Generate mouse/keyboard events from your mouse.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

232 lines
11 KiB

using System ;
using System.IO ;
using System.Xml ;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
namespace MouseInterception
class AppConfig
// IMPORTANT! The definitions here must be kept in sync with their C equivalents in api.hpp
// FUDGE: Marshaling multiple levels of nested arrays of struct's proved to be tricky. C# seems to be
// able to handle it, but unpacking it on the C++ side was fiddly. Since we can't simply get
// a plain old pointer to an array (since they're managed objects), and we have to marshal arrays ByVal,
// defining C-struct's was impossible (one level of nesting was OK, but no deeper). We could have maybe
// done some trickery by manipulating pointers and using sizeof(), but it's risky since there are
// alignment issues. It's safer to send through a separate array for each type of struct, and then
// a start index & item count specifying which ones are required. Sigh...
public enum KeyModifiers { ctrl=0x0001 , alt=0x0002 , shift=0x0004 , caps=0x0008 }
// --- SETTINGS: application settings ---
[StructLayout( LayoutKind.Sequential , CharSet=CharSet.Unicode , Pack=1 )]
public struct ApiSettings
private ApiSettings mSettings ;
public ApiSettings settings { get { return mSettings ; } }
// --- DEVICE: device attributes ---
[StructLayout( LayoutKind.Sequential , CharSet=CharSet.Unicode , Pack=1 )]
public struct ApiDevice
public int mDeviceId ;
public string mHID ;
public int mDeviceNumber ;
public string mDisplayName ;
public bool mIsEnabled ;
private ApiDevice[] mDevices ;
public ApiDevice[] devices { get { return mDevices ; } }
// --- DEVICE CONFIG: device configuration ---
[StructLayout( LayoutKind.Sequential , CharSet=CharSet.Unicode , Pack=1 )]
public struct ApiDeviceConfig
public int mDeviceId ;
public int mStrokeHistoryResetInterval ;
public int mAppProfileStartIndex ;
public int mAppProfileCount ;
private ApiDeviceConfig[] mDeviceConfigs ;
public ApiDeviceConfig[] deviceConfigs { get { return mDeviceConfigs ; } }
// --- APP PROFILE: device configuration for an application ---
[StructLayout( LayoutKind.Sequential , CharSet=CharSet.Unicode , Pack=1 )]
public struct ApiAppProfile
public string mApp ;
public int mSensitivityX ;
public int mSensitivityY ;
public bool mFallbackToDefaultAppProfile ;
public int mEventStartIndex ;
public int mEventCount ;
private ApiAppProfile[] mAppProfiles ;
public ApiAppProfile[] appProfiles { get { return mAppProfiles ; } }
// --- API EVENT: device event ---
[StructLayout( LayoutKind.Sequential , CharSet=CharSet.Unicode , Pack=1 )]
public struct ApiEvent
public enum EventType {
mouseLeft=1 , mouseRight=2 , mouseUp=3 , mouseDown=4 ,
wheelLeft=5 , wheelRight=6 , wheelUp=7 , wheelDown=8
public int mEventType ;
public int mKeyModifiers ;
public int mActionStartIndex ;
public int mActionCount ;
private ApiEvent[] mEvents ;
public ApiEvent[] events { get { return mEvents ; } }
// --- API ACTION: action to perform in response to a device event ---
[StructLayout( LayoutKind.Sequential , CharSet=CharSet.Unicode , Pack=1 )]
public struct ApiAction
public enum ActionType {
mouseLeft=1 , mouseRight=2 , mouseUp=3 , mouseDown=4 ,
wheelLeft=5 , wheelRight=6 , wheelUp=7 , wheelDown=8 ,
public int mActionType ;
public int mActionParam ;
public int mKeyModifiers ;
public ApiAction[] mActions ;
public ApiAction[] actions { get { return mActions ; } }
// ------------------------------------------------------------
public AppConfig( string fname )
// initialize
HashSet<int> deviceIds = new HashSet<int>() ;
HashSet<int> deviceNumbers = new HashSet<int>() ;
mSettings = new ApiSettings() ;
mDevices = new ApiDevice[ 0 ] ;
mDeviceConfigs = new ApiDeviceConfig[ 0 ] ;
mAppProfiles = new ApiAppProfile[ 0 ] ;
mEvents = new ApiEvent[ 0 ] ;
mActions = new ApiAction[ 0 ] ;
// load the AppConfig
if ( ! File.Exists( fname ) )
return ; // FIXME! can't do this - we have to notify the DLL
XmlReaderSettings xmlReaderSettings = new XmlReaderSettings() ;
xmlReaderSettings.IgnoreComments = true ;
xmlReaderSettings.IgnoreProcessingInstructions = true ;
xmlReaderSettings.IgnoreWhitespace = true ;
XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument() ;
