A search engine for MMP's eASLRB.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

195 lines
7.9 KiB

import { gMainApp, gASOPChapterIndex, gASOPSectionIndex, gEventBus } from "./MainApp.js" ;
import { getURL, getASOPChapterIdFromSectionId, linkifyAutoRuleids, wrapMatches, isChildOf } from "./utils.js" ;
let gSectionContentOverrides = {} ;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
gMainApp.component( "asop", {
data() { return {
isActive: false,
title: null,
preamble: null,
sections: [], isSingleSection: false,
chapterId: null,
} ; },
template: `
<div v-if=isActive id="asop-overlay" />
<div v-if=isActive :data-chapterid=chapterId id="asop" class="asop" >
<div class="title">
<span v-html=title />
<collapser collapserId="asop-preamble" ref="collapser" />
<collapsible collapsedHeight=5 ref="collapsible">
<div v-html=preamble class="preamble" />
<div v-if="sections.length > 0" class="sections" :class="{single: isSingleSection}" ref="sections" >
<div v-for="s in sections" :key=s class="section" v-html=s />
created() {
// handle the ASOP being entered/exited
gEventBus.on( "tab-activated", (tabbedPages, tabId) => {
if ( ! isChildOf( tabbedPages.$el, $("#nav")[0], false ) )
return ;
this.isActive = (tabId == "asop") ;
} ) ;
gEventBus.on( "show-target", (cdocId, ruleid) => { //eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
this.isActive = false ;
} ) ;
// handle events in the nav pane
gEventBus.on( "asop-chapter-expanded", this.showASOPChapter ) ;
gEventBus.on( "show-asop-section", this.showASOPSection ) ;
gEventBus.on( "show-asop-entry-sr", this.showASOPSectionSearchResult ) ;
// remove search highlights when a new search is done
gEventBus.on( "search", () => {
gSectionContentOverrides = {} ;
} ) ;
mounted() {
// set up the collapser
if ( this.$refs.collapser )
this.$refs.collapser.initCollapser( this.$refs.collapsible, null ) ;
// start off with the intro
this.showIntro() ;
updated() {
// make the ruleid's clickable
linkifyAutoRuleids( $( this.$el ) ) ;
// update the preamble collapser/collapsible
if ( this.$refs.collapser )
this.$refs.collapser.initCollapser( this.$refs.collapsible, null ) ;
// scroll to the top of the sections each time
if ( this.$refs.sections )
this.$refs.sections.scrollTop = 0 ;
methods: {
showIntro() {
// show the ASOP intro
this.title = "Advanced Sequence Of Play" ;
this.preamble = null ;
this.sections = [] ;
this.isSingleSection = true ;
this.chapterId = "intro" ;
getURL( gGetASOPIntroUrl ).then( (resp) => { //eslint-disable-line no-undef
this.sections = [ this.fixupContent( resp ) ] ;
} ).catch( (errorMsg) => {
// NOTE: We show the error in the content, not as a notification balloon.
this.sections = [ "Couldn't get the ASOP intro." + " <div class='pre'>" + errorMsg + "</div>" ] ;
} ) ;
} ,
showASOPChapter( chapter, isClick ) {
if ( ! isClick )
return ;
// prepare to show the ASOP chapter (with all sections combined)
this.isActive = true ;
this.title = this.makeTitle( chapter, chapter.caption ) ;
this.preamble = this.fixupContent( chapter.preamble ) ;
this.sections = chapter.sections ? Array( chapter.sections.length ) : [] ;
this.isSingleSection = false ;
this.chapterId = chapter.chapter_id ;
if ( this.sections.length == 0 )
return ;
// show each section
let addSectionContent = (sectionNo, content) => {
this.sections[ sectionNo ] =
"<div class='caption'>" + chapter.sections[sectionNo].caption + "</div>"
+ this.fixupContent( content ) ;
} ;
chapter.sections.forEach( (section, sectionNo) => {
// check if there is an override for the next section
let sectionId = chapter.chapter_id + "-" + (1+sectionNo) ;
let contentOverride = gSectionContentOverrides[ sectionId ] ;
if ( contentOverride ) {
// yup - just use that
addSectionContent( sectionNo, contentOverride ) ;
} else {
// nope - download the section from the backend
let url = gGetASOPSectionUrl.replace( "SECTION_ID", sectionId ) ; //eslint-disable-line no-undef
getURL( url ).then( (resp) => {
addSectionContent( sectionNo, resp ) ;
} ).catch( (errorMsg) => {
// NOTE: We show the error in the content, not as a notification balloon.
this.sections[ sectionNo ] =
"Couldn't get ASOP section <tt>" + sectionId + "</tt>."
+ " <div class='pre'>" + errorMsg + "</div>" ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
showASOPSection( chapter, section ) {
this.doShowASOPSection( chapter, section, "" ) ;
// show the specified ASOP section
let sectionId = section.section_id ;
let url = gGetASOPSectionUrl.replace( "SECTION_ID", sectionId ) ; //eslint-disable-line no-undef
getURL( url ).then( (resp) => {
this.doShowASOPSection( chapter, section, resp ) ;
} ).catch( (errorMsg) => {
// NOTE: We show the error in the content, not as a notification balloon.
this.sections = [
"Couldn't get ASOP section <tt>"+sectionId+"</tt>." + " <div class='pre'>" + errorMsg + "</div>"
] ;
} ) ;
showASOPSectionSearchResult( sectionId, content ) {
// show the specified ASOP section
let chapterId = getASOPChapterIdFromSectionId( sectionId ) ;
let chapter = gASOPChapterIndex[ chapterId ] ;
if ( ! chapter ) {
console.log( "INTERNAL ERROR: Can't find parent chapter for section ID: " + sectionId ) ;
return ;
let section = gASOPSectionIndex[ sectionId ] ;
if ( ! section ) {
console.log( "INTERNAL ERROR: Can't find section ID: " + sectionId ) ;
return ;
gSectionContentOverrides[ sectionId ] = content ;
this.doShowASOPSection( chapter, section, content ) ;
doShowASOPSection( chapter, section, content ) {
// show the specified ASOP section
this.isActive = true ;
this.title = this.makeTitle( chapter, section.caption ) ;
this.preamble = this.fixupContent( chapter.preamble ) ;
let contentOverride = gSectionContentOverrides[ section.section_id ] ;
this.sections = [ this.fixupContent( contentOverride || content ) ] ;
this.isSingleSection = true ;
this.chapterId = chapter.chapter_id ;
makeTitle( chapter, caption ) {
// generate a chapter title
if ( chapter.sniper_phase )
caption += "<sup><span title='Sniper Attacks/Checks are possible during this phase.'>&dagger;</span></sup>" ;
return caption ;
fixupContent( content ) {
return wrapMatches(
new RegExp( /\[EXC: .*?\]/g ),
"<span class='exc'>", "</span>"
) ;
} ) ;