namespace git_guts open System.IO open System.Text open System.Collections.Generic // -------------------------------------------------------------------- [] module GitRepo = let rec _findRepoObjRec (repoDir: string) (objName: string) = // check if the object is loose let fname = Path.Join( repoDir, sprintf ".git/objects/%s/%s" objName.[0..1] objName.[2..] ) if File.Exists( fname ) then // yup - get it directly from there use inp = new FileStream( fname, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read ) let data = decompressEntireStream inp // extract the object type and size let pos = Seq.findIndex (fun byt -> byt = 0uy) data let header = Encoding.ASCII.GetString( data, 0, pos ) let words = header.Split( ' ' ) if words.Length <> 2 then failwithf "Unexpected loose object header: %s" header let objType = parseObjType words.[0] let objSize = int( words.[1] ) // get the object data let objData = data.[ pos+1 .. ] if objData.Length <> objSize then failwithf "Unexpected object data size: %d/%d" objData.Length objSize // return the object Some { objType=objType; objData=objData } else // nope - check all the packs in the repo let fnames = findRepoPacks repoDir try fnames |> (fun fname -> _readPackObjRec fname objName _findRepoObjRec) |> Seq.find (fun obj -> obj.IsSome) with | :? KeyNotFoundException -> None let findRepoObject repoDir objName = // find the specified object in the repo let objRec = _findRepoObjRec repoDir objName if objRec.IsNone then None else Some( makeGitObject objRec.Value ) let dumpRepoObject repoDir objName = // find and dump the specified repo object let obj = findRepoObject repoDir objName if obj.IsNone then failwith "Object not found." obj.Value.dumpObj() let dumpPackFile fname = // FUDGE! This is a wrapper function that passes in the recursively-called _findRepoObjRec function :-/ _dumpPackFile fname _findRepoObjRec let dumpPackObject fname objName = // FUDGE! This is a wrapper function that passes in the recursively-called _findRepoObjRec function :-/ _dumpPackObject fname objName _findRepoObjRec