A deep dive into git internals.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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namespace tests
open System
open System.Text
open System.IO
open System.IO.Compression
open System.Diagnostics
open Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting
open Spectre.Console
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
type TempDir () =
// Create a temp directory, and clean it up afterwards.
// create the temp directory
member val dirName =
let dname = Path.Combine( Path.GetTempPath(), Guid.NewGuid().ToString() )
Assert.IsFalse( Directory.Exists( dname ) )
Directory.CreateDirectory( dname ) |> ignore
interface IDisposable with
member this.Dispose() =
// clean up
if Directory.Exists( this.dirName ) then
Directory.Delete( this.dirName, true )
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
type GitTestRepo ( zipFname ) =
// Manage a git repo used as input for a test.
// git doesn't handle nested repo's very well, so we can't check in the repo's we use for testing
// as they are. Instead, we store them as zip files, unpack them into a temp directory when we want
// to use them, then clean them up afterwards.
// set up the repo
let _tempDir = new TempDir()
member val repoDir =
let fname = Path.Combine( __SOURCE_DIRECTORY__, "fixtures", zipFname )
ZipFile.ExtractToDirectory( fname, _tempDir.dirName )
interface IDisposable with
member this.Dispose() =
// clean up
( _tempDir :> IDisposable ).Dispose()
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
type CaptureStdout () =
// Temporarily capture output sent to stdout.
// set up a buffer to capture stdout
let _writer = new StringWriter()
let _prevOut = System.Console.Out
let _prevAnsiConsole = AnsiConsole.Console.Profile.Out
System.Console.SetOut( _writer )
AnsiConsole.Console.Profile.Out <- new AnsiConsoleOutput( _writer )
interface IDisposable with
member this.Dispose() =
// clean up
System.Console.SetOut( _prevOut )
AnsiConsole.Console.Profile.Out <- _prevAnsiConsole
member this.checkOutput fname =
// compare the captured output with what's expected
let expected = File.ReadAllText( fname, Encoding.UTF8 )
let output = this.getOutput
if output <> expected then
let fname2 = Path.Combine( Path.GetTempPath(), "captured-output.txt" )
File.WriteAllText( fname2, output, Encoding.UTF8 )
sprintf "Captured output`mismatch: %s" ( Path.GetFileName( fname ) )
member this.getOutput =
// return the captured output
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
module Utils =
let runGit repoDir cmd args =
// run git and capture the output
let gitPath = "git" // nb: we assume this is on the PATH
let gitDir = Path.Combine( repoDir, ".git" )
let startInfo = ProcessStartInfo( FileName=gitPath, RedirectStandardOutput=true, UseShellExecute=false )
let addArg arg = startInfo.ArgumentList.Add( arg )
Seq.iter addArg [| "--git-dir"; gitDir; cmd |]
Seq.iter addArg args
let proc = Process.Start( startInfo )
let output = proc.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd()
Assert.AreEqual( 0, proc.ExitCode )
let runGitGc repoDir =
// run git garbage collection
runGit repoDir "gc" [] |> ignore