A search engine for MMP's eASLRB.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

376 lines
14 KiB

// create the main application
export const gPrepareApp = Vue.createApp( { //eslint-disable-line no-undef
template: "<prepare-app />",
} ) ;
$(document).ready( () => {
gPrepareApp.mount( "#prepare-app" ) ;
} ) ;
// parse any URL parameters
let gUrlParams = new URLSearchParams( window.location.search.substring(1) ) ;
let gProgressPanel = null ;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
gPrepareApp.component( "prepare-app", {
data() { return {
isLoaded: false,
isProcessing: false,
downloadUrl: null,
fatalErrorMsg: gHaveGhostscript ? null : "Ghostscript is not available.", //eslint-disable-line no-undef
fatalErrorIconUrl: makeImageUrl( "error.png" ),
} ; },
template: `
<div id="main">
<div id="header">
No data directory has been configured.
<p> If you haven't used this program before, a few things need to be prepared first.
It will take around 10-15 minutes.
<p> If there are problems, you can try to prepare your data files manually,
as described <a href="/doc/prepare.md" target="_blank">here</a>.
<div v-show=fatalErrorMsg id="fatal-error" >
<img :src=fatalErrorIconUrl style="float:left;margin-right:5px;" />
<upload-panel v-show="!fatalErrorMsg &&!isProcessing" @file-selected=onFileSelected />
<progress-panel v-show=isProcessing @done=onDone @fatal=onFatalError ref=progressPanel />
<download-panel v-show=downloadUrl :downloadUrl=downloadUrl ref=downloadPanel />
<textarea id="testing-zip-data" style="display:none;" />
<div v-if=isLoaded id="_prepareapp-loaded_" />
mounted() {
// initialize the UI
$( "button" ).button() ;
this.isLoaded = true ;
methods: {
onFileSelected( file ) {
this.isProcessing = true ;
if ( ! file ) {
// this is a test of progress logging
this.uploadPdfData( null ) ;
return ;
if ( typeof file == "string" ) {
// this is PDF file data given to us by the test suite - just return it as is
this.uploadPdfData( file ) ;
return ;
this.$nextTick( () => {
gProgressPanel.addStatusBlock( "Uploading the PDF..." ) ;
// read the selected file
let fileReader = new FileReader() ;
fileReader.onload = () => {
let pdfData = fileReader.result ;
pdfData = removeBase64Prefix( pdfData ) ;
this.uploadPdfData( pdfData ) ;
} ;
fileReader.readAsDataURL( file ) ;
} ) ;
uploadPdfData( pdfData ) {
// upload the PDF file to the backend
let data = { pdfData: pdfData } ;
if ( gUrlParams.get( "test" ) ) {
[ "npasses", "status", "warnings", "errors", "delay" ].forEach( (arg) => {
let val = gUrlParams.get( arg ) ;
if ( val )
data[arg] = val ;
} ) ;
$.ajax( {
url: gPrepareDataFilesUrl, //eslint-disable-line no-undef
type: "POST",
data: JSON.stringify( data ),
contentType: "application/json",
} ).done( () => {
// tell the backend to start processing
gProgressPanel.socketIOClient.emit( "start" ) ;
} ).fail( (xhr, status, errorMsg) => {
this.fatalErrorMsg = "Couldn't start processing: " + errorMsg ;
} ) ;
onDone( downloadUrl ) {
// make the download available to the user
$( this.$refs.progressPanel.$el ).css( {
background: "#f0f0f0", color: "#444",
"border-color": "#aaa",
} ) ;
this.downloadUrl = downloadUrl ;
onFatalError( msg ) {
this.fatalErrorMsg = msg ;
} ) ;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
gPrepareApp.component( "upload-panel", {
data() { return {
isTestMode: gUrlParams.get( "test" ),
uploadIconUrl: makeImageUrl( "eASLRB.png" ),
} ; },
template: `
<div id="upload-panel">
<div v-if=isTestMode>
<button @click=startTest style="height:28px;" > Go </button>
Click on the button to start a test run.
