catch( ex ) {
showErrorMsg( "Can't copy to the clipboard:<div class='pre'>" + escapeHTML(ex) + "</div>" ) ;
finally {
document.body.removeChild( textarea ) ;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Connect a text box to a select box, and filter the available options.
( function( $ ) {
$.fn.filterByText = function( $textbox )
function compressSpaces( val ) { return val.replace( /\s/g, "" ).trim() ; }
return this.each( function() {
// initialize
var $select = $(this) ;
var $options = [] ;
$select.find( "option" ).each( function() {
$options.push( { value: $(this).val(), text: $(this).text() } ) ;
} ) ;
$ "options", $options ) ;
$textbox.bind( "input", function() {
// prepare the value we will filter on
var val = $(this).val() ;
var adjustCase ;
if ( val !== val.toLowerCase() )
adjustCase = function(val) { return val ; } ; // nb: mixed-case => case-sensitive filtering
adjustCase = function(val) { return val.toLowerCase() ; } ;
val = compressSpaces( adjustCase( val ) ) ;
// filter the options
var $options = $select.empty().scrollTop(0).data( "options" ) ;
$.each( $options, function(i) {
var $opt = $options[i] ;
var optVal = compressSpaces( adjustCase( $opt.text ) ) ;
if ( optVal.indexOf( val ) !== -1 ) {
$("<option>").text( $opt.text ).val( $opt.value )
) ;
} ) ;
// auto-select if there's only one option
if ( $select.children().length === 1 )
$select.children().get(0).selected = true ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
} ) ( jQuery ) ;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function init_dialog( $dlg, ok_button_text, auto_dismiss )
// initialize the dialog
$ "ok-button-text", ok_button_text ) ;
// allow Ctrl-Enter to dismiss the dialog
if ( auto_dismiss ) {
$dlg.find( "input[type='text']" ).keydown( function(evt) {
auto_dismiss_dialog( $dlg, evt, ok_button_text ) ;
} ) ;
$dlg.find( "input[type='checkbox']" ).keydown( function(evt) {
auto_dismiss_dialog( $dlg, evt, ok_button_text ) ;
} ) ;
$dlg.find( "select" ).keydown( function(evt) {
auto_dismiss_dialog( $dlg, evt, ok_button_text ) ;
} ) ;
$dlg.find( "textarea" ).keydown( function(evt) {
auto_dismiss_dialog( $dlg, evt, ok_button_text ) ;
} ) ;
function on_dialog_open( $dlg )
// initialize the dialog
var ok_button_text = $ "ok-button-text" ) ;
$( ".ui-dialog-buttonpane button:contains(" + ok_button_text + ")" ).addClass( "ok" ) ;
$( ".ui-dialog-buttonpane button:contains(Cancel)" ).addClass( "cancel" ) ;
// set initial focus
var $cancel = $( ".ui-dialog-buttonpane button:contains(Cancel)" ) ;
$cancel.focus() ;
function auto_dismiss_dialog( $dlg, evt, btn_text )
// check if the user pressed Ctrl-Enter
if ( evt.keyCode == 13 && evt.ctrlKey ) {
// yup - locate the target button and click it
click_dialog_button( $dlg, btn_text ) ;
evt.preventDefault() ;
function click_dialog_button( $dlg, btn_text )
// locate the target button and click it
var $dlg2 = $( ".ui-dialog." + $dlg.dialog("option","dialogClass") ) ;
$( $dlg2.find( ".ui-dialog-buttonpane button:contains('" + btn_text + "')" ) ).click() ;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
6 years ago
function ask( title, msg, args )
// ask a question
var $dlg = $("#ask") ;
$dlg.html( msg ) ;
$dlg.dialog( {
dialogClass: "ask",
6 years ago
modal: true,
6 years ago
title: title,
create: function() {
init_dialog( $(this), "OK", false ) ;
// we handle ESCAPE ourself, to make it the same as clicking Cancel, not just closing the dialog
$(this).closest( ".ui-dialog" ).keydown( function( evt ) {
if ( evt.keyCode == $.ui.keyCode.ESCAPE )
$(".ui-dialog.ask button:contains(Cancel)").click() ;
} ) ;
open: function() {
on_dialog_open( $(this) ) ;
6 years ago
buttons: {
OK: function() {
$(this).dialog( "close" ) ;
if ( "ok" in args )
args.ok() ;
Cancel: function() {
$(this).dialog( "close" ) ;
if ( "cancel" in args )
