A deep dive into git internals.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

140 lines
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namespace git_guts
open System
open System.IO
open System.IO.Compression
open System.Reflection
open System.Text
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
module GitGuts =
let decompressStream (inp: Stream) nBytes =
// NOTE: .NET 6 has ZLibStream, but we're using .NET 5, so we use DeflateStream (but we have to skip
// the 2-byte zlib header).
let skip1 = inp.ReadByte()
let skip2 = inp.ReadByte()
if skip1 <> 0x78 || ( skip2 <> 0x9c && skip2 <> 0x01 ) then // nb: this declares zlib's compression setting
failwithf "Unexpected zlib header: %x %x" skip1 skip2
// decompress the specified number of bytes
let buf = Array.zeroCreate nBytes
if nBytes = 0 then
// FUDGE! In Python, we ask zlib to decompress bytes from the stream until it's done, but in .NET,
// we have to tell it how many bytes of uncompressed data we want, which doesn't seem to work when
// the byte count is 0 :-/ I'm not sure if skipping bytes like this is right, but it'll do for now...
readBytes inp 6 |> ignore
use zstream = new DeflateStream( inp, CompressionMode.Decompress, true )
let nBytesRead = zstream.Read( buf, 0, nBytes )
if nBytesRead <> nBytes then
failwithf "Unexpected number of decompressed bytes: %d/%d" nBytesRead nBytes
// NOTE: We want the file pointer for the underlying Stream to be left pointing to the first byte
// after the compressed data, but unfortunately, DeflateStream reads from the input stream in blocks:
// https://source.dot.net/#System.IO.Compression/System/IO/Compression/DeflateZLib/DeflateStream.cs
// Mark Adler was less than impressed (as am I :-/):
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46238944/read-a-deflate-stream-until-adler32-checksum#comment79475895_46238944
// If what you're saying is true, that it doesn't stop at the end of the deflate stream, then the .NET DeflateStream
// decompression implementation is brain dead and useless. Based on Microsoft's past history with these classes,
// I would completely believe that.
// We hack around this by checking how many bytes are still in the input buffer, and adjusting the file pointer
// backwards by that amount. Sigh...
let inflater = typeof<DeflateStream>.GetField( "_inflater", BindingFlags.NonPublic ||| BindingFlags.Instance ).GetValue( zstream )
let zlibStream = inflater.GetType().GetField( "_zlibStream", BindingFlags.NonPublic ||| BindingFlags.Instance ).GetValue( inflater )
let availInMethod = zlibStream.GetType().GetProperty( "AvailIn" ).GetMethod
let availIn: uint32 = unbox( availInMethod.Invoke( zlibStream, null ) )
// NOTE: Not sure why we need to adjust by 4 bytes, but it seems to work :-/
inp.Seek( -(int64 availIn) + 4L, SeekOrigin.Current ) |> ignore
let decompressEntireStream (inp: Stream) =
// skip the header
inp.ReadByte() |> ignore
inp.ReadByte() |> ignore
// decompress the rest of the input stream
use zstream = new DeflateStream( inp, CompressionMode.Decompress )
use buf = new MemoryStream()
zstream.CopyTo( buf )
let readUntil (inp: Stream) (endByte: byte) =
// read bytes until the specified end byte is seen
let rec readBytes () = seq {
let byt = inp.ReadByte()
if byt = -1 then
failwithf "Unexpected EOF."
if byte( byt ) <> endByte then
yield byte( byt )
yield! readBytes ()
readBytes () |> Seq.toArray
let readString inp (encoding: string) =
// read a NULL-terminated string
let str = readUntil inp 0uy
Encoding.GetEncoding( encoding ).GetString( str, 0, str.Length )
let readObjName (inp: Stream) =
// read an object name (20 raw bytes) and return it as a hex-string
let buf = readBytes inp 20
Convert.ToHexString( buf ).ToLower()
let _readNboInt (inp: Stream) nBytes =
// read a network-byte-order int
let getBytes = Seq.initInfinite ( fun n -> inp.ReadByte() )
let foldByte acc byt =
( acc <<< 8 ) ||| int( byt )
Seq.take nBytes getBytes |> Seq.fold foldByte 0
let readNboInt4 (inp: Stream) = _readNboInt inp 4
let readNboInt2 (inp: Stream) = _readNboInt inp 2
let readVliBe (inp: Stream) isOffsetEncoding =
// read a variable-length integer (big-endian)
let rec getBytes() = seq {
let byt = inp.ReadByte()
if byt = -1 then
failwithf "Unexpected EOF."
let isLastByte = ( byt &&& 0x80 = 0 )
yield byte( byt &&& 0x7f ), isLastByte
if not isLastByte then
yield! getBytes()
let foldByte acc (byt, isLastByte) =
let acc2 = ( acc <<< 7 ) ||| int( byt )
if isOffsetEncoding && not isLastByte then
// NOTE: When reading offsets for delta'fied objects, there is an additional twist :-/
// The sequences [ 0xxxxxxx ] and [ 10000000, 0xxxxxxx ] would normally be read as
// the same value (0xxxxxxx), so for each byte except the last one, we add 2^7,
// which has the effect of ensuring that all 1-byte sequences are less than all 2-byte
// sequences, which are less than all 3-byte sequences, etc. We add 1 here, but since
// we are going to loop back and left-shift acc by 7 bits, that is the same as adding 2^7.
// Look for "offset encoding" here:
// https://git-scm.com/docs/pack-format
acc2 + 1
getBytes() |> Seq.fold foldByte 0
let readVliLe (inp: Stream) =
// read a variable-length integer (little-endian)
let rec getShiftedBytes bshift = seq {
let byt = inp.ReadByte()
if byt = -1 then
failwith "Unexpected EOF."
yield (byt &&& 0x7f) <<< bshift
if byt &&& 0x80 <> 0 then
yield! getShiftedBytes (bshift+7)
let foldShiftedByte acc shiftedByte =
acc ||| shiftedByte
getShiftedBytes 0 |> Seq.fold foldShiftedByte 0
let findRepoPacks repoDir =
// find pack files in the git repo
let dname = Path.Combine( repoDir, ".git/objects/pack" )
Directory.GetFiles( dname, "*.pack" )