A deep dive into git internals.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

170 lines
6.5 KiB

namespace git_guts
open System
open System.IO
open Spectre.Console
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
module PackIndex =
let private _readPackIndexHeader (inp: Stream) =
// read the header
// NOTE: v1 index files don't have a version number, and just start with the fanout table, but
// the magic number we check for here is an unreasonable value for fanout[0], so this is how
// we detect the different versions.
let buf = readBytes inp 4
if buf <> [|0xffuy; 116uy; 79uy; 99uy|] then // nb: 0xff, then "tOc"
failwithf "Incorrect magic number: %A" buf
let version = readNboInt4 inp
if version <> 2 then
// NOTE: Version 1 is also valid, but quite old, and we don't support it.
failwithf "Unsupported pack index version: %d" version
let internal _findObjInPack fname (objName: string) =
// initialize
let fname2 = changeExtn fname ".idx"
use inp = new FileStream( fname2, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read )
// read the header
let version = _readPackIndexHeader inp
// read the fanout table
let byte0 = Int32.Parse( objName.[0..1], Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier )
inp.Seek( int64( 4*byte0 ), SeekOrigin.Current ) |> ignore
let endIndex = readNboInt4 inp
let startIndex =
if byte0 = 0 then
inp.Seek( -8L, SeekOrigin.Current ) |> ignore
readNboInt4 inp
// NOTE: We now have two indexes into the table of object names:
// - startIndex = index of an object name <= the name we're looking for
// - endIndex = index of an object name > the name we're looking for
// do a binary search for the target object name
let fposNames = 4 + 4 + 4*256 // nb: offset to the start of the object names
let seekTo fpos =
inp.Seek( int64(fpos), SeekOrigin.Begin ) |> ignore
let rec doSlice startIndex endIndex =
// check if we're done
if startIndex > endIndex then
None // yup
// nope - slice the search range in two, and read the object name at the mid-point
let midIndex = ( startIndex + endIndex ) / 2
seekTo ( fposNames + 20 * midIndex )
let midObjName = readObjName inp
// check if we found the target object name
if midObjName = objName then
// yup - get the object's offset in the pack data
seekTo ( fposNames - 4 )
let nObjs = readNboInt4 inp // nb: this is the last value in the fanout table
seekTo ( fposNames + 20*nObjs + 4*nObjs + 4*midIndex )
Some ( readNboInt4 inp )
// nope - continue the binary search
if midObjName < objName then
doSlice (midIndex+1) endIndex
doSlice startIndex (midIndex-1)
doSlice startIndex endIndex
let readPackIndexObject (inp: Stream) objNo nObjs =
// initialize
let fposNames = 4 + 4 + 4*256
let fposCrcs = fposNames + 20 * nObjs
let fposOffsets = fposCrcs + 4 * nObjs
let seekTo baseOffset recSize objNo =
let fpos = int64( baseOffset + recSize * objNo )
inp.Seek( fpos, SeekOrigin.Begin ) |> ignore
// read the specified object
seekTo fposNames 20 objNo
let objName = readObjName inp
seekTo fposCrcs 4 objNo
let crc = readNboInt4 inp
seekTo fposOffsets 4 objNo
let offset = readNboInt4 inp
if offset &&& 0x80000000 <> 0 then
failwithf "Large offsets are not supported."
( objName, crc, offset )
let internal _readPackIndexFile fname onFanoutTable onObject =
// initialize
let fname2 = changeExtn fname ".idx"
use inp = new FileStream( fname2, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read )
// read the header
let version = _readPackIndexHeader inp
// read the fanout table
let getFanoutVals = Seq.initInfinite (fun n -> readNboInt4 inp)
let fanout = Seq.take 256 getFanoutVals |> Seq.toArray
onFanoutTable fanout
let nObjs = fanout.[255]
// dump the objects
for objNo = 0 to nObjs-1 do
let objName, crc, offset = readPackIndexObject inp objNo nObjs
onObject objNo nObjs objName crc offset
let internal _dumpPackIndexFile fname =
_readPackIndexFile fname ( fun fanout ->
// dump the fanout table header
AnsiConsole.MarkupLine( "{0}", makeHeader "FANOUT" "" )
printfn ""
let nObjs = fanout.[255]
let fieldWidth = Math.Max( String.Format( "{0}", nObjs ).Length, 2 )
let fmt = String.Format( "{{0,{0}}}", fieldWidth )
printf " "
for col = 0 to 15 do
let iVal = String.Format( "{0:x2}", col )
printf " %s" ( String.Format( fmt, iVal ) )
printfn ""
printf " "
for col = 0 to 15 do
let ruler = String( '-', fieldWidth )
printf " %s" ruler
printfn ""
// dump the fanout table
for row = 0 to 15 do
printf "%02x:" (16 * row)
for col = 0 to 15 do
let fanoutVal = String.Format( fmt, fanout.[16*row+col] )
printf " %s" fanoutVal
printfn ""
) ( fun objNo nObjs objName crc offset ->
let fieldWidth = String.Format( "{0}", nObjs ).Length
if objNo = 0 then
// output the header
printfn ""
let hdr = sprintf "OBJECTS (%d)" nObjs
AnsiConsole.MarkupLine( "{0}", makeHeader hdr "" )
printfn ""
let prefix = String( ' ', fieldWidth )
printfn "%s name crc offset" prefix
printfn "%s ---------------------------------------- -------- --------" prefix
// dump the next object
let fmt = sprintf "{0,%d}: {1} {2:x8} 0x{3:x}" fieldWidth
AnsiConsole.MarkupLine( fmt,
objNo, objNameStr objName, crc, offset