A search engine for MMP's eASLRB.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

198 lines
6.9 KiB

""" pytest support functions. """
import os
import threading
import urllib.request
from urllib.error import URLError
import json
import re
import logging
import tempfile
import pytest
from flask import url_for
from asl_rulebook2.webapp import app
from asl_rulebook2.webapp.tests.control_tests import ControlTests
from asl_rulebook2.webapp.tests.utils import wait_for
_pytest_options = None
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def pytest_addoption( parser ):
"""Configure pytest options."""
# NOTE: This file needs to be in the project root for this to work :-/
# add test options
"--webapp", action="store", dest="webapp_url", default=None,
help="Webapp server to test against."
"--webdriver", action="store", dest="webdriver", default="chrome",
help="Webdriver to use (Chrome/Firefox)."
"--headless", action="store_true", dest="headless", default=False,
help="Run the tests headless."
"--window-size", action="store", dest="window_size", default="1000x700",
help="Browser window size."
# add test options
"--easlrb", action="store", dest="easlrb_path", default=None,
help="Directory containing the MMP eASLRB PDF and extracted data file(s)."
# add test options
"--short-tests", action="store_true", dest="short_tests", default=False,
help="Skip running the longer tests."
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def pytest_configure( config ):
"""Called after command-line options have been parsed."""
global _pytest_options
_pytest_options = config.option
# notify the test suites about the pytest options
import asl_rulebook2.tests
asl_rulebook2.tests.pytest_options = _pytest_options
import asl_rulebook2.webapp.tests
asl_rulebook2.webapp.tests.pytest_options = _pytest_options
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
_webapp = None
@pytest.fixture( scope="function" )
def webapp():
"""Launch the webapp."""
# get the global webapp fixture
global _webapp
if _webapp is None:
_webapp = _make_webapp()
# reset the remote webapp server
# return the webapp to the caller
yield _webapp
# reset the remote webapp server
def _make_webapp():
"""Create the global webapp fixture."""
# initialize
webapp_url = _pytest_options.webapp_url
if webapp_url and not webapp_url.startswith( "http://" ):
webapp_url = "http://" + webapp_url
app.base_url = webapp_url if webapp_url else "http://localhost:{}".format( _FLASK_WEBAPP_PORT )
logging.disable( logging.CRITICAL )
# initialize
# WTF?! https://github.com/pallets/flask/issues/824
def make_webapp_url( endpoint, **kwargs ):
"""Generate a webapp URL."""
with app.test_request_context():
url = url_for( endpoint, _external=True, **kwargs )
url = url.replace( "http://localhost", app.base_url )
return url
app.url_for = make_webapp_url
# check if we need to start a local webapp server
if not webapp_url:
# yup - make it so
# FUDGE! If the dev environment is configured to fixup content in a background thread, that thread will start
# when we start the webapp server. When we configure things before running a test, and reload the webapp,
# that thread will still be running, loading the old data into the search index and in-memory structures :-/
# We work-around this by forcing an empty environment before starting the webapp server.
app.config.pop( "DATA_DIR", None )
app.config.pop( "WEBAPP_INITIAL_QUERY_STRING", None )
app.config.pop( "DISABLE_FIXUP_CONTENT", None )
# NOTE: We run the server thread as a daemon so that it won't prevent the tests from finishing
# when they're done. However, this makes it difficult to know when to shut the server down,
# and, in particular, clean up the gRPC service. We send an EndTests message at the end of each test,
# which gives the remote server a chance to clean up then. It's not perfect (e.g. if the tests fail
# or otherwise finish eearly before they get a chance to send the EndTests message), but we can
# live with it.
thread = threading.Thread(
target = lambda: app.run( host="", port=_FLASK_WEBAPP_PORT, use_reloader=False ),
daemon = True
# wait for the server to start up
def is_ready():
"""Try to connect to the webapp server."""
resp = urllib.request.urlopen( app.url_for( "ping" ) ).read()
assert resp == b"pong"
return True
except URLError:
return False
except Exception as ex: #pylint: disable=broad-except
assert False, "Unexpected exception: {}".format( ex )
wait_for( 5, is_ready )
# set up control of the remote webapp server
resp = json.load(
urllib.request.urlopen( app.url_for( "get_control_tests" ) )
except urllib.error.HTTPError as ex:
if ex.code == 404:
raise RuntimeError( "Can't get the test control port - has remote test control been enabled?" ) from ex
port_no = resp.get( "port" )
if not port_no:
raise RuntimeError( "The webapp server is not running the test control service." )
mo = re.search( r"^http://(.+):\d+$", app.base_url )
addr = "{}:{}".format( mo.group(1), port_no )
app.control_tests = ControlTests( addr )
return app
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@pytest.fixture( scope="session" )
def webdriver():
"""Return a webdriver that can be used to control a browser."""
# initialize
driver = _pytest_options.webdriver
from selenium import webdriver as wd
if driver == "firefox":
options = wd.FirefoxOptions()
options.headless = _pytest_options.headless
driver = wd.Firefox(
options = options,
service_log_path = os.path.join( tempfile.gettempdir(), "geckodriver.log" )
elif driver == "chrome":
options = wd.ChromeOptions()
options.headless = _pytest_options.headless
options.add_argument( "--disable-gpu" )
driver = wd.Chrome( options=options )
raise RuntimeError( "Unknown webdriver: {}".format( driver ) )
# set the browser size
words = _pytest_options.window_size.split( "x" )
driver.set_window_size( int(words[0]), int(words[1]) )
# return the webdriver to the caller
yield driver