Create attractive VASL scenarios, with loads of useful information embedded to assist with game play.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

194 lines
7.2 KiB

""" Test VASL extensions. """
import os
import zipfile
import urllib
import json
import re
import typing
import pytest
from selenium.webdriver.common.action_chains import ActionChains
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
from vasl_templates.webapp.utils import TempFile
from vasl_templates.webapp.tests.utils import init_webapp, set_player, find_child, find_children, wait_for
from vasl_templates.webapp.tests.test_vehicles_ordnance import add_vo
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_load_vasl_extensions( webapp, webdriver ):
"""Test loading VASL extensions."""
# initialize
control_tests = init_webapp( webapp, webdriver )
def do_test( build_info_fname, build_info, expected ): #pylint: disable=missing-docstring
# create the test VASL extension
_set_test_vasl_extn( control_tests, build_info, build_info_fname )
# reload the webapp
control_tests.set_vasl_mod( vmod="random", extns_dtype="test" )
_check_startup_messages( webapp, expected )
# try loading an extension that has no buildFile
do_test( "foo", "<foo />", "Missing buildFile:" )
# try loading extensions with missing information
do_test( "buildFile", '< version="v0.1" />',
"Can't find ID for VASL extension:"
do_test( "buildFile", '< extensionId="test" />',
"Can't find version for VASL extension:"
# try loading an extension with an unknown ID
do_test( "buildFile", '< version="v0.1" extensionId="unknown" />',
re.compile( r'Not loading VASL extension "test\.zip".+No extension info file for unknown/v0\.1' )
# try loading something that's not a ZIP file
control_tests.set_test_vasl_extn( fname="", bin_data=b"This is not a ZIP file." ) \
.set_vasl_mod( vmod="random", extns_dtype="test" )
_check_startup_messages( webapp, "Can't load VASL extension (not a ZIP file):" )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_vasl_extension_info( webapp, webdriver ):
"""Test matching VASL extensions with our extension info files."""
# initialize
control_tests = init_webapp( webapp, webdriver )
# prepare our test VASL extension
fname = os.path.join( os.path.split(__file__)[0], "fixtures/vasl-extensions/test-extn.xml" )
_set_test_vasl_extn( control_tests, open(fname,"r").read() )
def do_test( dtype, expected ): #pylint: disable=missing-docstring
control_tests.set_vasl_extn_info_dir( dtype=dtype ) \
.set_vasl_mod( vmod="random", extns_dtype="test" )
_check_startup_messages( webapp, expected )
# try loading the VASL extension, with no matching extension info
do_test( "mismatched-id",
re.compile( r'Not loading VASL extension.+No extension info file for test/v0\.1' )
do_test( "mismatched-version",
re.compile( r'Not loading VASL extension.+No extension info file for test/v0\.1' )
# try loading the VASL extension, with matching extension info
do_test( "good-match", None )
extns = control_tests.get_vasl_extns()
assert len(extns) == 1
extn = extns[0]
assert extn[1] == { "extensionId": "test", "version": "v0.1" }
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
not pytest.config.option.vasl_extensions, #pylint: disable=no-member
reason = "--vasl-extensions not specified"
def test_kgs_extensions( webapp, webdriver ):
"""Test the KGS extension."""
# initialize
control_tests = init_webapp( webapp, webdriver,
reset = lambda ct: ct.set_data_dir( dtype="real" )
def check_counter_images( veh_name, expected ):
"""Check the counter images available for the specified vehicle."""
# add the specified vehicle
add_vo( webdriver, "vehicles", 2, veh_name )
# edit the vehicle
vehicles_sortable = find_child( "#ob_vehicles-sortable_2" )
elems = find_children( "li", vehicles_sortable )
ActionChains(webdriver).double_click( elems[-1] ).perform()
dlg = find_child( ".ui-dialog.edit-vo" )
# check the currently-selected counter
image_url = find_child( "img.vasl-image", dlg ).get_attribute( "src" )
if expected:
assert image_url.endswith( "/counter/{}/front".format( expected[0] ) )
assert image_url.endswith( "/missing-image.png" )
# check the available counters
btn = find_child( "", dlg )
if expected and len(expected) > 1:
dlg2 = find_child( "" )
image_urls = [
elem.get_attribute( "src" )
for elem in find_children( ".vo-images img", dlg2 )
assert len(image_urls) == len(expected)
for image_url,piece_id in zip( image_urls, expected ):
assert image_url.endswith( "/counter/{}/front/0".format(piece_id) )
dlg2.send_keys( Keys.ESCAPE )
assert btn is None
dlg.send_keys( Keys.ESCAPE )
def do_test( enable_extns ): #pylint: disable=missing-docstring
# initialize
control_tests.set_vasl_mod( vmod="random",
extns_dtype = "real" if enable_extns else None
set_player( 2, "russian" )
# check the Matilda II(b)
check_counter_images( "Matilda II(b) (HT)",
["f97:178","f97:184"] if enable_extns else None
# check the T60-M40
check_counter_images( "T-60 M40 (Tt)",
["547","f97:186"] if enable_extns else ["547"]
# do the tests
do_test( True )
do_test( False )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def _set_test_vasl_extn( control_tests, build_info, build_info_fname="buildFile" ):
"""Install a test VASL extension file."""
with TempFile() as temp_file:
with zipfile.ZipFile(, "w" ) as zip_file:
zip_file.writestr( build_info_fname, build_info )
with open(, "rb" ) as fp:
zip_data =
control_tests.set_test_vasl_extn( fname="", bin_data=zip_data )
def _check_startup_messages( webapp, expected ):
"""Check that the startup messages are what we expect."""
# wait for the startup messages to become available
wait_for( 2, lambda: find_child("#_startup-msgs-ready_") is not None )
# check the startup messages
url = webapp.url_for( "get_startup_msgs" )
startup_msgs = json.load( urllib.request.urlopen( url ) )
if expected:
assert list(startup_msgs.keys()) == [ "warning" ]
assert len(startup_msgs["warning"]) == 1
if isinstance( expected, ):
assert startup_msgs["warning"][0] )
assert startup_msgs["warning"][0].startswith( expected )
assert not startup_msgs