import { gMainApp, gUrlParams } from "./MainApp.js" ; import { makeImagesZoomable } from "./utils.js" ; // -------------------------------------------------------------------- gMainApp.component( "rule-info", { props: [ "ruleInfo" ], data() { return { closeRuleInfoImageUrl: gImagesBaseUrl + "cross.png", //eslint-disable-line no-undef ruleInfoTransitionName: gUrlParams.get("no-animations") ? "" : "ruleinfo-slide", } ; }, // FUDGE! We want the "close" button to stay in the top-right corner of the rule info popup as the user // scrolls around. If we put it in together with the content itself, with an absolute position, it scrolls // with the content, so we place it outside the content, with an absolute position, and a larger z-index. // It doesn't look so good when the v-scrollbar appears, but we can live with that. template: `
`, beforeUpdate() { // hide the close button until the "enter" transition has completed $( this.$refs.closeRuleInfoButton ).hide() ; }, methods: { onAfterEnterRuleInfoTransition() { // FUDGE! We have to wait until the rule info popup is open before we can check // if it has a v-scrollbar or not, and hence where we should put the close button. this.$nextTick( () => { let ruleInfo = this.$refs.ruleInfo ; let closeButton = this.$refs.closeRuleInfoButton ; if ( ruleInfo.clientHeight >= ruleInfo.scrollHeight ) $(closeButton).css( "right", "6px" ) ; else { // FUDGE! The v-scrollbar is visible, so we move the "close" button left a bit. // This adjustment won't update if the pane is resized, but we can live with that. $(closeButton).css( "right", "18px" ) ; } $(closeButton).fadeIn( 200 ) ; } ) ; }, }, } ) ; // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - gMainApp.component( "qa-entry", { props: [ "qaEntry" ], data() { return { questionImageUrl: gImagesBaseUrl + "question.png", //eslint-disable-line no-undef infoImageUrl: gImagesBaseUrl + "info.png", //eslint-disable-line no-undef answerImageUrl: gImagesBaseUrl + "answer.png", //eslint-disable-line no-undef } ; }, template: `
See other errata:
`, mounted() { // make any images that are part of the Q+A entry zoomable makeImagesZoomable( $(this.$el) ) ; }, methods: { makeQAImageUrl( fname ) { // return the URL to an image associated with a Q+A entry return gGetQAImageUrl.replace( "FNAME", fname ) ; //eslint-disable-line no-undef }, }, } ) ; // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - gMainApp.component( "annotation", { props: [ "anno" ], data() { return { annoType: this.anno.sr_type || this.anno.ri_type, } ; }, template: `
{{anno.ruleid || '(no rule ID)'}}
`, methods: { makeIconImageUrl() { if ( this.annoType ) return gImagesBaseUrl + this.annoType+".png" ; //eslint-disable-line no-undef else return null ; }, }, } ) ;