A search engine for MMP's eASLRB.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

127 lines
4.7 KiB

""" Test preparing the data files. """
import os
import json
import zipfile
import io
import base64
import pytest
from asl_rulebook2.tests.utils import for_each_easlrb_version
from asl_rulebook2.webapp.tests import pytest_options
from asl_rulebook2.webapp.tests.utils import init_webapp, \
find_child, find_children, wait_for, wait_for_elem
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@pytest.mark.skipif( not pytest_options.enable_prepare, reason="Prepare tests are not enabled." )
def test_prepare_logging( webapp, webdriver ):
"""Test logging during the prepare process."""
# initialize
# NOTE: We load the webapp without setting a data directory first.
init_webapp( webapp, webdriver,
test=1, npasses=50, warnings="25,27,42", errors="39,43", delay=0
# generate some progress messages, check the results
find_child( "#upload-panel button" ).click()
def check_progress():
progress = _unload_progress()
return progress == [
[ "Status #1", [] ],
[ "Status #2", [] ],
[ "Status #3", [
[ "warning.png", "Progress 25: warning" ],
[ "warning.png", "Progress 27: warning" ],
] ],
[ "Status #4", [
[ "error.png", "Progress 39: error" ]
] ],
[ "Status #5", [
[ "warning.png", "Progress 42: warning" ],
[ "error.png", "Progress 43: error" ],
] ],
[ "All done.", [] ]
wait_for( 2, check_progress )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@pytest.mark.skipif( not pytest_options.enable_prepare, reason="Prepare tests are not enabled." )
@pytest.mark.skipif( not pytest_options.easlrb_path, reason="eASLRB not available." )
def test_full_prepare( webapp, webdriver ):
"""Test the full prepare process."""
def do_test( dname ):
# initialize
# NOTE: We load the webapp without setting a data directory first.
init_webapp( webapp, webdriver )
# load the PDF file data into the web page (since we can't manipulate the "Open File" dialog)
fname = os.path.join( dname, "eASLRB.pdf" )
with open( fname, "rb" ) as fp:
zip_data = fp.read()
testing_zip_data = find_child( "#testing-zip-data", webdriver )
webdriver.execute_script( "arguments[0].value = arguments[1]", testing_zip_data,
base64.b64encode( zip_data ).decode( "ascii" )
# start the prepare process, and wait for it to finish
# NOTE: It will have auto-started because we passed in a filename to the webapp.
find_child( "button#upload-proxy" ).click()
wait_for_elem( 30*60, "#download-panel" )
# get the results
find_child( "button#download" ).click()
zip_data = wait_for( 20, lambda: testing_zip_data.get_attribute( "value" ) )
zip_data = base64.b64decode( zip_data )
# check the results
with zipfile.ZipFile( io.BytesIO( zip_data ) ) as zip_file:
assert set( zip_file.namelist() ) == set( [
"ASL Rulebook.pdf", "ASL Rulebook.index",
"ASL Rulebook.targets", "ASL Rulebook.chapters", "ASL Rulebook.footnotes", "ASL Rulebook.vo-notes"
] )
assert zip_file.getinfo( "ASL Rulebook.pdf" ).file_size > 40*1000
for ftype in [ "index", "targets", "chapters", "footnotes" ]:
fname = os.path.join( dname, ftype+".json" )
with open( fname, "r", encoding="utf-8" ) as fp:
expected = json.load( fp )
fdata = zip_file.read( "ASL Rulebook.{}".format( ftype ) )
assert json.loads( fdata ) == expected
# run the test
for_each_easlrb_version( do_test )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def _unload_progress():
"""Unload the progress messages."""
def unload_status_block( root ):
"""Unload a status block and its progress messages."""
caption = find_child( ".caption", root ).text
msgs = [
unload_msg( row )
for row in find_children( "tr", root )
if row.is_displayed()
return [ caption, msgs ]
def unload_msg( row ):
"""Unload a single progress message."""
cells = find_children( "td", row )
assert len(cells) == 2
img = find_child( "img", cells[0] )
url = img.get_attribute( "src" )
return [ os.path.basename(url), cells[1].text ]
# unload each status block
progress_panel = find_child( "#progress-panel" )
return [
unload_status_block( elem )
for elem in find_children( ".status", progress_panel )