A search engine for MMP's eASLRB.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

335 lines
14 KiB

import { gMainApp, gAppConfig, gEventBus } from "./MainApp.js" ;
import { gUserSettings, saveUserSettings } from "./UserSettings.js" ;
import { postURL, findTargets, getPrimaryTarget, linkifyAutoRuleids, fixupSearchHilites, hideFootnotes } from "./utils.js" ;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
gMainApp.component( "search-panel", {
template: "<search-box /> <search-results />",
} ) ;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
gMainApp.component( "search-box", {
data: function() { return {
queryString: "",
srCount: null, srCountInfo: null, showSrCount: false,
} ; },
template: `
<div class="content">
<div class="row">
<span class="label"> Sea<u>r</u>ch: </span>
<input type="text" id="query-string" @keyup=onKeyUp v-model.trim="queryString" ref="queryString" autofocus >
<button @click="$emit('search',this.queryString)" class="submit" ref="submit" />
<div class="row sr-filters" style="display:none;" ref="srFilters" >
<span class="label"> Show: </span>
<input type="checkbox" name="show-index-sr" @click=onClickSrFilter > <label for="show-index-sr"> Index </label>
<input type="checkbox" name="show-qa-sr" @click=onClickSrFilter > <label for="show-qa-sr"> Q+A </label>
<input type="checkbox" name="show-errata-sr" @click=onClickSrFilter > <label for="show-errata-sr"> Errata </label>
<input type="checkbox" name="show-asop-entry-sr" @click=onClickSrFilter > <label for="show-asop-entry-sr"> ASOP </label>
<div v-if=showSrCount :title=srCountInfo class="sr-count"> {{srCount}} </div>
created() {
gEventBus.on( "app-config-loaded", () => {
// initialize the search result filter checkboxes
let nVisible = 0 ;
let getSrType = this.getSrType ;
$( this.$el ).find( ".sr-filters input[type='checkbox']" ).each( function() {
// check if the next checkbox will have any effect (e.g. if no Q+A have been configured,
// then there's no point in showing the checkbox to filter Q+A search results)
let key = getSrType( $(this) ) ;
let caps_key = { "index": "content-sets", "asop-entry": "asop" }[ key ] || key ;
if ( gAppConfig.capabilities[ caps_key ] ) {
// yup - load the last-saved state
key = "HIDE_" + key.toUpperCase().replace("-","_") + "_SR" ;
$(this).prop( "checked", ! gUserSettings[key] ) ;
nVisible += 1 ;
} else {
// nope - just hide it
$(this).hide() ;
let name = $(this).attr( "name" ) ;
$(this).siblings( "label[for='" + name + "']" ).hide() ;
} ) ;
if ( nVisible <= 1 ) {
// there's only 1 checkbox - turn it on and leave everything hidden
$( this.$el ).find( "input[type='checkbox']" ).prop( "checked", true ) ;
$( this.$el ).find( ".content" ).css( { "margin-top": "6px", right: "15px" } ) ;
} else {
// there are multiple checkboxes - show them to the user
$( this.$refs.srFilters ).show() ;
} ) ;
gEventBus.on( "app-loaded", () => {
// check if we should start off with a query (for debugging porpoises)
gEventBus.emit( "search-for", gAppConfig.WEBAPP_INITIAL_QUERY_STRING ) ;
} ) ;
gEventBus.on( "tab-activated", (tabbedPages, tabId) => {
// set focus to the query string input box
if ( tabbedPages.tabbedPagesId == "nav" && tabId == "search" )
this.$refs.queryString.focus() ;
} ) ;
gEventBus.on( "search-done", (showSrCount) => {
// a search has been completed - update the search result count
this.showSrCount = showSrCount ;
if ( showSrCount )
