import { getJSON, showErrorMsg, showNotificationMsg } from "./utils.js" ; // parse any URL parameters export let gUrlParams = new URLSearchParams( ) ; // create the main application export const gMainApp = Vue.createApp( { //eslint-disable-line no-undef template: "", } ) ; export const gEventBus = new TinyEmitter() ; //eslint-disable-line no-undef $(document).ready( () => { gMainApp.mount( "#main-app" ) ; } ) ; // FUDGE! Can't seem to get access to gMainApp member variables, so we make them available // to the rest of the program via global variables :-/ export let gAppConfig = null ; export let gContentDocs = null ; export let gTargetIndex = null ; export let gFootnoteIndex = null ; export let gChapterResources = null ; export let gASOPChapterIndex = null ; export let gASOPSectionIndex = null ; // -------------------------------------------------------------------- gMainApp.component( "main-app", { data() { return { contentDocs: [], asop: {}, isLoaded: false, } ; }, template: `
`, mounted() { // initialize the splitter Split( [ "#nav", "#content" ], { //eslint-disable-line no-undef direction: "horizontal", sizes: [ 25, 75 ], gutterSize: 2, } ) ; // initialze the webapp Promise.all( [ this.getAppConfig(), this.getContentDocs( this ), this.getFootnoteIndex(), this.getASOP(), ] ).then( () => { this.isLoaded = true ; gEventBus.emit( "app-loaded" ) ; this.showStartupMsgs() ; $( "#query-string" ).focus() ; // nb: because autofocus on the doesn't work :-/ } ).catch( () => { // NOTE: Each individual Promise should report their own errors i.e. what could we do here, // other than show a generic "startup failed" error? } ) ; // add a global keypress handler $(document).on( "keyup", (evt) => { if ( evt.keyCode == 27 ) this.onEscapePressed() ; } ) ; }, methods: { getAppConfig() { // get the app config return getJSON( gGetAppConfigUrl ).then( (resp) => { //eslint-disable-line no-undef gAppConfig = resp ; } ).catch( (errorMsg) => { showErrorMsg( "Couldn't get the app config.", errorMsg ) ; } ) ; }, getContentDocs( self ) { // get the content docs return getJSON( gGetContentDocsUrl ).then( (resp) => { //eslint-disable-line no-undef // install the content docs if ( gUrlParams.get( "add-empty-doc" ) ) resp["empty"] = { "cdoc_id": "empty", "title": "Empty document" } ; // nb: for testing porpoises self.contentDocs = resp ; self.installContentDocs( resp ) ; // start off showing the first content doc let cdocIds = Object.keys( resp ) ; if ( cdocIds.length > 0 ) { Vue.nextTick( () => { gEventBus.emit( "show-page", cdocIds[0], 1 ) ; // FIXME! which cdoc do we choose? } ) ; } } ).catch( (errorMsg) => { showErrorMsg( "Couldn't get the content docs.", errorMsg ) ; } ) ; }, getFootnoteIndex() { // get the footnotes return getJSON( gGetFootnotesUrl ).then( (resp) => { //eslint-disable-line no-undef gFootnoteIndex = resp ; } ).catch( (errorMsg) => { showErrorMsg( "Couldn't get the footnote index.", errorMsg ) ; } ) ; }, getASOP() { // get the ASOP return getJSON( gGetASOPUrl ).then( (resp) => { //eslint-disable-line no-undef this.asop = resp ; // build an index of the ASOP chapters and sections gASOPChapterIndex = {} ; gASOPSectionIndex = {} ; if ( resp.chapters ) { resp.chapters.forEach( (chapter) => { gASOPChapterIndex[ chapter.chapter_id ] = chapter ; if ( chapter.sections ) { chapter.sections.forEach( (section) => { gASOPSectionIndex[ section.section_id ] = section ; } ) ; } } ) ; } } ).catch( (errorMsg) => { showErrorMsg( "Couldn't get the ASOP.", errorMsg ) ; } ) ; }, installContentDocs( contentDocs ) { // install the content docs gContentDocs = contentDocs ; // build an index of all the targets gTargetIndex = {} ; Object.values( contentDocs ).forEach( (cdoc) => { if ( ! cdoc.targets ) return ; for ( let ruleid in cdoc.targets ) { let ruleidLC = ruleid.toLowerCase() ; if ( ! gTargetIndex[ ruleidLC ] ) gTargetIndex[ ruleidLC ] = [] ; gTargetIndex[ ruleidLC ].push( { cset_id: cdoc.parent_cset_id, cdoc_id: cdoc.cdoc_id, ruleid: ruleid } ) ; } } ) ; // build an index of the available chapters resources gChapterResources = { background: {}, icon: {} } ; Object.values( contentDocs ).forEach( (cdoc) => { if ( ! cdoc.chapters ) return ; cdoc.chapters.forEach( (chapter) => { if ( "background" in chapter ) gChapterResources.background[ chapter.chapter_id ] = chapter.background ; if ( "icon" in chapter ) gChapterResources.icon[ chapter.chapter_id ] = chapter.icon ; } ) ; } ) ; }, showStartupMsgs() { // show any startup messages return getJSON( gGetStartupMsgsUrl ).then( (resp) => { //eslint-disable-line no-undef [ "info", "warning", "error" ].forEach( (msgType) => { if ( ! resp[msgType] ) return ; resp[msgType].forEach( (msg) => { if ( Array.isArray( msg ) ) msg = msg[0] + "
" + msg[1] + "
" ; showNotificationMsg( msgType, msg ) ; } ) ; } ) ; } ).catch( (errorMsg) => { showErrorMsg( "Couldn't get the startup messages.", errorMsg ) ; } ) ; }, onEscapePressed() { // check if an image is currently zoomed if ( $(".jquery-image-zoom").length > 0 ) { // yup - no need to do anything (the image will un-zoom itself) return ; } // close any notification balloons let isFootnoteOpen = $( ".growl-footnote" ).length > 0 ; $( ".growl-close" ).each( function() { $(this).trigger( "click" ) ; } ) ; // check if a footnotes balloon is open if ( isFootnoteOpen ) { // yup - let it "consume" the Escape key return ; } // check if the rule info popup is open if ( this.$refs.navPane.closeRuleInfo() ) { // yup - let the Escape close it return ; } // if one of the non-search nav panes are open, switch to the search pane gEventBus.emit( "activate-tab", "#nav", "search" ) ; }, }, } ) ;