import { gMainApp, gEventBus } from "./MainApp.js" ; // -------------------------------------------------------------------- gMainApp.component( "accordian", { props: [ "accordianId" ], data() { return { panes: [], } ; }, template: `
`, mounted() { // expand the specified pane gEventBus.on( "expand-pane", (accordianId, paneKey, isClick) => { if ( this.accordianId != accordianId ) return ; // update the state for each child pane this.panes.forEach( (pane) => { let newIsExpanded = (paneKey != null && pane.paneKey == paneKey) ; if ( pane.isExpanded && ! newIsExpanded ) pane.$emit( "pane-collapsed", pane.paneKey, isClick ) ; else if ( ! pane.isExpanded && newIsExpanded ) pane.$emit( "pane-expanded", pane.paneKey, isClick ) ; pane.isExpanded = newIsExpanded ; } ) ; } ) ; }, } ) ; // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - gMainApp.component( "accordian-pane", { props: [ "paneKey", "title", "entries", "getEntryKey", "iconUrl", "backgroundUrl", "borderClass" ], data() { return { isExpanded: false, cssBackground: this.backgroundUrl ? "url(" + this.backgroundUrl + ")": null, } ; }, template: `
`, created() { // notify the parent this.$parent.panes.push( this ) ; }, methods: { onClickEntry( entry ) { // notify the parent that an entry was clicked this.$emit( "entry-clicked", this.paneKey, entry ) ; }, onToggleExpand() { // notify the parent gEventBus.emit( "expand-pane", this.$parent.accordianId, this.isExpanded ? null : this.paneKey, true ) ; }, }, } ) ;