args.cancel() ;
close: function() {
if ( "close" in args )
args.close() ;
} ) ;
return false ;
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
function showInfoMsg( msg ) { doShowNotificationMsg( "info", msg ) ; }
function showWarningMsg( msg ) { doShowNotificationMsg( "warning", msg ) ; }
function showErrorMsg( msg ) { doShowNotificationMsg( "error", msg ) ; }
function doShowNotificationMsg( msg_type, msg )
if ( getUrlParam( "store_msgs" ) ) {
// store the message for the test suite
$( "#_last-" + msg_type + "_" ).val( msg ) ;
return ;
// show the notification message
$.growl( {
style: (msg_type === "info") ? "notice" : msg_type,
title: null,
message: msg,
location: "br",
duration: (msg_type == "warning") ? 15*1000 : 5*1000,
fixed: (msg_type == "error"),
} ) ;
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
function makeBulletListMsg( caption, items, li_class )
// generate a message
var buf = [] ;
for ( i=0 ; i < items.length ; ++i ) {
buf.push( "<li" ) ;
if ( li_class )
buf.push( " class='" + li_class + "'" ) ;
buf.push( ">" ) ;
buf.push( escapeHTML(items[i]) ) ;
buf.push( "</li>" ) ;
return caption + "<ul>" + buf.join("") + "</ul>" ;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function init_select2( $sel, width, search_box, format )
// initialize the select2 droplist
var name = $sel.attr( "name" ) ;
args = { width: width, height: "22px" } ;
if ( ! search_box )
args.minimumResultsForSearch = Infinity ; // nb: this disables the search box :-/
if ( format ) {
args.templateResult = format ;
args.templateSelection = format ;
$sel = $sel.select2( args ) ;
$ "select2" ).$container.attr( "name", name ) ;
$sel.addClass( "app-select2" ) ;
return $sel ;
function restrict_droplist_height( $sel )
// restrict the select2's droplist height to the available space
// NOTE: The user can circumvent this by resizing the window after opening
// the droplist, but we can live with that... :-/
// figure out how much space is available
var $droplist = $ "select2" ).$dropdown ;
var avail = $(window).height() - $droplist.offset().top - 5 ;
// set the max-height for the droplist
var $results = $ "select2" ).$results ;
$results.css( "max-height", Math.floor(avail)+"px" ) ;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function add_flag_to_dialog_titlebar( $dlg, player_no )
// add a flag to the dialog's titlebar
var player_nat = get_player_nat( player_no ) ;
if ( ! player_nat )
return ;
var $titlebar = $dlg.dialog( "instance" ).uiDialogTitlebar ;
var url = make_player_flag_url( player_nat ) ;
$titlebar.find( ".ui-dialog-title" ).prepend(
$( "<img src='" + url + "' class='flag'>" )
).css( { display: "flex", "align-items": "center" } ) ;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function getUrlParam( param )
// look for the specified URL parameter
var url = 1 ) ;
var params = url.split( "&" ) ;
for ( var i=0 ; i < params.length ; i++ ) {
var keyval = params[i].split( "=" ) ;
if ( keyval[0] == param )
return keyval[1] ;
function escapeHTML( val )
// escape HTML
return new Option(val).innerHTML ;
function pluralString( n, str1, str2 )
return (n == 1) ? str1 : str2 ;
function isIE()
// check if we're running in IE :-/
if ( navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE") !== -1 )
return true ;
if ( navigator.appVersion.indexOf("Trident/") !== -1 )
return true ;
return false ;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
( function( scope ) {
// create a new stylesheet to hold our CSS rules
var style = document.createElement( "style" ) ;
document.head.appendChild( style ) ;
var stylesheet = style.sheet ;
scope.dynamic_css = function( sel, prop, val ) {
// add the rule
try {
sel + " {" + prop + ":" + val + "}",
) ;
} catch( ex ) {
console.log( "Couldn't add CSS style:", sel, prop, val ) ;
} ;
} ) ( window ) ;