this.updateSrCount() ;
} ) ;
gEventBus.on( "search-for", (queryString) => {
// search for the specified query string
this.queryString = queryString ;
this.$refs.submit.click() ;
} ) ;
mounted: function() {
// initialize
$( this.$refs.queryString ).addClass( "ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all" ) ;
$( this.$refs.submit ).button() ;
methods: {
onClickSrFilter( evt ) {
// a search result filter checkbox was clicked - update the user settings
let isChecked = evt.target.checked ;
let srType = this.getSrType( $( evt.target ) ) ;
let srTypes = {} ;
let getSrType = this.getSrType ;
// figure out what to do
if ( evt.ctrlKey && evt.shiftKey ) {
// Ctrl-Shift-Click = select/clear all checkboxes
$( this.$el ).find( ".sr-filters input[type='checkbox']" ).each( function() {
srTypes[ getSrType( $(this) ) ] = isChecked ;
} ) ;
} else if ( evt.ctrlKey ) {
// Ctrl-Click = only select this checkbox
$( this.$el ).find( ".sr-filters input[type='checkbox']" ).each( function() {
let srType2 = getSrType( $(this) ) ;
srTypes[ srType2 ] = (srType2 == srType) ;
} ) ;
} else {
// otheriwse, just toggle the checkbox that was clicked
srTypes[ getSrType( $( evt.target ) ) ] = isChecked ;
for ( srType in srTypes ) {
isChecked = srTypes[ srType ] ;
let $elem = $( this.$el ).find( ".sr-filters input[type='checkbox'][name='show-" + srType + "-sr']" )
$elem.prop( "checked", isChecked ) ;
gUserSettings[ "HIDE_" + srType.toUpperCase().replace("-","_") + "_SR" ] = ! isChecked ;
// hide/show the corresponding search results
$elem = $( "#search-results .sr[data-srtype='" + srType + "']" ) ;
$elem.css( "display", isChecked ? "block" : "none" ) ;
saveUserSettings() ;
this.updateSrCount() ;
updateSrCount() {
// show the number of hidden/visible search results
if ( ! this.showSrCount )
return ;
let nVisible=0, nTotal=0 ;
$( "#search-results .sr" ).each( function() {
nTotal += 1 ;
if ( $(this).css( "display" ) != "none" )
nVisible += 1 ;
} ) ;
let $srFilters = $( this.$refs.srFilters ) ;
if ( (nVisible == 0 && nTotal == 0) || $srFilters.css("display") == "none" ) {
this.srCount = null ;
this.srCountInfo = null ;
} else {
this.srCount = nVisible + "/" + nTotal ;
if ( nVisible == 0 && nTotal == 1 )
this.srCountInfo = "Not showing the 1 search result" ;
else if ( nVisible == 1 && nTotal == 1 )
this.srCountInfo = "Showing the 1 search result" ;
this.srCountInfo = "Showing " + nVisible + " of " + nTotal + " search results" ;
gEventBus.emit( "sr-filtered", nVisible, nTotal ) ;
onKeyUp( evt ) {
if ( evt.keyCode == 13 )
this.$refs.submit.click() ;
getSrType( $elem ) {
// get the search result type of a filter checkbox
let match = $elem.attr( "name" ).match( /^show-(.+)-sr$/ ) ;
return match[1] ;
} ) ;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
gMainApp.component( "search-results", {
data() { return {
searchResults: null,
errorMsg: null,
noResultsMsg: null,
} ; },
template: `<div>
<div v-if=errorMsg class="error"> Search error: <div class="pre"> {{errorMsg}} </div> </div>
<div v-else>
<div v-if=noResultsMsg class="no-results"> {{noResultsMsg}} </div>
<div v-for="sr in searchResults" :key=sr >
<index-sr v-if="sr.sr_type == 'index'" :sr=sr data-srtype="index"
:style="{ display: showSr(sr.sr_type) ? 'block' : 'none' }"
<qa-entry v-else-if="sr.sr_type == 'qa'" :qaEntry=sr data-srtype="qa"
:style="{ display: showSr(sr.sr_type) ? 'block' : 'none' }"