<div v-else style="display:flex;">
<input type="file" @change=onFileSelected accept=".pdf" style="display:none;" ref="selectFile" >
<button @click=onUploadProxy id="upload-proxy" ref="uploadProxy"> <img :src=uploadIconUrl /> </button>
<div style="width:29em;">
Click on the button, and select your copy of MMP's eASLRB.
<div class="info"> You <u>must</u> use the <a href="https://www.wargamevault.com/product/344879/Electronic-Advanced-Squad-Leader-Rulebook" target="_blank">offical MMP eASLRB</a>. <br>
A scan of a printed rulebook <u>will not work</u>!
<p> You should use v1.07 of the eASLRB PDF (normal version, not the "inherited zoom" version). Other versions <i>may</i> work, but may have warnings and/or errors. </p>
methods: {
onUploadProxy() {
// check if the test suite has left us some PDF file data to use
let $elem = $( "#testing-zip-data" ) ;
if ( $elem.length > 0 && $elem.val().length > 0 ) {
// yup - just return that
this.$emit( "file-selected", $elem.val() ) ;
$elem.val( "" ) ;
return ;
$elem.remove() ; // nb: this tells download-panel we are not being run by the test suite
// NOTE: It's difficult to style a file <input> element, so we make it hidden, and present
// a <button> element to the user, that clicks on the real file <input> when it is clicked.
this.$refs.selectFile.click() ;
onFileSelected( evt ) {
// NOTE: We would normally read the file here, but it takes some time because of its size,
// so we return the file object to the parent, so it can close us and open the progress panel,
// showing the "Uploading PDF" message, *then* we read the file and upload it.
this.$emit( "file-selected", evt.target.files[0] ) ;
startTest() {
this.$emit( "file-selected", null ) ;
} ) ;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
gPrepareApp.component( "progress-panel", {
data() { return {
socketIOClient: null,
statusBlocks: [],
isDone: false,
} ; },
template: `
<div id="progress-panel">
<status-block v-for="sb in statusBlocks" :statusBlock=sb :key=sb />
<div v-if="!isDone" class="loading">
<img src="/static/images/loading.gif" />
<div style="margin-top:3px;">
While you're waiting, you can <br> check out the features <a href="/doc/features/index.html" target="_blank">here</a>.
created() {
// initialize
gProgressPanel = this ;
this.initSocketIOClient() ;
methods: {
initSocketIOClient() {
// initialize the socketio client
this.socketIOClient = io.connect() ; //eslint-disable-line no-undef
this.socketIOClient.on( "disconnect", () => {
if ( ! this.isDone )
this.$emit( "fatal", "The server has gone away. Please restart it, then reload this page." ) ;
} ) ;
this.socketIOClient.on( "status", (msg) => { this.addStatusBlock( msg ) ; } ) ;
this.socketIOClient.on( "progress", (msg) => { this.addProgressMsg( "info", msg ) ; } ) ;
this.socketIOClient.on( "warning", (msg) => { this.addProgressMsg( "warning", msg ) ; } ) ;
this.socketIOClient.on( "error", (msg) => { this.addProgressMsg( "error", msg ) ; } ) ;
this.socketIOClient.on( "done", (downloadUrl) => {
this.isDone = true ;
gProgressPanel.addStatusBlock( "All done." ) ;
this.socketIOClient.disconnect() ;
this.socketIOClient = null ;
this.$emit( "done", downloadUrl ) ;
} ) ;
addStatusBlock( statusMsg ) {
// de-activate the previous status block
if ( this.statusBlocks.length > 0 )
this.statusBlocks[ this.statusBlocks.length-1 ].isActive = false ;
// start a new status block
this.statusBlocks.push( {
status: statusMsg, progress: [],
isActive: true
} ) ;
addProgressMsg( msgType, msg ) {
// add a progress message to the current status block
if ( this.statusBlocks.length == 0 )
this.addStatusBlock( "" ) ;
this.statusBlocks[ this.statusBlocks.length-1 ].progress.push( [ msgType, msg ] ) ;