using ( XmlReader xmlReader = XmlReader.Create( fname , xmlReaderSettings ) )
xmlDoc.Load( xmlReader ) ;
// parse the app config
XmlNode configXmlNode = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode( "/config" ) ;
// parse the devices
List<ApiDevice> devices = new List<ApiDevice>() ;
foreach( XmlNode xn in configXmlNode.SelectNodes("device") )
ApiDevice device = new ApiDevice() ;
device.mDeviceId = Int32.Parse( xn.Attributes["id"].Value ) ;
if ( deviceIds.Contains( device.mDeviceId ) )
throw new Exception( String.Format( "Duplicate device ID: {0}" , device.mDeviceId ) ) ;
deviceIds.Add( device.mDeviceId ) ;
device.mHID = xn.SelectSingleNode("hid").InnerText.Trim() ;
device.mDeviceNumber = Int32.Parse( xn.SelectSingleNode("deviceNumber").InnerText ) ;
if ( deviceNumbers.Contains( device.mDeviceNumber ) )
throw new Exception( String.Format( "Duplicate device number: {0}" , device.mDeviceNumber ) ) ;
deviceNumbers.Add( device.mDeviceNumber ) ;
if ( deviceNumbers.Contains ( device.mDeviceNumber ) )
device.mDisplayName = Utils.getXmlChildVal( xn , "displayName" ) ;
device.mIsEnabled = Utils.getXmlChildVal( xn , "enabled" , false ) ;
devices.Add( device ) ;
mDevices = devices.ToArray() ;
// parse the device configs
List<ApiDeviceConfig> deviceConfigs = new List<ApiDeviceConfig>() ;
List<ApiAppProfile> appProfiles = new List<ApiAppProfile>() ;
List<ApiEvent> events = new List<ApiEvent>() ;
List<ApiAction> actions = new List<ApiAction>() ;
foreach( XmlNode deviceConfigXmlNode in configXmlNode.SelectNodes("deviceConfig") )
ApiDeviceConfig deviceConfig = new ApiDeviceConfig() ;
deviceConfig.mDeviceId = Int32.Parse( deviceConfigXmlNode.Attributes["id"].Value ) ;
deviceConfig.mStrokeHistoryResetInterval = Utils.getXmlChildVal( deviceConfigXmlNode , "strokeHistoryResetInterval" , -1 ) ;
deviceConfig.mAppProfileStartIndex = appProfiles.Count ;
deviceConfig.mAppProfileCount = 0 ;
// parse the app profiles
foreach( XmlNode appProfileXmlNode in deviceConfigXmlNode.SelectNodes("appProfile") )
ApiAppProfile appProfile = new ApiAppProfile() ;
appProfile.mApp = Utils.getXmlAttr( appProfileXmlNode , "app" , "" ) ;
XmlNode xn = appProfileXmlNode.SelectSingleNode( "sensitivity" ) ;
if ( xn != null )
appProfile.mSensitivityX = Utils.getXmlAttr( xn , "x" , 0 ) ;
appProfile.mSensitivityY = Utils.getXmlAttr( xn , "y" , 0 ) ;
appProfile.mFallbackToDefaultAppProfile = Utils.getXmlChildVal( appProfileXmlNode , "fallbackToDefaultAppProfile" , false ) ;
appProfile.mEventStartIndex = events.Count ;
appProfile.mEventCount = 0 ;
// parse the events
foreach( XmlNode eventXmlNode in appProfileXmlNode.SelectNodes("event" ) )
ApiEvent evt = new ApiEvent() ;
evt.mEventType = (int) Enum.Parse( typeof(ApiEvent.EventType) , eventXmlNode.Attributes["type"].Value , true ) ;
evt.mKeyModifiers = getKeyModifiers( eventXmlNode ) ;
// parse the actions
evt.mActionStartIndex = actions.Count ;
evt.mActionCount = 0 ;
foreach( XmlNode actionXmlNode in eventXmlNode.SelectNodes("action") )
ApiAction action = new ApiAction() ;
action.mActionType = (int) Enum.Parse( typeof(ApiAction.ActionType) , actionXmlNode.Attributes["type"].Value , true ) ;
if ( action.mActionType == (int)ApiAction.ActionType.keyPress )
action.mActionParam = Utils.getXmlAttr( actionXmlNode , "vKey" , 0 ) ;
if ( action.mActionParam <= 0 )
throw new Exception( "Missing vKey." ) ;
action.mActionParam = Utils.getXmlAttr( actionXmlNode , "speed" , 0 ) ;
action.mKeyModifiers = getKeyModifiers( actionXmlNode ) ;
actions.Add( action ) ;
evt.mActionCount ++ ;
events.Add( evt ) ;
appProfile.mEventCount ++ ;
// add the app profile to the table
appProfiles.Add( appProfile ) ;
deviceConfig.mAppProfileCount ++ ;
// add the device config to the table
deviceConfigs.Add( deviceConfig ) ;
mDeviceConfigs = deviceConfigs.ToArray() ;
mAppProfiles = appProfiles.ToArray() ;
mEvents = events.ToArray() ;
mActions = actions.ToArray() ;
private static int getKeyModifiers( XmlNode xmlNode )
// get the key modifiers
int keyModifierFlags = 0 ;
string keyModifiers = Utils.getXmlAttr( xmlNode , "keyModifiers" , "" ) ;
if ( keyModifiers.Length > 0 )
foreach( string km in keyModifiers.Split('+') )
keyModifierFlags += (int) Enum.Parse( typeof(KeyModifiers) , km.ToLower() , true ) ;
return keyModifierFlags ;