Generate mouse/keyboard events from your mouse.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

101 lines
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using System ;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices ;
using System.Xml ;
using System.Text ;
namespace MouseInterception
static class Utils
public static string getXmlChildVal( XmlNode xmlNode , string childNodeName , string defaultVal )
// get the child node's value
string val = getOptStringXmlChildVal( xmlNode , childNodeName ) ;
return (val != null) ? val : defaultVal ;
public static string getXmlChildVal( XmlNode xn , string s ) { return getXmlChildVal(xn,s,"") ; }
public static int getXmlChildVal( XmlNode xmlNode , string childNodeName , int defaultVal )
// get the child node's value
int? val = getOptIntXmlChildVal( xmlNode , childNodeName ) ;
return (val != null) ? (int)val : defaultVal ;
public static bool getXmlChildVal( XmlNode xmlNode , string childNodeName , bool defaultVal )
// get the child node's value
bool? val = getOptBoolXmlChildVal( xmlNode , childNodeName ) ;
return (val != null) ? (bool)val : defaultVal ;
public static string getOptStringXmlChildVal( XmlNode xmlNode , string childNodeName )
// get the child node's value
XmlNode childNode = xmlNode.SelectSingleNode( childNodeName ) ;
if ( childNode != null )
return childNode.InnerText ;
return null ;
public static int? getOptIntXmlChildVal( XmlNode xmlNode , string childNodeName )
// get the child node's value
XmlNode childNode = xmlNode.SelectSingleNode( childNodeName ) ;
if ( childNode != null )
return Int32.Parse( childNode.InnerText ) ;
return null ;
public static bool? getOptBoolXmlChildVal( XmlNode xmlNode , string childNodeName )
// get the child node's value
XmlNode childNode = xmlNode.SelectSingleNode( childNodeName ) ;
if ( childNode != null )
return Boolean.Parse( childNode.InnerText ) ;
return null ;
public static string getXmlAttr( XmlNode xmlNode , string attrName , string defaultVal )
// get the attribute value
XmlAttribute xmlAttr = xmlNode.Attributes[ attrName ] ;
if ( xmlAttr != null )
return xmlAttr.Value ;
return defaultVal ;
public static int getXmlAttr( XmlNode xmlNode , string attrName , int defaultVal )
// get the attribute value
XmlAttribute xmlAttr = xmlNode.Attributes[ attrName ] ;
if ( xmlAttr != null )
return Int32.Parse( xmlAttr.Value ) ;
return defaultVal ;
public static IntPtr toUtf8( string val )
// convert the string to UTF8
byte[] buf = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes( val ) ;
Array.Resize( ref buf , buf.Length+1 ) ;
buf[buf.Length-1] = 0 ;
IntPtr pUtf8Val = Marshal.AllocHGlobal( buf.Length ) ;
Marshal.Copy( buf , 0 , pUtf8Val , buf.Length ) ;
return pUtf8Val ;
public static string fromUtf8( IntPtr pVal )
// convert the string from UTF8
int nChars = 0 ;
while ( Marshal.ReadByte( pVal , nChars ) != 0 )
++ nChars ;
byte[] buf = new byte[ nChars ] ;
Marshal.Copy( pVal , buf , 0 , buf.Length ) ;
return Encoding.UTF8.GetString( buf ) ;