A search engine for MMP's eASLRB.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

192 lines
8.4 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python3
""" Fixup issues in the MMP eASLRB. """
import os
import threading
import time
from pikepdf import Pdf, Page, OutlineItem, Encryption, make_page_destination
import click
from asl_rulebook2.utils import log_msg_stderr
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def fixup_mmp_pdf( fname, output_fname, fix_zoom, optimize_web, rotate, log=None, relinq=None ):
"""Fixup the MMP eASLRB PDF."""
# NOTE: v1.03 had problems with links within the PDF being of type /Fit rather than /XYZ,
# which meant that the document viewer kept changing the zoom when you clicked on them :-/
# This seems to have been fixed in v1.05 (even in the non-"inherit zoom" version), but
# we leave the code in-place, just in case, accessible via a switch.
def log_msg( msg_type, msg, *args, **kwargs ):
if not log:
if isinstance( msg, list ):
msg = "\n".join( msg )
msg = msg.format( *args, **kwargs )
log( msg_type, msg )
# NOTE: It would be nice to use the targets file to get the TOC entries and annotations
# to point to the exact point on the page, but figuring out the text associated with each
# annotiation is extremely messy (annotations are simply a rectangle on a page, so we need
# to figure out which elements lie within that rectangle, and since things are not always
# lined up nicely, this is an unreliable process).
with Pdf.open( fname ) as pdf:
log_msg( "start", "Loaded PDF: {}\n- PDF version = {}\n- #pages = {}".format(
fname, pdf.pdf_version, len(pdf.pages) )
log_msg( None, "" )
# fixup bookmarks in the TOC
if fix_zoom:
log_msg( "progress", "Fixing up the TOC..." )
def walk_toc( items, depth ):
for item_no,item in enumerate(items):
if item.destination[0].Type != "/Page" or item.destination[1] != "/Fit" \
or item.page_location is not None or item.page_location_kwargs != {}:
log_msg( "warning", "Unexpected TOC item: {}/{}".format( depth, item_no ) )
page = Page( item.destination[0] )
page_height = page.mediabox[3]
bullet = "#" if depth <= 1 else "-"
log_msg( "verbose", " {}{} {} => p{}",
depth*" ", bullet, item.title, 1+page.index
walk_toc( item.children, depth+1 )
new_item = OutlineItem( item.title, page.index, "XYZ", top=page_height )
new_item.children = item.children
new_item.is_closed = True
items[ item_no ] = new_item
with pdf.open_outline() as outline:
walk_toc( outline.root, 0 )
# NOTE: The TOC will be updated when we exit the context manager, and can take some time.
log_msg( "progress", "Installing the new TOC..." )
log_msg( None, "" )
# fixup up each page
log_msg( "progress", "Fixing up the content..." )
for page_no, raw_page in enumerate(pdf.pages):
log_msg( "verbose", "- page {}", 1+page_no )
if rotate:
# force pages to be landscape (so that we don't get an h-scrollbar in Firefox
# when we set the zoom to "fit width").
if raw_page.get("Rotate",0) == 0 and raw_page.MediaBox[2] > raw_page.MediaBox[3]:
raw_page.Rotate = 270
raw_page.Rotate = 0
if fix_zoom:
page = Page( raw_page )
page_height = page.mediabox[3]
for annot in raw_page.get( "/Annots", [] ):
dest = annot.get( "/Dest" )
if dest:
page_no = Page( dest[0] ).index
log_msg( "verbose", " - {} => p{}",
repr(annot.Rect), 1+page_no
annot.Dest = make_page_destination( pdf, page_no, "XYZ", top=page_height )
log_msg( None, "" )
# FUDGE! v2.01 of the MMP eASLRB PDF had a bodgy p104 (A62) that is a little wider than
# the rest of the pages (dumping the page dimensions using pikepdf didn't show anything unusual,
# but it was rendering differently in Firefox :-/), which was causing the h-scrollbar to appear.
# We hack the page width here to bring it in line with the others.
pdf.pages[ 104-1 ].MediaBox = [ 0, 0, 565, 792 ]
# save the updated PDF
log_msg( "progress", "Saving the fixed-up PDF..." )
# NOTE: Setting a blank password will encrypt the file, but doesn't require the user
# to enter a password when opening the file (but it will be marked as "SECURE" in the UI).
enc = Encryption( owner="", user="" )
# NOTE: We can't log progress messages if we're being run from the webapp, since log_msg()
# will try to relinquish the CPU, but it will be in the wrong thread. We could disable this,
# but it's more trouble than it's worth.
thread = SavePdfThread( pdf,
output_fname, enc, optimize_web,
log_msg = None if relinq else log_msg
pass_no = 0
while True:
if thread.done:
pass_no += 1
if relinq:
relinq( "Saving PDF: {}".format( pass_no ), delay=1 )
time.sleep( 1 )
if thread.exc:
raise thread.exc
# compare the file sizes
old_size = os.path.getsize( fname )
new_size = os.path.getsize( output_fname )
ratio = round( 100 * float(new_size) / float(old_size) ) - 100
if ratio == 0:
log_msg( "verbose", "The updated PDF file is about the same size as the original file." )
log_msg( "verbose", "The updated PDF file is about {}% {} than the original file.",
abs(ratio), "larger" if ratio > 0 else "smaller"
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
class SavePdfThread( threading.Thread ):
"""Save the PDF in a background thread."""
def __init__( self, pdf, fname, enc, optimize_web, log_msg ):
# initialize
super().__init__( daemon=True )
self.pdf = pdf
self.fname = fname
self.enc = enc
self.optimize_web = optimize_web
self._log_msg = log_msg
# initialize
self.done = False
self.exc = None
def run( self ):
"""Run the worker thread."""
self.pdf.save( self.fname,
encryption=self.enc, linearize=self.optimize_web,
except Exception as ex: #pylint: disable=broad-except
self.exc = ex
self.done = True
def _log_progress( self, pct ):
"""Log progress."""
if self._log_msg and pct > 0 and pct % 10 == 0:
self._log_msg( "verbose", "- Saved {}%.", pct )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@click.argument( "pdf_file", nargs=1, type=click.Path(exists=True,dir_okay=False) )
@click.option( "--output","-o", required=True, type=click.Path(dir_okay=False), help="Where to save the fixed-up PDF." )
@click.option( "--fix-zoom", is_flag=True, default=False, help="Fix zoom problems for links within the PDF." )
@click.option( "--optimize-web", is_flag=True, default=False, help="Optimize for use in a browser (larger file)." )
@click.option( "--rotate", is_flag=True, default=False, help="Rotate landscape pages." )
@click.option( "--progress","-p", is_flag=True, default=False, help="Log progress." )
@click.option( "--verbose","-v", is_flag=True, default=False, help="Verbose output." )
def main( pdf_file, output, fix_zoom, optimize_web, rotate, progress, verbose ):
"""Fixup the eASLRB."""
def log_msg( msg_type, msg ):
if msg_type in ("progress", "start", None) and not progress:
if msg_type == "verbose" and not verbose:
log_msg_stderr( msg_type, msg )
fixup_mmp_pdf( pdf_file, output, fix_zoom, optimize_web, rotate, log=log_msg )
if __name__ == "__main__":
main() #pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter