A search engine for MMP's eASLRB.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

103 lines
3.0 KiB

import { gMainApp, gEventBus } from "./MainApp.js" ;
import { fixupSearchHilites } from "./utils.js" ;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
gMainApp.component( "search-panel", {
template: "<search-box /> <search-results />",
} ) ;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
gMainApp.component( "search-box", {
data: function() { return {
queryString: "",
} ; },
template: `
<input type="text" id="query-string" @keyup=onKeyUp v-model.trim="queryString" ref="queryString" autofocus >
<button @click="$emit('search',this.queryString)" ref=submit> Go </button>
mounted: function() {
// initialize
$( this.$refs.queryString ).addClass( "ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all" ) ;
$( this.$refs.submit ).button() ;
methods: {
onKeyUp( evt ) {
if ( evt.keyCode == 13 )
this.$refs["submit"].click() ;
} ) ;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
gMainApp.component( "search-results", {
data() { return {
searchResults: null,
errorMsg: null,
} ; },
template: `<div>
<div v-if=errorMsg class="error"> Search error: <div class="pre"> {{errorMsg}} </div> </div>
<div v-else-if="searchResults != null && searchResults.length == 0" class="no-results"> Nothing was found. </div>
<div v-else v-for="sr in searchResults" :key=sr.key >
<index-sr v-if="sr.sr_type == 'index'" :sr=sr />
<div v-else> ??? </div>
mounted() {
gEventBus.on( "search", this.onSearch ) ;
methods: {
onSearch( queryString ) {
// submit the search request
const onError = (errorMsg) => {
this.errorMsg = errorMsg ;
Vue.nextTick( () => {
gEventBus.emit( "search-done" ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
this.errorMsg = null ;
$.ajax( { url: gSearchUrl, type: "POST", //eslint-disable-line no-undef
data: { queryString: queryString },
dataType: "json",
} ).done( (resp) => {
// check if there was an error
if ( resp.error ) {
onError( resp.error ) ;
return ;
// adjust highlighted text
resp.forEach( (sr) => {
[ "title", "subtitle", "content" ].forEach( function( key ) {
if ( sr[key] )
sr[key] = fixupSearchHilites( sr[key] ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
// load the search results into the UI
this.$el.scrollTop = 0;
this.searchResults = resp ;
Vue.nextTick( () => {
gEventBus.emit( "search-done" ) ;
} ) ;
} ).fail( (xhr, status, errorMsg) => {
onError( errorMsg ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;