Create attractive VASL scenarios, with loads of useful information embedded to assist with game play.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

278 lines
11 KiB

""" Test the extras templates. """
from import Select
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
from vasl_templates.webapp.tests.utils import init_webapp, select_tab, \
set_template_params, get_droplist_vals, select_droplist_val, \
find_child, find_children, wait_for, wait_for_clipboard
from vasl_templates.webapp.tests.test_template_packs import make_zip_from_files, upload_template_pack_zip
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_extras_templates( webapp, webdriver ):
"""Test the extras templates."""
# initialize
init_webapp( webapp, webdriver )
select_tab( "extras" )
# check that the extras templates were loaded correctly
assert _get_extras_template_index() == [
( "extras/minimal", None ),
( "Full template", "This is the caption." ),
( "select", None ),
# check that the "full" template was loaded correctly
_select_extras_template( webdriver, "extras/full" )
content = find_child( "#tabs-extras .right-panel" )
assert find_child( "", content ).text == "Full template"
assert find_child( "div.caption", content ).text == "This is the caption."
assert find_child( "div.description", content ).text == "This is the description."
params = find_children( "tr", content )
assert len(params) == 1
assert find_child( "td.caption", params[0] ).text == "The parameter:"
textbox = find_child( "td.value input", params[0] )
assert textbox.get_attribute( "value" ) == "default-val"
assert textbox.get_attribute( "size" ) == "10"
assert textbox.get_attribute( "title" ) == "This is the parameter description."
# generate the snippet
snippet_btn = find_child( "button.generate", content )
clipboard = wait_for_clipboard( 2, "param = default-val", contains=True )
assert "vasl-templates:comment" not in clipboard # nb: check that the comment was removed
# check that the "minimal" template was loaded correctly
_select_extras_template( webdriver, "extras/minimal" )
assert find_child( "", content ).text == "extras/minimal"
assert find_child( "div.caption", content ) is None
assert find_child( "div.description", content ) is None
params = find_children( "tr", content )
assert len(params) == 1
assert find_child( "td.caption", params[0] ).text == "PARAM:"
textbox = find_child( "td.value input", params[0] )
assert textbox.get_attribute( "value" ) == ""
# generate the snippet
textbox.send_keys( "boo!" )
snippet_btn = find_child( "button.generate", content )
clipboard = wait_for_clipboard( 2, "param = boo!", contains=True )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_droplists( webapp, webdriver ):
"""Test droplist's in extras templates."""
# initialize
init_webapp( webapp, webdriver )
select_tab( "extras" )
# load the "droplist" template
_select_extras_template( webdriver, "extras/droplist" )
content = find_child( "#tabs-extras .right-panel" )
params = find_children( "tr", content )
assert len(params) == 1
sel = Select( find_child( "td.value select", params[0] ) )
vals = get_droplist_vals( sel )
assert vals == [ ("item 1","item 1"), ("item 2","item 2"), ("item 3","item 3") ]
# generate the snippet for each droplist choice
for i in range(1,3+1):
select_droplist_val( sel, "item {}".format(i) )
snippet_btn = find_child( "button.generate", content )
wait_for_clipboard( 2, "Selected: item {}".format(i) )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_template_pack( webapp, webdriver ):
"""Test uploading a template pack that contains extras templates."""
# initialize
init_webapp( webapp, webdriver, template_pack_persistence=1 )
select_tab( "extras" )
# check that the extras templates were loaded correctly
assert _get_extras_template_index() == [
( "extras/minimal", None ),
( "Full template", "This is the caption." ),
( "select", None ),
# upload the template pack
zip_data = make_zip_from_files( "extras" )
upload_template_pack_zip( zip_data, False )
# check that the templates were updated correctly
assert _get_extras_template_index() == [
( "extras/minimal", None ),
( "Full template (modified)", "This is the caption (modified)." ),
( "New template", None ),
( "select", None ),
# check that the modified "full" template is being used
_select_extras_template( webdriver, "extras/full" )
content = find_child( "#tabs-extras .right-panel" )
assert find_child( "", content ).text == "Full template (modified)"
assert find_child( "div.caption", content ).text == "This is the caption (modified)."
params = find_children( "tr", content )
assert len(params) == 2
assert find_child( "td.caption", params[0] ).text == "The modified parameter:"
textbox = find_child( "td.value input", params[0] )
assert textbox.get_attribute( "value" ) == "modified-default-val"
assert textbox.get_attribute( "size" ) == "10"
assert textbox.get_attribute( "title" ) == "This is the modified parameter description."
assert find_child( "td.caption", params[1] ).text == "NEW-PARAM:"
textbox = find_child( "td.value input", params[1] )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_edit_extras_template( webapp, webdriver ):
"""Test editing an extras templates."""