<annotation v-else-if="sr.sr_type == 'errata'" :anno=sr data-srtype="errata"
:style="{ display: showSr(sr.sr_type) ? 'block' : 'none' }"
<annotation v-else-if="sr.sr_type == 'user-anno'" :anno=sr class="sr rule-info" />
<asop-entry-sr v-else-if="sr.sr_type == 'asop-entry'" :sr=sr data-srtype="asop-entry"
:style="{ display: showSr(sr.sr_type) ? 'block' : 'none' }"
<div v-else> ???:{{sr.sr_type}} </div>
mounted() {
// handle requests to do a search
gEventBus.on( "search", this.onSearch ) ;
// update after search result filtering has been changed
gEventBus.on( "sr-filtered", (nVisible, nTotal) => {
if ( nTotal == 0 )
this.noResultsMsg = "Nothing was found." ;
else if ( nVisible == 0 )
this.noResultsMsg = "All search results have been filtered." ;
this.noResultsMsg = null ;
} ) ;
updated() {
// make the ruleid's clickable
linkifyAutoRuleids( $( this.$el ) ) ;
methods: {
onSearch( queryString ) {
// initialize
this.errorMsg = null ;
this.noResultsMsg = null ;
hideFootnotes() ;
function onSearchDone( showSrCount ) {
Vue.nextTick( () => { gEventBus.emit( "search-done", showSrCount ) ; } ) ;
// check if the query string is just a ruleid
let targets = findTargets( queryString, null ) ;
if ( targets && targets.length > 0 ) {
// yup - just show it directly (first one, if multiple)
this.searchResults = null ;
gEventBus.emit( "show-target", targets[0].cdoc_id, targets[0].ruleid ) ;
onSearchDone( false ) ;
return ;
// submit the search request
const onError = (errorMsg) => {
this.errorMsg = errorMsg ;
onSearchDone( true ) ;
} ;
postURL( gSearchUrl, //eslint-disable-line no-undef
{ queryString: queryString }
).then( (resp) => {
// check if there was an error
if ( resp.error !== undefined ) {
onError( resp.error || "Unknown error." ) ;
return ;
// adjust highlighted text
resp.forEach( this.hiliteSearchResult ) ;
// load the search results into the UI
this.$el.scrollTop = 0;
this.searchResults = resp ;
// auto-show the primary target for the first search result
if ( resp.length > 0 && resp[0].sr_type == "index" ) {
let target = getPrimaryTarget( resp[0] ) ;
if ( target )
gEventBus.emit( "show-target", target.cdoc_id, target.ruleid ) ;
// flag that the search was completed
onSearchDone( true ) ;
} ).catch( (errorMsg) => {
onError( errorMsg ) ;
} ) ;
hiliteSearchResult( sr ) {
// wrap highlighted search terms with HTML span's
if ( sr.sr_type == "index" ) {
[ "title", "subtitle", "content" ].forEach( function( key ) {
if ( sr[key] !== undefined )
sr[key] = fixupSearchHilites( sr[key] ) ;
} ) ;
} else if ( sr.sr_type == "qa" ) {
if ( ! sr.content )
return ;
sr.content.forEach( (content) => {
if ( content.question )
content.question = fixupSearchHilites( content.question ) ;
if ( content.answers ) {
content.answers.forEach( (answer) => {
answer[0] = fixupSearchHilites( answer[0] ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} else if ( sr.sr_type == "errata" || sr.sr_type == "user-anno" ) {
sr.content = fixupSearchHilites( sr.content ) ;
} else if ( sr.sr_type == "asop-entry" ) {
sr.content = fixupSearchHilites( sr.content ) ;
} else {
console.log( "INTERNAL ERROR: Unknown search result type:", sr.sr_type ) ;
showSr( srType ) {
// figure out if a search result should start off hidden or visible
let name = "show-" + srType + "-sr" ;
let $elem = $( "#search-box input[type='checkbox'][name='" + name + "']" ) ;
let state = $elem.prop( "checked" ) ;
return state ;
} ) ;