A search engine for MMP's eASLRB.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

65 lines
2.1 KiB

import { gTargetIndex, gUrlParams } from "./MainApp.js" ;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
export function findTargets( target, csetId )
// check if the target is known to us
let targets = gTargetIndex[ target.toLowerCase() ] ;
if ( targets && csetId )
targets = targets.filter( (m) => m.cset_id == csetId ) ;
return targets ;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
const BEGIN_HIGHLIGHT = "!@:" ;
const END_HIGHLIGHT = ":@!" ;
new RegExp( BEGIN_HIGHLIGHT, "g" ),
new RegExp( END_HIGHLIGHT, "g" ),
] ;
export function hasHilite( val ) {
// check if the value has a highlighted term
if ( val === undefined )
return false ;
return val.indexOf( BEGIN_HIGHLIGHT ) !== -1 || val.indexOf( "<span class='hilite'>" ) !== -1 ;
export function fixupSearchHilites( val )
// NOTE: The search engine highlights search tems in the returned search content using special markers.
// We convert those markers to HTML span's here.
if ( val === null || val === undefined )
return val ;
return val.replace( _HILITE_REGEXES[0], "<span class='hilite'>" )
.replace( _HILITE_REGEXES[1], "</span>" ) ;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
export function showInfoMsg( msg ) { showNotificationMsg( "notice", msg ) ; }
export function showWarningMsg( msg ) { showNotificationMsg( "warning", msg ) ; }
export function showErrorMsg( msg ) { showNotificationMsg( "error", msg ) ; }
export function showNotificationMsg( msgType, msg )
if ( gUrlParams.get( "store-msgs" ) ) {
// store the message for the test suite
$( "#_last-" + msgType + "-msg_" ).val( msg ) ;
return ;
// show the notification message
$.growl( {
style: (msgType == "info") ? "notice" : msgType,
title: null,
message: msg,
location: "br",
duration: (msgType == "warning") ? 15*1000 : 5*1000,
fixed: (msgType == "error"),
} ) ;