A search engine for MMP's eASLRB.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

106 lines
3.6 KiB

import { gMainApp, gAppConfig, gEventBus } from "./MainApp.js" ;
import { makeImageUrl } from "./utils.js" ;
let gCollapsibleStates = {} ; // nb: we only save the states for the current session
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
gMainApp.component( "collapser", {
props: [ "collapserId" ],
data() { return {
// NOTE: We have to track the collapsed/expanded state here, since there may not be
// an associated collapsible element (it's optional).
// NOTE: This is a tri-state variable (null = don't show)
isCollapsed: null,
// NOTE: We would normally like to have "target" as a property, but a component's $refs
// is only populated after it has been mounted, so you can't have one sub-component refer
// to another one (via its ref) in the template, so the link has to be made in the code,
// in the component's mounted() handler :-/
target: null,
} ; },
template: `<img v-if="isCollapsed != null" :src=getImageUrl() @click=onClick class="collapser" />`,
methods: {
initCollapser( collapsible, isCollapsed ) {
// initialize
this.collapsible = collapsible ; // nb: an associated collapsible is optional
if ( isCollapsed != null ) {
// nb: the caller has decided whether or not we should be visible
this.isCollapsed = isCollapsed ;
} else if ( collapsible ) {
// figure out whether or not we should show ourself (based on how much content there is)
let content = $( collapsible.$el ).text() ;
let threshold = gAppConfig.WEBAPP_COLLAPSIBLE_THRESHOLD || 100 ;
this.isCollapsed = (content.length >= threshold) ? false : null ;
// restore any previously-saved state
if ( this.isCollapsed != null ) {
if ( this.collapserId !== undefined && gCollapsibleStates[this.collapserId] !== undefined ) {
this.isCollapsed = gCollapsibleStates[ this.collapserId ] ;
this.updateCollapsible() ;
onClick() {
// toggle our collapsed state
this.isCollapsed = ! this.isCollapsed ;
this.updateCollapsible() ;
if ( this.collapserId !== undefined ) {
// save the new state
gCollapsibleStates[ this.collapserId ] = this.isCollapsed ;
gEventBus.emit( "collapsible-toggled", this ) ;
getImageUrl() {
return makeImageUrl( "collapser-" + (this.isCollapsed ? "down" : "up") + ".png" ) ;
updateCollapsible() {
// force the associated collapsible to update itself
if ( this.collapsible )
this.collapsible.collapser = this ;
} ) ;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
gMainApp.component( "collapsible", {
props: [ "collapsedHeight" ],
data() { return {
collapser: null,
} ; },
template: `
<div :style="{height: isCollapsed() ? getCollapsedHeight()+'px' : null}"
:class="{collapsed: isCollapsed()}" class="collapsible"
<slot />
methods: {
getCollapsedHeight() {
if ( this.collapsedHeight !== undefined )
return this.collapsedHeight ;
return gAppConfig.WEBAPP_COLLAPSIBLE_HEIGHT || 50 ;
isCollapsed() {
return this.collapser != null && this.collapser.isCollapsed ;
} ) ;