} ) ;
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
gPrepareApp.component( "status-block", {
props: [ "statusBlock" ],
template: `
<div class="status">
<div class="caption"> {{statusBlock.status}} </div>
<table v-if="statusBlock.progress.length > 0" >
<tr v-for="(p,pno) in statusBlock.progress" v-show="showProgress(p,pno)" >
<td> <img :src=makeIconUrl(p) :style=makeIconCss(p) class="icon" /> </td>
<td v-html=p[1] />
methods: {
showProgress( progress, progressNo ) {
// figure out if we should show a progress message or not
if ( progress[0] != "info" )
return true ; // nb: always show warnings/errors
if ( this.statusBlock.isActive && progressNo == this.statusBlock.progress.length-1 )
return true ; // nb: show the last progress message of the last status block
return false ;
makeIconUrl( progress ) {
if ( progress[0] == "info" )
return makeImageUrl( "bullet2.png" ) ;
return makeImageUrl( progress[0] + ".png" ) ;
makeIconCss( progress ) {
if ( progress[0] == "info" )
return "height: 8px ; padding-left: 4px ;" ;
} ) ;
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
gPrepareApp.component( "download-panel", {
props: [ "downloadUrl" ],
data() { return {
downloadIconUrl: makeImageUrl( "download.png" ),
} ; },
template: `
<div id="download-panel">
<div style="display:flex;margin-bottom:10px;">
<button @click=onDownload id="download"> <img :src=downloadIconUrl /> </button>
<div> Your data files are ready.
<p> Click on the button to download them, and unpack them into a directory somewhere. </p>
<div> Then restart the server with a <span class="pre">--data</span> parameter pointing to that directory e.g.
<code> ./run-server.py --data ... </code>
<code> ./run-container.sh --data ... </code>
<div class="info">
You can edit the generated data files directly, if you want to make changes.
<p> If you want to make changes permanent (so they happen if you redo this preparation process), check out the files in <span class="pre">$/asl_rulebook2/extract/data/</span>. </p>
methods: {
onDownload() {
if ( ! this.downloadUrl ) {
alert( "The download is not ready." ) ; // nb: should never get here!
return ;
// check if we are being run by the test suite
let $elem = $( "#testing-zip-data" ) ;
if ( $elem.length == 0 ) {
// nope - just return the download directly to the user
window.location.href = this.downloadUrl ;
return ;
// yup - download the ZIP file and make it available to the test suite
// FUDGE! Setting the response type in a jQuery Ajax request:
// $.ajax( { type: "GET", url: ...,
// xhrFields: { responseType: "arraybuffer" }
// } ) ;
// should work, but doesn't :-/ Instead, we do it by providing a custom XHR object
// to manage the download. Things are slow, but this only used by the test suite.
let xhrOverride = new XMLHttpRequest() ;
xhrOverride.responseType = "blob" ;
$.ajax( {
type: "GET", url: this.downloadUrl,
xhr: function() { return xhrOverride ; },
} ).done( () => {
// read the response
let fileReader = new FileReader() ;
fileReader.onload = function( evt ){
let zip_data = evt.target.result ;
// make the response available to the test suite
$( "#testing-zip-data" ).val( removeBase64Prefix( zip_data ) ) ;
fileReader.readAsDataURL( xhrOverride.response ) ;
} ).fail( (xhr, status, errorMsg) => {
alert( "Download failed: " + errorMsg ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function makeImageUrl( fname ) {
return gImagesBaseUrl + "/" + fname ; //eslint-disable-line no-undef
function removeBase64Prefix( val )
// remove the base64 prefix from the start of the string
// - data: MIME-TYPE ; base64 , ...
return val.replace( /^data:.*?;base64,/, "" ) ;