# initialize
init_webapp( webapp, webdriver )
select_tab( "extras" )
# edit the "minimal" template
_select_extras_template( webdriver, "extras/minimal" )
content = find_child( "#tabs-extras .right-panel" )
assert find_child( "div.caption", content ) is None
webdriver.execute_script( "edit_template('extras/minimal')", content )
textarea = find_child( "#edit-template textarea" )
template = textarea.get_attribute( "value" ) \
.replace( "<html>", "<html>\n<!-- vasl-templates:caption Modified minimal. -->" ) \
.replace( "<div>", "<div>\nadded = {{ADDED:added-val}}" )
textarea.send_keys( template )
textarea.send_keys( Keys.ESCAPE )
# generate the template (we should still be using the old template)
snippet_btn = find_child( "button.generate", content )
wait_for_clipboard( 2, "param =", contains=True )
# switch to another template, then back again
_select_extras_template( webdriver, "extras/full" )
_select_extras_template( webdriver, "extras/minimal" )
# make sure the new template was loaded
assert find_child( "div.caption", content ).text == "Modified minimal."
params = find_children( "tr", content )
assert len(params) == 2
assert find_child( "td.caption", params[0] ).text == "ADDED:"
textbox = find_child( "td.value input", params[0] )
assert textbox.get_attribute( "value" ) == "added-val"
# generate the template (we should be using the new template)
snippet_btn = find_child( "button.generate", content )
wait_for_clipboard( 2, "added = added-val\nparam =", contains=True )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_count_remaining_hilites( webapp, webdriver ):
"""Test highlighting in the "count remaining" extras template."""
# initialize
init_webapp( webapp, webdriver,
reset = lambda ct: ct.set_data_dir( dtype="real" )
def do_test( year, expected ): #pylint: disable=missing-docstring
# set the specified year
set_template_params( {
"SCENARIO_DATE": "01/01/{}".format( year ) if year else ""
} )
# select the "count remaining" template and check what's been highlighted
select_tab( "extras" )
_select_extras_template( webdriver, "extras/count-remaining" )
for count_type in expected:
table = find_child( "table.{}".format( count_type ) )
cells = []
for row in find_children( "tr", table ):
row = list( find_children( "td", row ) )
assert len(row) == 2
bgd_col = row[1].value_of_css_property( "background-color" )
assert bgd_col.startswith( ( "rgb(", "rgba(" ) )
cells.append( bgd_col != "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)" )
assert cells == expected[count_type]
# do the tests
do_test( None, {
"pf": [ False, False, False ],
"thh": [ False, False, False, False ]
} )
do_test( 1940, {
"pf": [ True, False, False ],
"thh": [ True, False, False, False ]
} )
do_test( 1941, {
"pf": [ True, False, False ],
"thh": [ True, False, False, False ]
} )
do_test( 1942, {
"pf": [ True, False, False ],
"thh": [ True, False, False, False ]
} )
do_test( 1943, {
"pf": [ True, False, False ],
"thh": [ False, True, False, False ]
} )
do_test( 1944, {
"pf": [ False, True, False ],
"thh": [ False, False, True, False ]
} )
do_test( 1945, {
"pf": [ False, False, True ],
"thh": [ False, False, False, True ]
} )
do_test( 1946, {
"pf": [ False, False, False ],
"thh": [ False, False, False, False ]
} )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def _get_extras_template_index():
"""Get the list of extras templates from the sidebar."""
def get_child_text( child_class, elem ): #pylint: disable=missing-docstring
elem = find_child( child_class, elem )
return elem.text if elem else None
return [
( get_child_text(".name",elem), get_child_text(".caption",elem) )
for elem in _get_extras_templates()
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def _get_extras_templates():
"""Get the available extras templates."""
return find_children( "#tabs-extras .left-panel li" )
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def _select_extras_template( webdriver, template_id ):
"""Select the specified extras template."""
# find the specified template in the index
elems = [
e for e in _get_extras_templates()
if webdriver.execute_script( "return $(arguments[0]).data('template_id')", e ) == template_id
assert len(elems) == 1
template_name = find_child( ".name", elems[0] ).text
# select the template and wait for it to load
def is_template_loaded(): #pylint: disable=missing-docstring
elem = find_child( "#tabs-extras .right-panel .name" )
return elem and elem.text == template_name
wait_for( 2, is_template_loaded )