""" Main webapp handlers. """ import os import threading import concurrent import logging from flask import render_template, jsonify, abort from asl_rulebook2.webapp import app, globvars, shutdown_event from asl_rulebook2.webapp.utils import parse_int, get_gs_path # --------------------------------------------------------------------- @app.route( "/" ) def main(): """Return the main page.""" if app.config.get( "DATA_DIR" ): # return the main page from asl_rulebook2.webapp.asop import user_css_url return render_template( "index.html", ASOP_CSS_URL = user_css_url ) else: # NOTE: If a data directory has not been configured, this is probably the first time the user # has run the application, so we show the page that explains how to set things up. # NOTE: Check for Ghostscript before we start. args = {} if get_gs_path(): args["HAVE_GHOSTSCRIPT"] = 1 return render_template( "prepare.html", **args ) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- _control_tests_port_no = None @app.route( "/control-tests" ) def get_control_tests(): """Return information about the remote test control service.""" def get_port(): """Get the configured gRPC service port.""" # NOTE: The Docker container configures this setting via an environment variable. return app.config.get( "CONTROL_TESTS_PORT", os.environ.get("CONTROL_TESTS_PORT") ) # check if the test control service should be made available port_no = get_port() if not port_no: abort( 404 ) # check if we've already started the service if not _control_tests_port_no: # nope - make it so print( "*** WARNING: Remote test control enabled! ***" ) started_event = threading.Event() def run_service(): # start the gRPC service import grpc server = grpc.server( concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor( max_workers=1 ) ) from asl_rulebook2.webapp.tests.proto.generated.control_tests_pb2_grpc \ import add_ControlTestsServicer_to_server from asl_rulebook2.webapp.tests.control_tests_servicer \ import ControlTestsServicer #pylint: disable=cyclic-import servicer = ControlTestsServicer( app ) add_ControlTestsServicer_to_server( servicer, server ) port_no = parse_int( get_port(), -1 ) # nb: have to get this again?! if port_no <= 0: # NOTE: Requesting port 0 tells grpc to use any free port, which is usually OK, unless # we're running inside a Docker container, in which case it needs to be pre-defined, # so that the port can be mapped to an external port when the container is started. port_no = 0 port_no = server.add_insecure_port( "[::]:{}".format( port_no ) ) logging.getLogger( "control_tests" ).debug( "Started the gRPC test control service: port=%s", str(port_no) ) server.start() global _control_tests_port_no _control_tests_port_no = port_no # notify the caller that the service has started started_event.set() # wait for the application to end shutdown_event.wait() # stop the service server.stop( None ) server.wait_for_termination() # start the service in a background thread thread = threading.Thread( target=run_service, daemon=True ) thread.start() # NOTE: We wait for the service to start (since the caller will probably try to connect # to it as soon as we return a response). started_event.wait( timeout=10 ) # make sure the gRPC server gets cleaned up when we shutdown def cleanup(): #pylint: disable=missing-docstring thread.join() globvars.cleanup_handlers.append( cleanup ) # return the service info to the caller return jsonify( { "port": _control_tests_port_no } ) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- @app.route( "/ping" ) def ping(): """Let the caller know we're alive.""" return "pong"